Chapter 11: The Last Night

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Itachi and I enter his complex, taking our shoes off and settling in surrounded by complete silence. I don't think that either one of us knows what to say.

"Thank you," I at last manage to mutter, "You saved my life."

When he turns around to face me, tears are streaming down his face.

He's been crying silently this entire time...

Even when teardrops are staining his face, he's still breathtaking.

I feel myself begin to get emotional as well when I pull him into a soft embrace.

"It's not fair..." he whispers, "You just came here..."

Technically, it has already been two months. But I understand where he's coming from. It feels as though it were yesterday when we first met back in that forest.

It's already nighttime——probably around 11 or so. We only have a few hours left together. It's overwhelming, knowing that I'll never see Itachi again after tomorrow morning.

"We should go bed," he at last says, "You'll need your rest if you're going to dimension-jump tomorrow."

I don't want to waste a single second of the time I have remaining with him!

"Sleep in the room tonight," I request, "...please."

After a brief moment, he eventually nods.

"Okay. I have a futon I'll drag in there."

I was hoping he'd cuddle me, but perhaps that would make him too uncomfortable. So, I force a smile.



I can't sleep. I roll onto my side, staring down at Itachi's face. He looks so peaceful——his silky black hair is splayed across the pillow, and his long-lashed eyes are shut gently. However, I flinch as they suddenly open.

"Why are you still awake?" He questions as he notices me hovering over him.

I need him. Now.

"Please come up here with me," I beg, "I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but I really——"
Before I can utter another word, he's already stood from the futon and is climbing into the bed with me. We both lay on our sides, staring at one another as though we're capturing mental images of our faces. Just then, I remember——I have my phone with me. I shut it off after using it on our first mission together to preserve the battery. Even now, it's only at about five percent or so. But, that's still enough.

"Come closer to me," I say and hold the device upward, clicking on the camera app and facing it toward us.

"What is that?" Itachi questions, curious and puzzled.

"It's called a phone," I respond, "Now look here, at the camera."

He does as asked and I snap a picture, the flash automatically going off because we're in a dark room.

There. Now I'll never forget his face.

After the photo has been taken, I lay my phone down on the nearby nightstand and reach for Itachi, gripping his cheeks in my hands as I lean in to kiss him. But after only a brief moment, he pulls away to look at my face yet again.

"What's wrong?" I ask immediately.

He simply smiles and shakes his head.

"Nothing at all. I just love you."

My heart skips a beat. He's never said that to me before.

"You do?"

He nods, and I go to place my lips onto his, but stop when they're only millimeters away from touching.

"I love you too, Itachi," I whisper.

I kiss him passionately unlike ever before. Our lips hunger for one another, fighting for dominance as we gently wrestle. I begin to unbutton his shirt, and he does the same to me. And then, we go further, reveling in one another, cherishing every moment in which the two of us are together. 

Ecstasy is all I feel——this world is ours, and ours alone.

After making love to one another, we collapse peacefully into each other's arms. I lay on Itachi's chest, listening to his heartbeat as if it has its own melody. And before I know it, I find myself drifting off. And everything goes black.

Itachi is surrounded by a cloak of see-through, red smoke. It seems to be diminishing, dying as he stumbles forward, toward something, no, someone. The boy who Itachi is heading toward looks to be about sixteen years of age. And his features remind me of Itachi——he even has the same black eyes that can transform into red ones with a strange symbol within them.

The young man backs away from Itachi in an almost fearful manner. But Itachi keeps hobbling forward, even though he appears to be severely injured.

I don't understand! What's going on?

Blood stains Itachi's face as he reaches for the boy and taps two fingers to his forehead. When this happens, the boy freezes in place. I see Itachi's mouth move, but cannot hear a word of what he's saying. And then, I watch in horror as he collapses onto the ground beneath, hitting it with a thud.

He's not breathing!

I try to call his name, but no matter how much I scream, no sound comes out. It's like I'm trapped within a box. I can't move, I can't speak——all I can do is watch as he remains there, lying upon the ground, limp.

Tears begin to flow down my cheeks, and my heart hurts as I bend over, unable to stand any longer due to the immense pain I feel.

Please don't leave me!

I begin to cry hysterically, gasping for air in between sobs.

Not him... Please... Anyone but him...

Just then, I am jolted awake by someone shaking me gently, calling my name.

Was it all a dream?

I look up to see Itachi hovering over me, worried as can be.

"Y/N! Wake up, it's okay!"
When I finally regain total consciousness, I wrap my arms around his neck, overwhelmed by the disturbing sight I just witnessed.

It felt so real.

"You were calling for me in your sleep.. did you have a nightmare?"
I nod in his shoulder, keeping my eyes open so I don't have to see the gut-wrenching image of him toppling to the ground again. But, the sight stays vividly in my mind's eye.

"Sorry I woke you," I whisper.

He gently caresses my bare back with his warm hands.

"It's okay. I've been purposely staying awake anyhow."
"Why?" I ask, "You should get some sleep, Itachi, or you'll get sick..."

He stubbornly shakes his head.

"I don't care... this is the last time I'll ever see you—the last time I'll ever hold you. I'm not going to miss a second of it. Now, close your eyes, I'm right here. Don't be frightened."
He pulls me in close to his chest and kisses my cheek lightly, gently running his fingers through my hair as he breathes in and out deeply.

I wish I could stay here forever. 

The Wish That Brought Me You (Itachi Uchiha x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now