Chapter 23: Alone Together

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Itachi, Sasuke and I are standing in a circle, speaking amongst ourselves. I've just relayed to them the full extent of my plan.

"So," Sasuke begins, "You plan to use Rinne rebirth on my brother? To resurrect him fully?"
I nod once.

"The man beneath the orange mask is named Obito Uchiha," I inform them, "He possesses the Rinnegan and will be able to use Rinne rebirth on the soldiers. He'll decide to do so after a long fight. Speaking of which, Sasuke, you need to stay here for a while. Your old teammates from team Taka will show up and you all will figure out how to bring Orochimaru back. You have to use him to reanimate the four previous Hokage. Meanwhile, Itachi and I will find shelter in a different place until this has been done. If we change too many aspects of the future, things may not play out similarly to how they did last time. And in order for this plan to work, we need Obito to feel pressured to use Rinne rebirth to revive all who he has killed. But there's one more step——Madara Uchiha and Black Zetsu will interfere with him doing so. Therefore, Itachi, at this point, you and Sasuke will need to step in and seal Madara away in order to allow enough time for Obito to go through with his Rinne rebirth jutsu, understand? It will be difficult, but between the power of you two as well as Naruto Uzumaki and the other shinobi, I think it will be possible."

I take a deep breath after unveiling my full, complicated plan to the brothers.

"Okay," Itachi states.

Sasuke glances at me skeptically.

"Why should we trust anything you're saying? How do we know you aren't lying to us?"

I groan in frustration. Does he seriously still doubt me after all that's happened?

"You can trust her, Sasuke," Itachi states, "After all, I would trust her with my very life."

Itachi and I exchange tender smiles and Sasuke cringes.

"...Fine," he acquiesces, "I'll stay here, then, like you said."

Thankfully, he listens well to his older brother.

"Itachi," I say, "Come with me, we need to leave and allow Sasuke to reunite with his comrades. We have to go to a place where neither one of us can interfere with what goes on during the war. We can only interrupt when the time is right."

He nods a single time before turning to his younger brother.

"Stay safe, Sasuke," he murmurs, tapping two fingers to his forehead, "And never forget, I will love you always."

I can't help but grin at how sweet their interactions are. Sasuke squeezes his brother's shoulder once before Itachi takes my hand and sweeps me off of my feet, carrying me on his strong back. I'm getting deja-vu.

"Let's go," he says, "Give me directions. I'll carry you so we can get there faster."

I rest a loving hand on his chest. This truly feels like heaven, being cuddled up against his familiar body.

"Alright," I agree, "Head southeast, for now."


Itachi and I arrive in an abandoned house on the outskirts of a village. It's nighttime, and the moon is surrounded by a bright halo.

"This will work," I whisper to him as he sets me down gently, "Let's go inside."
Quietly, we tiptoe into the structure, making absolutely sure we haven't been followed by anyone.

"Looks like the coast is clear," I sigh, settling down after verifying this.

Exhausted, I collapse onto a nearby couch. It has been an extremely long day, after all.
Itachi sits beside me and carefully lifts me upward, setting me down onto his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face in the back of my neck, kissing it softly. And suddenly, in one fell swoop, the pain I've endured these past few months is whisked away, as though it had never been there in the first place. Everything I've done to fight my way back to him, all of the resilience I've had to summon——it has all been worth it for this exact moment.

The Wish That Brought Me You (Itachi Uchiha x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now