Chapter 21: Last Chance

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Days turn into weeks, and weeks into months. Throughout it all, I study the Naruto manga, making sure I catch every possible loophole in the Reanimation and Rinne rebirth jutsu, studying deeply about them and everything they entail. And now, due to all of my hard work, I feel prepared for the battle that's to come. In addition to gaining knowledge about the war, I've trained physically alongside Deidara, increasing my skills when it comes to things like aiming and throwing Kunai and Shuriken. That way, if I accidentally come face to face with an enemy when traversing the harsh battlefield, I'll be able to hold them off long enough to reset time backward a few minutes and take another path. After all, my goal is not to fight anyone, but simply to reach Itachi and teach him the hand-signs needed to escape the reanimation jutsu.  Today, however, is the day I will put those new skills to use. After all, the war has just begun and shinobi from all five villages are already on their way to battle Kabuto's reanimated army and White Zetsu's clones. That means——Itachi is now back in this world, even if only as a reanimated soul. The thought causes a wave of determination and persistence to wash over me. I slip on a long-sleeved shirt, over which I layer a vest covered in metal armor to hopefully protect me if anyone decides to target me.

I stand from my rickety, worn-down bed, clenching my fists.

This is it. The moment of truth begins right now.

I retrieve all of my supplies, including three Kunai, seven Shuriken, and a large jug of water, which I chain to the belt around my hips. Taking no extra time, I leap out of the hideout, standing tall as the wind blows past my face. My hair is tied back, as it has grown longer and longer since I first got here——I haven't even given a second thought to trimming it. Nothing matters but the goal——I will rescue Itachi, no matter what.

"Come on, Deidara!" I shout, and he follows swiftly behind me——refraining from using his clay birds to move around because we'd be spotted too easily. 

From here on out, we have to stay absolutely silent.

The two of us sprint in the direction of the battlefield——I've already memorized the entire layout of all five great nations, and mapped out in my mind where every battle will be taking place——that way I will be able to pin down where Itachi is located.


The sun is high in the sky. The two of us ran into a few shinobi when we first began traversing the battlefield. And Deidara offered to stay behind and take of them before telling me to find Itachi and leave him behind. So, reluctantly, I did. I'm sure he's alright——he's strong. 

I suddenly perk up when I hear a set of footsteps heading in my direction, hopping from branch to branch on different trees.

They're fast!
Quickly, as to not be found out, I duck behind the wide trunk of a tree, my heart thumping in my chest as they get closer and closer to me. But then, one of them yells out.

"I need to talk to you!" He yells, "How dare you run away from me after everything, Itachi?!"

My eyes widen as I instantly recognize the words of the man who just spoke. It's Sasuke, who is chasing Itachi, searching for answers about their past. 

I feel myself become overwhelmed with emotions, and as the pair continue traversing across the trees, I can't help but peek around the trunk. It's only a glimpse of the back of his head and his long, black hair, but there's no mistaking it——Itachi is back in this world.

A small smile appears on my face. 

Perfect. I'll just follow far enough behind them so neither one notices me. This couldn't have gone any better.


For the past thirty minutes or so, I've been following Itachi and his younger brother, until reaching Kabuto's hideout. Now, I'm standing outside of the cave, eavesdropping as my chest rises up and down——I'm breathing so hard from running that fast. But it'll all be worth it. I can hear voices coming from within, and it sounds like they're fighting as well. It's strange knowing that Itachi is just beyond this entrance, next to his little brother, Sasuke, who is actually helping his older brother out for a change now that he knows the truth behind Itachi's intentions and all. At a moment's notice, all of the noise stops.

It's happened——Kabuto has been placed under Itachi's genjutsu.

I smile to myself, even though nerves are rattling my entire system. I slowly creep into the cave, going deeper into its darkness until I find myself near the entrance of the room where Itachi, Sasuke and Kabuto are located.

"Tell me the hand signs to release the reanimation jutsu," Itachi orders Kabuto, who has been placed completely under the control of his visual prowess.

Kabuto begins to follow Itachi's orders, but just before he can reveal the signs, I shout out loud, my voice echoing through the cavern many times over.

"Wait, Itachi! Don't do that yet!"
Itachi slowly turns around to face me, having already recognized my voice upon hearing it. Sasuke glances in my direction as well, and I ball my fists in order to contain the broiling anger that rises within me at the very sight of him.

I approach Itachi one step at a time, and flinch when Sasuke gets in a fighting stance, ready to take me down at a moment's notice.

"Don't, Sasuke!" Itachi exclaims.

Sasuke narrows his eyes and faces his brother.

"What? Why?! She might try to interfere!"

Itachi walks toward me, ignoring his brother, and stops when we're only a foot away from one another.

"Why are you here, Y/N?" He questions softly.

I restrain the tears clouding my vision as I gaze at his comforting face.

"I'm here to bring you back home," I explain, "I can save you, Itachi, I——"

Before I'm able to utter another word, he pulls me into a tight embrace. I grasp his warm back, returning the hug, and my composure breaks. Although, instead of tears of sadness, these come from unadulterated happiness. I bury my face into his neck, feeling relief wash over me at his familiar touch.

"I missed you so much," Itachi whispers.

The Wish That Brought Me You (Itachi Uchiha x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now