Chapter 5: The First Test

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TW: Mention of needles & Trypanophobia (fear of needles)

After a long day of blowing up random secluded areas of land with Deidara, I can't help but feel quite exhausted. At least I've found someone else in the Akatsuki organization who I've become fond of besides Itachi. Deidara is a bit strange, and loud, but he's surprisingly fun to be around! If Itachi's personality is like the nighttime, his is like the daytime.

No wonder those two don't get along.

I round a corner to see Itachi standing there silently, peeking out from the shadows.

"Y/N," he says, startling me a bit, "It's time. Come with me."

I swallow hard, nerves swelling up in my stomach. It feels like a thousand butterflies are flitting around in there.

"Right," I respond, following Itachi into an isolated room. He closes the door behind us and then gestures for me to take a seat on the operating bed located near the center of the room. There are many needles and knives sitting on a table not too far away from the bed. I begin to freak out, my breathing becoming quick and heavy.

I've always been bad with needles since I was a child. But I should have contemplated before hand that the so-called tests would involve needles and fluids and other scary things found in a doctor's office. Even so, my breath is caught in my chest. Am I having an anxiety attack? Feeling lightheaded all of a sudden, I crouch down onto the floor and put both of my arms over my head, curling up into a ball. The only thing I can hear is my own breathing as I gasp for air, dry-heaving as my heartbeat inevitably quickens. But I'm yanked out of the panicked state as a pair of hands caress my forearms. I hear Itachi's voice ring through my ears.

"Y/N? Y/N! Are you alright! What's the matter?"

I remove my arms from around my head and look directly into Itachi's dark eyes.

He's bent down on the ground in front of me. And he's close, really close.

I feel instant relief wash over me at his gentle presence and can't help but instinctively embrace him, tears welling up in my eyes as I feel his hands gently place themselves upon my back, soothing me after the scary event.

"What happened?" He asks me, tenderly looking me in the eye.

He helps me to my feet as I attempt to stand, still a bit shaky.

"I'm really bad with needles," I tell him, "I forgot. I suppose I should have warned you about that, huh?"

He gives me a sad yet somewhat noticeable smile.

"But..." I continue, "I have no choice but to face my fear, I guess. After all, I promised that I'd let you run these tests on me. And a deal's a deal."

So, I clench my fists, trying to suck it up, and stride toward the hospital bed, climbing onto it even though I'm afraid. Just before a single tear drop can escape my eye, Itachi's hand grips mine tightly. His fingers are a bit calloused, but for the most part, they're soft and warm. For some reason, he's comforting to me.

"It's okay," he assures me, "I'll be right here the entire time. I'll even hold your hand through it, if it will help."

I glance at him and tilt my head slightly to the side, confused.

"How are you going to administer the injection and hold my hand at the same time?" I question, skeptical.

He thinks for a moment before smiling at me, an idea clearly having popped into his head. He's a little odd, but he also seems to be pretty smart.

Itachi holds up both hands and creates a strange-looking sign with them.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He shouts.

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