Chapter 14: Two Years Later

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I'm nineteen years old starting today. Tab and some of my new freshmen college friends have been insisting upon throwing me a party to celebrate, but I keep refusing them. I don't like parties, and I don't like most people either.

My heart has finally healed from the pain it suffered after I returned home from the other world. Every once in a while, I'll think of Itachi and the others, but then I quickly shut down those thoughts by distracting myself.

Although, it's hard not to remember our time together on my birthday——the day I received the Naruto manga from Tab, which led me to meet Itachi and my other friends in that world.

I sit on the balcony of my dorm, getting some fresh air. It's almost midnight, meaning my birthday will be over very soon. I can't wait for this day to end!

I hear the screen door open behind me, and out walks Tab. She takes a seat next to me, slinging her arm over my shoulder.

"Remember your seventeenth birthday?"

Great! This is just what I don't want to talk about!

I nod once.

"Well, did you ever read the manga I bought you?"
"No," I respond, "I couldn't bring myself to."

She sighs, clearly pitying me.

"Well, I think you should. It's been two years since you came back from that world, right?"

"Then," she continues, "I think you need to read it. Soon."

Her voice sounds somewhat urgent.

Why is she bringing this up all of a sudden?


Later that night, I can't sleep. My mind is too busy thinking about the worry that had been in Tab's voice when she advised me to read the manga. I still have it. I've tried so many times to throw it out, but I just can't.

There's a feeling in my gut telling me to open it up, telling me to read it.

So, I clench my teeth and slide out of bed. I fidget through a box of dusty books I've kept stowed away. At the very bottom sits the Naruto manga, all of the volumes included. I crack open the first book, mentally preparing myself to literally read my long lost love's story.

For the next week or so, I use all of my spare time to read Naruto. It really is an intriguing story. When I reach the part when Itachi is first introduced, I find myself smiling like a lovesick idiot. He looks just like the beautiful boy I remember. But then, as he re-appears during the arc to find the nine-tails jinchuriki, I find something quite shocking—I'm in the story, alongside him and Kisame. Eagerly, I flip through the rest of the pages. That's not the only time I appear in the manga! For some reason, there's an entire side story built around my relationship with Itachi and the other Akatsuki!

What in the world is going on?

Flustered beyond words, I pick up my phone and frantically call Tab.

When she picks up, I bombard her with questions.

"Have you seen this? I'm in the manga!"

"What?" She questions, sounding confused.

"There's a whole side plot written about me and Itachi's relationship in the manga! Just come over here! I'll show you!"

I twiddle my thumbs, anxiously waiting for my best friend to arrive. I practically sprint to the door as I hear her knock. When I let her in, she's out of breath.

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