Chapter 19: A New Idea

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A/N: Heads up this is based a lot on the war re-animation plot that happens near the end of shippuden so yeah 

Deidara leads me into his one-room, underground hideout, which is fairly modest but will be fine to live in for a few days, at the least. He creates a bed for himself out of clay, insisting that I take the real one. As we both begin to wind down, I sit on the edge of my bed, looking at my feet.

I can feel intense sadness beginning to rise to the brim yet again. I suppose it's normal for me to be feeling this way. After all, I just lost the person I love most in the entire universe.

I think my good friend notices my melancholy temperament, because he sits across from me, on the edge of his bed, looking me in the eye.

"I miss him..." I whisper, and a teardrop escapes past my lash line, "I miss him so much."
I lean forward, sobbing into my hands. I feel Deidara's comforting hand pat me gently on the back. Even though he doesn't say anything, his soothing actions help me to settle back down.

"S-sorry," I say once I've regained a piece of my composure, "I'm being a total downer..."
"It's fine, hm," he responds, "It's probably better if you get everything off of your chest right now, you know, instead of bottling it up. So, go on, talk."

He pulls away from me, waiting intently to hear what I'm feeling inside.

"You're right," I say, "Well, then... where should I start? I've loved Itachi for the past three years. There hasn't been a day gone by when I haven't thought of him. And now, I have so much regret. I should have spent more time with him while he was here. Instead of insisting upon going home, I should have fought to stay here all along. I could've spent his last few years with him, rather than leaving him all on his own. So, in a way, I feel guilty. And... I spoke to him before the battle with Sasuke as well. He promised me that no matter what, he would always be watching over me. And as happy as I was to hear that, I was also very sad. I don't want him to watch over me! I want him to be with me! I don't need him to be my guardian angel, or some great martyr who died like a hero. I just want the sweet boy I fell in love with to be by my side. That's all I want. But destiny seems to have something else in store for me."

I trail off and face front to see Deidara looking at me as though he's pitying me.

"You don't need to feel bad for me," I state, "It's already enough that you're listening to me go on and on. Speaking of which——one more thing. It's about Sasuke. I hate him. I understand that he's a traumatized teenager who believes his brother was a horrible person and criminal. But, he couldn't be more wrong, which makes me feel like he killed Itachi for nothing."
I clench my fists, becoming increasingly infuriated at the very thought.

"He loved Sasuke," I utter through clenched teeth, "And in return, he was killed in cold blood. So, like I said before, I hate Sasuke.... I loathe him."
I glance at Deidara to see him looking a bit pale.

"Me too," he agrees, "That bitch can go to hell! I wish I had just been strong enough to kill him when I had the chance, hm! Damn it! If I had, Itachi would still be..."
I shake my head, not wanting to hear another word.

"Don't blame yourself," I insist, "None of this is your fault. In no way will I ever blame you for what happened to either one of those two... As a matter of fact, I should probably stop talking now. Thanks for hearing me out. A-and sorry for making you my unpaid therapist, in a way."

He rests a hand on my shoulder.

"I will make sure Itachi's death is avenged, for your sake."
These words comfort me and I feel my lips creep upward.

"Don't worry about all of that," I say gently, "The best we can do now is to keep him in our memories. And I will never forget him. Until the end of time, I will cherish the moments we spent together. He saved me from myself in ways I can't begin to describe."

Deidara sighs warily.

"Well," he mutters, "Almost everyone's dead now. Itachi, Kakuzu, Sasori... gone. Even that disgusting Orochimaru. Although, it serves him right——how dare he re-animate people and bring them back to life? Life is like art——it should be a fleeting moment of beauty! That damned snake!"

My eyes widen as Deidara mentions re-animation.

Wait a minute... wasn't there an entire plot in the manga about Kabuto re-animating Itachi during the fourth great ninja war?  

"I have an idea..." I gasp. 

My friend narrows his eyes at me suspiciously. 

"What if there's still a slight chance I can save him? Don't question how, but I know that in a few months, a war will take place here and a man called Kabuto will reanimate Itachi, as well as many other deceased shinobi, in order to use him for his own twisted purposes in battle. I already know where he will end up during that time since I read the manga. Itachi will break free from the control of Kabuto using his own Genjutsu——after all, he's the one who will eventually break the reanimation. But a guy named Madara Uchiha is going to use a hand sign to keep himself in this world, instead of returning to death after the jutsu is broken. So, if I can just teach Itachi the hand signs ahead of time, he should be able to remain reanimated and present in this world."

Deidara stares at me blankly, scoffing.

"This plan is ridiculous," he states, "Even if it works, which is a very big "if", you're going to make Itachi live as a reanimated person for the rest of his life?"

I shake my head, still not finished with my quickly thought-out plan. 

"No! Because if Madara and Black Zetsu hadn't interfered with Obito trying to perform the Rinne rebirth jutsu, which would bring all in contact with it back to life, everyone would who was in its vicinity would have been brought back! So, if I can only find a way to make sure they don't screw up Obito's intentions to use Rinne rebirth, I can bring the reanimated Itachi to the battlefield and make sure he gets caught up in the rebirth jutsu as well! That way, he will come alive again, instead of just being a reanimation!"

I take a deep breath, letting out a long, harsh exhale.

It'll be difficult and detailed, but I have an advantage here——I can try and retry this plan a million times over until it works, if I must. That's why my abilities will be crucial in undergoing this idea.

"Well, I'm out, hm!" Deidara exclaims, "I'm not risking my life to save the Uchiha!"

I frown deeply at him.

"Please!" I beg, "Help me out, will you?! You were the one going on and on about avenging his death! How is this any different?!"

I smirk as guilt spreads across his annoyed face.

"Fine..." he relents, "But only because you're the one asking."

I can't help but beam softly. 

This plan will work——I just know it! But... this is going to be my very last chance. I can't screw it up.

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