Chapter 9: Under Starlight

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I rest a hand on Itachi's shoulder and he looks over at me, a couple of overgrown bangs hanging in front of his beautiful face.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper.

"Don't be," he says, "It's not like I did anything to prevent it from happening. As a matter of fact, I think it was all my fault."

I understand that feeling well. But I'm sure Itachi is innocent when it comes to his parents' deaths. Sometimes being the lone survivor of a tragic situation leaves someone drowning in guilt.

"Anyway," he clears his throat, trying to switch the subject, "Did you have a nice time today?"
I smile brightly at him.

"Of course I did!" I exclaim, "Although I feel kind of bad. I couldn't buy you anything or do anything for you since I have no money. I'm sorry. Instead, you had to tend to my needs, even on your birthday."
He lets out a small chuckle before playfully rolling his eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you? It was my pleasure, Y/N."

I shake my head stubbornly.

"No! I feel so inadequate! There must be something—anything—you want from me that doesn't cost money..."
I cut myself off before I can say anything else.

I'm such an idiot! What could he possibly want that doesn't require money to purchase? What a pathetic offer.

"Really?" He asks me, "Anything?"

I nod, perking up.

Did he really think of something costless?
"Yeah, anything!"

He beams softly at me and I wait to hear his answer. I feel my smile slowly fade into confusion as he grabs my chin and gently pulls me closer to him, until the tips of our noses are nearly touching. My heart is beating right out of my chest. I can feel his hot breath on my lips as he gazes deeply into my eyes.

"This is what I want," he whispers, so quietly that he's practically mouthing the words.

At first, it's only a gentle touch, our lips brushing against each other's, barely breaking the surface. But then, I cave. It's too much for me—the softness of his touch, his deep yet calming voice. I grab the sides of his face harshly, pulling him closer and closer to me as I lock lips with him again, and again, and again. Never breaking the kiss once, I push him downward so he's laying flat against the roof and climb on top of him, caressing both of his lips lovingly with mine until the both of us finally need to come up for air. Once we separate, I stumble off of him, feeling a bit woozy. My entire body is on fire——if I had gone any further, I don't know what would have happened. But one thing's for sure——

I COMPLETELY GAVE INTO TEMPTATION! Damn it, this wasn't supposed to happen! I should have known we'd wind up like this as soon as he brought me outside so we could stargaze together!

When he sits up, I can tell he's trying to repress a smile.

"I-Is that really what you wanted from me?" I sputter, still feeling a bit lightheaded.

His silence leads me to believe that my question has been affirmed.

"Well..." I mutter, unsure of what else to say, "I'm going to bed now."

But before I can even think of turning around to leave, he grabs my wrist, pulling me into another passionate kiss. His lips are like a drug——once you get a taste, you'll never want to go back. He's too addictive.

I feel myself begin to melt beneath his touch and just as I'm about to fall under his spell yet again, I force myself off of him.

No, Y/N! You can't do this!
I put a hand to my head, trying to make myself walk away——but it's so hard. He just feels so good.

The Wish That Brought Me You (Itachi Uchiha x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now