Chapter 22: My Love

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"I missed you so much," Itachi whispers.

Meanwhile, I notice Sasuke staring at the two of us with a puzzled expression on his face.

"What the hell?" He growls, "Who the hell is this girl? How do you know her, Itachi?"

Itachi reluctantly lets go of me to face Sasuke.

"She is My Lady," he says with a smile.

Even now, I feel myself blush deeply. There he goes again——talking in that same old-fashioned manner. Why does he have to be so formal all the time? Maybe because of his high intelligence?

"She's your girlfriend?" Sasuke clarifies, unable to believe his ears, "When did this happen..."

"Three years ago," I respond, "That's when we first met, anyway."
Sasuke's eyes widen, but I return my attention to Itachi.

"Listen to me," I begin, "There is a way for you to escape the recall of the reanimation jutsu, so you can stay in this world, Itachi."
I observe Sasuke perk up at the mention of this.

"There is a jutsu that will allow this to happen. I'll teach it to you and then——"

Itachi rests a firm hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N," he says softly, "You need to let me go... This is my fate. If I'm meant to die, I'm meant to die."
I could just slap him across the face right now!
"Shut up!" I snap, taking him aback, "You have no idea what I've gone through since that night——I've cried and pleaded for the pain to go away but none of that mattered! My heart is broken! I'd rather die than live without you! I can't do this anymore——I can't dream about you and then wake up in the morning only to remember that you're gone! I can't see you in the middle of every crowd and chase after you only to realize it was someone else! It's driving me insane, Itachi, can't you see that? I've tried to let you go so many times... But I keep holding on! So, tell me what I should do! How can I forget about you? It's not as simple as you say!"

Itachi calls my name, trying to interrupt me yet again, but I hold a hand up, signaling for him to remain silent.

"No!" I yell, "You listen to me, damn it! What would you do if you were the one in my situation? What if I was the one who died? Can you seriously tell me you wouldn't try everything in your power to bring me back? Can you actually say that you would be able to let me go?"

Itachi opens his mouth to respond to my questions but falls short.

"Answer me!" I demand.

He looks at the ground, too ashamed to maintain eye contact with me any longer.

"...I would go to the ends of the earth to bring you back," he admits, "Because I love you."

I nod, having figured as much.

"Then, have some empathy and just let me save you!" I plead, "I'm begging you, Itachi."
He gazes into my eyes with skepticism strewn across his glance. I rest my hands upon either side of his beautiful face.

"Please," I whisper, "I need you to let me save you."

Even if he hasn't rejected my pleas another time, he hasn't exactly accepted my proposal either.

Suddenly, Sasuke approaches the two of us, a melancholy expression upon his face.

"She's right, Brother," he murmurs, "It's been hard living with the guilt, knowing that I killed you for nothing! You had no choice but to do what you did, and I know that now. So, this never should've happened to you, Itachi. Just listen to her, damn it!"

I feel my lips curl slightly upward at Sasuke's genuine words.

My dislike toward him is beginning to dissipate.

"You two are the most precious to me," Itachi says, hesitating momentarily before speaking yet again, "...Alright. I'll do as you both wish. After all, I want nothing but to see you two happy."

My heart practically leaps out of my chest as I'm overcome with relief and joy. I rest my head on Itachi's shoulder, squeezing him tightly as if to say "thank you".

When I pull away from him, I calm my mind, remembering each hand sign he will need to be taught.

"When your soul has been ripped away from your body, just make these hand signs and the jutsu will be complete," I state as I demonstrate the signs for him.

He instantly absorbs each and every hand sign, storing them to memory with his sharingan.

"Okay," I sigh, "That's it. You can undo the reanimation jutsu now."
Itachi nods once to me and I take a deep breath, becoming anxious all of a sudden.

I really hope this works. Otherwise, I'll have to restart time and try again.

I clench my fists, waiting for the inevitable destiny that awaits us.

Itachi once again asks Kabuto for the signs to dispel the reanimation jutsu, and repeats after him one by one, forcing him to weave the jutsu that will release the spell.

When he yells "release", I feel chills run up and down my spine.

This is it——the moment of truth.

Itachi's soul begins to detach from his reanimated body, as it heads toward the sky above.

"Now!" I hear Sasuke shout.

"Weave the signs!" I scream, my heart thumping loudly in my chest.

Itachi quickly replicates the signs I showed him only a minute or so ago, activating the jutsu that will allow him to remain in this world.

I hold my breath as I hope and pray for this idea of mine to succeed. And I immediately exhale as I observe his soul return to his reanimated body, bringing life back into it once again.

When the deed has finally been done, I collapse onto my knees, releasing all of the tension my body had been retaining while anticipating the plan to be seen through.

Thank goodness. It worked——it actually worked!

Beyond exhausted, I lay flat on my back, not caring if the ground beneath me is filthy. A smile worms its way onto my lips.

My plan is going to succeed. All hope hasn't been lost.

The Wish That Brought Me You (Itachi Uchiha x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now