Chapter 25: Aftermath

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I gasp, holding my breath in anticipation as Obito finally weaves the Rinne rebirth jutsu, about to set things straight at long last.

Itachi joins me at my side and slips his hand into mine.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

He does nothing but nod, and smile at me the same way he always does. 

For a moment, it seems as if the entire world is still. Green lights echo throughout the night, infiltrating the bodies of the dearly departed. I watch intently as the warm light penetrates the body of the one I love, breathing life back into him in an instant. His flesh returns to its healthy color, and the outskirts of his eyes fade back to their normal white selves, rather than the black ones each reanimated soul possesses. He stares at me, the world around us having gone completely silent. It's just the two of us, hand-in-hand, finally together once again.

As the sparkling, green lights fade, I observe with a lightweight heart as previously deceased shinobi begin to wake from their premature slumbers. Those who sacrificed their lives for the sake of this war will get to breathe the fresh air of this strange yet breathtaking world once again. I can't imagine a more beautiful thing.

People throughout the battlefield share warm embraces with one another, expressions of relief and gratitude on their happy faces. Some cry, some smile, some laugh——but nonetheless, the atmosphere is filled with nothing but pure joy.

I lean against Itachi's shoulder, throwing a warm smile at my best friend as Naruto and Sasuke approach us. Much to my surprise, the young Uchiha brother embraces me, even if only for a short time.

"Thank you for saving Itachi," he says.

Naruto nods in agreement.

"Yeah!" He exclaims brightly, "If you hadn't made sure Itachi wasn't swept up in the recall jutsu, he wouldn't have been able to help us seal Madara. So, in a way, you saved us all!"

I scratch the top of my head, contemplating this.

I suppose he's right, technically, things would have gone much differently if I hadn't interfered. But even so, none of that matters to me.

"Thanks for the praise," I respond, "But I didn't do any of this for the glory. I did it because I love Itachi more than I could ever say."

I beam brightly before glancing to my left at my good friend, who is totally silent.

"But..." I continue, "If you really want to thank me for my contribution, you'll do your best to convince your Hokage and the other four Kage to let Deidara live freely. He's had a change of heart, and has promised to never hurt anyone again. As a matter of fact, he'll fight on your side from now on!"

"I never said——"

I cover his mouth before he can say anything else.
"Shut up, idiot!" I whisper sharply, "I'm trying to save you from being locked up!"

Naruto frowns deeply but sighs after a little while.

"Alright," he acquiesces, sounding a bit irritated at my request, "The debts we owe you will have been paid after we let him go, right?"

I nod once.

"Yes, it's all I ask."
I nudge Deidara with my elbow as I release my grasp on him.

Hopefully, he'll behave from now on so my argument won't have been for nothing...

Chills run down my spine as Itachi's gentle arms unexpectedly wrap around me from behind. I can't help but melt within his warm embrace.

"You saved me," he whispers, "In more ways than one. I can never repay you, Y/N."

I turn around and playfully tap his cheeks.

"You don't need to," I murmur, "I would do all of it over and over again, if it meant I could be here with you like this."
He grins gently and as his soft lips press against mine, I feel like I'm floating without any gravity to pull me down. Finally——we're together, and nothing can tear us apart.

"Oh, by the way, I feel back to normal," he informs me after pulling away, "I think the illness I had contracted before I passed away is now gone."

I laugh lightheartedly, feeling as if all of my previous worries have simply evaporated.

"That's such a relief to hear!" I exclaim, "I'm so happy..."
Sasuke approaches the two of us with his arms crossed, but when he notices the diamond ring on my left finger, his demeanor softens.

"Is that... an engagement ring?" He questions, facing his older brother.

"Yes," Itachi responds, "Y/N and I are going to be married."

Sasuke glances between the two of us skeptically before his normally emotionless expression morphs into a subtly happy one.

He closes his eyes, smiling gently.
"Don't mess this up, Itachi."
Itachi stares at his brother with a shocked look on his face.

"Sasuke..." He says, appalled, "You must be very fond of Y/N to already be saying something like that!"
I can't help but giggle at Itachi's surprised words. 

Deidara stomps up to us and begins shaking me violently, his hands gripping both of my shoulders.

"You're getting married and you didn't even say anything?!" He shouts, "What kind of a best friend are you?! First, you leave me searching for you for days, and now everyone and their grandma knows Itachi proposed to you, except for me, hm!"

I snort at Deidara's dramatic reaction.

"We were dealing with other things!" I retort, "I was going to tell you eventually."
He scoffs and turns his nose upward at me, causing Itachi to laugh a bit, much to my surprise. My heart warms at the sight.

I missed him so much.

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