THE END: Six Months Later: Dreams Come True

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Flower petals line the marble floor on which I walk. Everyone's eyes are on me as I place one foot in front of the other, making my way toward my destiny. A bouquet of humble yet beautiful flowers rest within my grasp. They smell so sweet, like a fresh morning in springtime. At the end of the aisle stands my love, smiling at me, tears clouding his vision as he waits for me to join him at the altar. My lips curl upward without me even knowing as I find myself lost within his placid eyes. And before I know it, I'm beside him, taking his hands into my own, holding them gently. It's as if we're the only souls in the entire room, even though it's filled with close family and friends, of which we now have many. This is the day we come together and make a sacred vow, promising that our hearts will beat as one for the rest of time. Fate has steered us to this conclusion, but it feels more like a beginning——the start of a new chapter for us. From now on, we will live happily together, hand-in-hand wherever the road may lead us.

We will never be separated again.


A live band is playing music near the back of the room. Some of the wedding guests are mingling with one another, while others dance, smiles on their faces. As for me, I'm stuffing my face with the delicious foods spread across the buffet table. It is my wedding, after all, so I can eat as much as I want!

A warm hand rests on my shoulder.

"How is my beautiful wife doing?"
I smile softly and turn around to see Itachi glancing affectionately at me. For the past half-hour, he's been entertaining guests, seeing as he's more familiar with most of them than I am.

"I'm great!" I say, my mouth full of hot food, "The venue's beautiful, and everything's delicious!"

Itachi takes my hand and begins to pull me away from the buffet. I whine as he does so.

"What are you doing?" I ask, "I wasn't done eating yet!"
"I promise this will only take a minute!" He exclaims.

Albeit reluctantly, I follow him out into a nearby field, where an open sky is resting directly above us. All of the stars are visible, and the view makes me a bit nostalgic.

"Now!" He shouts in the other direction.

I furrow my brow, opening my mouth to inquire what is going on, but he shushes me and points to the sky, telling me to watch closely.

For a moment, everything is silent. But then, a single spark begins to fly through the sky, going upward until it mingles amongst the stars. It explodes into a vivid burst of color, illuminating the sky with its radiance. Another firework follows, and another, until dozens of them are going off at the same time, capturing the attention of all the guests as well. I stare at them with tears in my eyes, becoming emotional as they transform the sky into a canvas covered with multicolored art. As I look to my left at Itachi, I can see the lights reflect off of his beautiful eyes, as if they are little mirrors. I rest my head upon his shoulder, enjoying the rest of the firework show until the last one goes off and the remnants of smoke clear from the atmosphere. The guests erupt into applause and I notice my blonde friend step out from the shadows, taking bows to signify that he was the one who created the pyrotechnics.

Itachi squeezes my hand.

"See?" He whispers, "Wasn't that beautiful? And now, you can go back inside and enjoy the buffet some more!"
I chuckle at his adorable words and gently press my lips against his for a quick yet tender kiss.

"Did you plan all of this, Itachi?" I ask, "Just for me?"

He nods a single time.
"Of course I did," he affirms, "I want to make this night perfect for you, Y/N."

I sigh and embrace him softly.
"You're what makes this night perfect," I murmur in response, "You're all I need."

He tightens his grasp on me before eventually letting go.

"I forgot!" He exclaims, "The photographer said she would be here at exactly seven o'clock!"

I beam at him.
"I guess it's picture time, then!"

Itachi and I re-enter the main section of the venue, where the photographer is patiently awaiting our arrival.

"Good evening!" She says cheerfully, "And congratulations, guys!"

For the next fifteen minutes or so, the both of us remain occupied posing for romantic wedding photos that we'll cherish for the rest of our lives. I can't help but smile brightly in every single one of them. My heart feels as if it could burst out of my chest at any given moment. I don't think I've ever experienced happiness quite like this.

"Alright," the photographer announces, "Let's take a few with the bridal party!"
I search the crowd for our cherished friends and family, who appear to be having a nice time mingling with other guests.

"Hey!" I call to them, instantly catching their attention, "Come here for a minute! We're going to take some pictures!"

Itachi and I eagerly wait for Deidara, Sasuke and Naruto to join us in front of the camera. The photographer quickly positions the five of us so we will appear photogenic on camera. Itachi wraps his arms around my waist as the five of us stand in a train-like formation, laughing authentically with one another as The photographer snaps several photos of us chatting naturally, like we always do.

The joy I feel inside brings tears to my eyes. Everyone I care about is right here beside me. I'm surrounded by love. And I know——

I will never again have to be alone, sitting at the countertop by myself as I blow out my singular birthday candle. The writing is on the wall——these four are my family...

...And you, my love, are my home. 

A/N: Thanks for reading y'all! hope you enjoyed XO <333

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