Chapter 1: The Hideout

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"This way," Itachi instructs me, gesturing to a boulder that is sealing off some sort of cavern in the middle of practically nowhere. 

I gape at the blocked-off entryway.

"What do you mean?" I inquire, "How are we supposed to get through that giant rock?"
Kisame, the blue man, sighs, clearly tired of my ignorance.

"Must we explain everything to you?" He heaves, before somehow dissipating the boulder out of thin air with what seems like some sort of mystical ability.

"How did you do that?" I exclaim, in awe of the boulder's sudden disappearance.

"Stop talking," he snaps at me, "And keep moving."

I acquiesce, following the two men into the cave, which is dank, dark and smells of mold. They direct me down an ill-lit corridor, and I flinch as a string of bats soar past us, nearly flying directly into my face. Instinctively, I duck, losing my balance and falling upon the moist ground with an audible thud. Itachi looks over his shoulder at me, an expression of pure pity and judgment apparent on his prepossessing face.

"What are you doing?" He states rhetorically, "Get up. We're almost there."

I scramble to my feet after hearing his cold words and continue to walk closely behind the two robed men, following them without question until the hallway lets out into a somewhat open area. In the middle of the looming room rests a creepy humanoid statue, whose several eyes are shut. Why would these two have wanted to bring me here, of all places?

I feel my body shudder as the echoing sound of laughter pulls me out of my horrified trance. I glance in the leftmost corner of the room only to notice four men sitting around in a circle. They're all wearing the same robes as Itachi and Kisame. Two of them seem to be kicking back, simply catching a break, while the other two engage in an intense game of cards.

"Hidan, you fool!" One of the more reserved men shouts, "How long is this going to last? We need to get going on our mission!"

"Yeah, yeah," this so-called Hidan replies, "I'm almost done, just give me a minute! Can't you see I'm winning here?"

Hidan's opponent doesn't seem too happy about his remark.

"You think you've got what it takes to beat me, huh?" He snaps, "We'll just see about that... Full House!"

The young man crosses his arms, practically daring Hidan to make a move that trumps what was just played. Hidan smirks before laying down his cards, revealing a Royal Flush.

"I told you I was gonna win! Isn't that right, Kakuzu?"
Kakuzu, the man who had earlier been scolding him for taking too long, simply rolls his eyes.

"Hurry up, or I'll kill you," he states as if he's not only kidding.

Meanwhile, the young man sitting opposite of Hidan jumps to his feet, noticeably boiling with anger.

"Screw you!" He yells, "How about we take this outside, huh? We'll see whose ability prevails in a real battle—your half-baked rituals or my masterful art!"

Before Hidan can counter his opposer's fighting words, Itachi approaches them.

"Shut up, both of you," he orders, "Show some respect... for our guest."

He turns around to face me, pointing in my direction. I back up a few steps, trying to hide in the shadows so the rest of the strange people cannot see me. But both of the card players anxiously evacuate their spots and approach me, intrigued by my presence. Hidan, the winner, is a stately man with a handsome face and grey-tinted purple hair. The other one, the self-proclaimed artist, is a boy who appears to be the same age or maybe even a bit younger than myself whose hair is a shocking yellow color, half of it tied into a ponytail resting on top of his head. Both of them are nice-looking, without a doubt.

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