Chapter 7: Birthday

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Four weeks have now passed since I arrived in the world of "Naruto" or whatever it's called. 

A full month! Stuck here! 

Although, I will admit, it has been very fun——a good vacation from my normal life. Everyday is pretty much the same——I wake up, say "good morning" to Itachi and Kisame, meet up with my new best friend, Deidara, and then spend the better half of the day with him. Sometimes he creates art and I help him come up with newfound ways to make the explosions, sometimes we talk about all sorts of things as we fly above the ground on his clay bird, or sometimes he has a mission to go on so I just hangout at the hideout with Itachi and Kisame, attempting to suppress any feelings that blossom when I so much as glance Itachi's way. When those two have a mission, I'm forced to accompany them. But each outing only lasts about a day anyhow, so it's pretty bearable. Anyway, when I arrive back at the hideout for the night, Itachi runs his tests on me. Some require bloodwork while others monitor my brainwaves or heartbeat and other internal things like that. He always holds my hands whenever I'm forced to undergo an injection, but as soon as it's over, I rip myself away from him, trying to keep the physical touch between us to a minimum. Don't get me wrong——I think Itachi is wonderful! A bit too wonderful, as a matter of fact. I know that if I act upon my feelings toward him, I'll be in a world of hurt when I return home and can never be with him again. So, there's no point in creating extra distress for myself.


I awaken to the sound of birds chirping outside of my window. I perk up, sitting up in the bed Itachi had granted me to sleep on since I first arrived. I stretch my arms, groaning a little before I scoot myself out of bed and exit the room, still in my pajamas. I make my way into the bathroom, where I undergo my morning routine——shower, brush my teeth, do my hair, get dressed, etc. Then, I exit the little room to find Itachi sitting on the couch.

"Breakfast is on the table, if you're hungry," he says with a smile.

Ugh that smile! It gets me every single time! I need to get away from him as soon as possible.

"Sorry," I reject, "But I've got to go. You see, I drew a present for Deidara and I want to give it to him!"

I hold up the hand-made drawing in my hand. It's a cartoonish yet colorful picture of Deidara and I above the ground as his artsy clay bombs explode. I've always had a knack for drawing since I was young.

Itachi stands from the couch, looking a bit melancholy.

"Please," he begs, "Eat with me. I don't want to be alone today."

I furrow my brow, confused as to why he's being so gloomy.

"What's going on?" I ask, "Why is today so special?"

He sighs before staring deeply into my e/c eyes.

"It's my birthday," he informs me, "June ninth."

I feel guilt overcome my entire body.

Damn it. Now I have no choice but to spend time with him. It is his birthday, after all.

"Oh," I say giddily, trying to play it off, "I had no idea! Happy birthday, Itachi. You're nineteen now, right?"

He nods a couple of times.

"Yes," he replies, "It's a little strange, if you ask me. I feel as if I've become yet another year closer to death."

I narrow my eyes, a bit concerned for him.

That's one way of looking at it, I guess.

"O-okay," I concede, "I'll spend the day with you if that's what you really want. But at least let me tell Deidara that I can't hangout with him today. Otherwise, he'll be worried."

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