Chapter 13: Goodbye

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Itachi and I leave the hideout at first light, heading toward the place we met, back in the middle of the dense forest. I still don't know exactly how I'm supposed to activate my teleportation power, but the medical ninja from the other night assured me it would be very simple. 

The two of us walk in complete silence, just holding one another's hands, gripping tightly, trying to memorize the touchy feeling. But when we arrive, I'm surprised to see two other people already there——Deidara and Kisame. Both of them perk up at the sight of me, especially Deidara, who tries to avert my gaze.

I'll miss these two as well.

"Well, everybody," I speak up, attempting to hold back powerful tears, "I guess this is it. Thank you all so much. I've had the adventure of lifetime because of you. But now... I have to say goodbye."

I hug Kisame first, who awkwardly returns the affection by patting my back.

"It was nice knowing you," he says, "Good luck, Kid."

I smile up at him before making my way over to Deidara. There are tears in his sky-blue eyes. For some reason, I lose my composure as I notice his sadness. But then, he wraps both arms around me, gently rubbing my back.

"Stop crying," he complains, even though his voice is breaking as well, "You sound like so pathetic."

I back away from him, laughing at his sarcastic tone. I take his hands into my own and curl my lips upward.

"Deidara, keep creating art. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise——I think it's beautiful."

As a tear falls down his cheek, he lets go of me.

"Don't worry, Y/N, my girl," he says brashly, "I will never quit making art! My art is divine! My art is——"
"An explosion," I interrupt, completing the sentence for him, "I know."
He grins at me one last time.

I stride away from him, approaching the one I will undoubtedly miss the most. He has his head down, pointed toward the ground.

"Itachi..." I whisper, my heart breaking as I gaze at him.

I lift his chin with my fingers to reveal his tearful face. Teardrops flow out of his eyes to no end.

"It shouldn't have to be this way," he sobs.

I nod, afraid that if I speak, I'll break down completely. So, instead, I press my lips against his, pulling him toward me to kiss him once more. I do my best to store the feeling of this touch in my memory because when we pull away from one another, that will be it.

I want this moment to last forever—through eternity and beyond. But I feel us begin to separate, and then he presses his forehead to mine.

"I love you, Y/N," he manages to utter, "I'll never forget you. That's a promise."
I take a deep breath.

"And I love you, Itachi Uchiha," I breathe, hardly able to form the words.

As I back up and turn away from him, I feel the worst pain I've ever experienced hit me deep within my heart. It literally seems as if it's going to fracture into a thousand tiny pieces.

"It's time for me to go now," I announce in a shaky tone once I've gotten far enough away from the three of them, "I don't know exactly how this will work, but, once it does, I'll be back at home. So... this is really goodbye. Take care of yourselves, and be happy. That's all I want for you three."

And with those words, I close my eyes, trying to follow the instructions the medical ninja laid out for me last night. He told me to breathe deeply, and then create a picture vividly in my mind's eye of where I want to travel. Afterward, a portal will open and envelop me.

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