Chapter 24: The Final Trial

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I sit behind Itachi, running my fingers through his long, dark hair as I wrap his red hair-tie around it, creating his usual ponytail.

We've been sitting idly by in the worn-down structure for quite a while now. But, it's already time to move forward with my plan, as Obito and Madara should have fought for quite some time against the shinobi army by now.

"Okay, love," I whisper, standing from the couch, "It's time. We have to move out."
He nods once, even though the expression on his face seems a bit uncertain.

"Don't worry," I assure him, resting a hand on his shoulder, "I know you will succeed. You're the strongest person I know, Itachi. And, if you need a little motivation, just remember I'll be cheering you on, even from afar."
He rests a hand on my cheek.

"Now I really won't fail," he says, kissing me gently before he pulls away, clenching his fists with determination, "...Let's go."

I follow Itachi out of the house, and embrace him tightly before we go our separate ways.

"I love you," I murmur.

"I love you too," he replies softly as he lets go of me and takes to the trees, heading toward the battlefield.


I bite my fingernails anxiously. It's been a while since Itachi left to go to the battlefield. I hope everything's going alright. Although I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting about something...

All of a sudden, I hear a loud voice erupt from behind me, yelling my name desperately.

Confused as to who it might be, I whirl around to see my favorite blonde pyromaniac, waving frantically at me. 

"I've been looking everywhere for you!" He screams, grabbing my shoulders, "I thought something bad happened to you!"

As bad as it may sound, in truth, I'd forgotten all about poor Deidara... I maybe should be a bit more thankful for the guy who has had my back time and time again...

"I was saving Itachi," I explain, scratching the back of my head guiltily, "He succeeded in escaping the recall."

A soft smile appears on my friend's face.

"I'm happy for you," he sighs.

But then, he flicks me across the forehead, causing me to yelp softly.

"What was that for?!" I exclaim angrily.

She turns his nose upward.

"Revenge, for scaring me!"

I chuckle at his sassiness. 

"Yeah whatever. Anyway, now that you're here, we need to get going," I inform him, "We have to head to the battlefield, and we can't be late. Itachi, Sasuke and the others should be in the process of sealing Madara right now. Even if it's not much, we should try to help them."

Deidara clenches his fists at the mention of Sasuke's name, but then he releases the tension, getting over his personal feelings. 

"Fine, hm!" He acquiesces, "Let's hurry up, then!"

I observe Deidara reveal a clay bird that he had concealed in his pocket.

"I've been saving this just in case," he explains before throwing it into the air.

Like usual, it increases exponentially in size. He helps me onto its back before mounting it himself. And then, we're off, soaring through the sky at a quick pace. The wind whips past my face as we near the battlefield, which is visible from way up high in the sky.

The Wish That Brought Me You (Itachi Uchiha x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now