Chapter 16: Retry

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I desperately turn back time by envisioning vividly where I had been when I arrived in this world only a short while ago to save Itachi. Thankfully, I know better than to waste any time searching for the already-demolished Akatsuki hideout, and instead begin sprinting straight toward the battlefield where the Amaterasu erupted last time.

I have to go even faster. Come on, push yourself, Y/N!

I feel my legs begin to take even longer strides as I cover ground like a rampaging beast, tearing through the brush to reach the one I love. I smile of relief as I make it past a tree I recognize as having been on fire due to the Amaterasu during my previous attempt to save Itachi.

I'm in the clear! Not much longer now... I'm going to make it in time!

Soon thereafter, I finally reach the field filled with tall grass. The ruins are in sight!
Rather than hobbling toward Sasuke, Itachi is surrounded by his red Susano'o, which I learned all about from reading the manga.

Things are already going better than last time.

When I believe myself to be within earshot of the battling brothers, I open my mouth to yell, to tell Itachi to stop. But then, my heart sinks as Sasuke throws a kunai knife directly toward his elder brother. Attached to it is a paper bomb, which explodes immediately upon contact with Itachi. I freeze, my pace coming to a complete halt.

I'm too late... again...

As the impact dies down, I witness Itachi begin to stumble toward his younger brother, inevitably outstretching those same two fingers yet again.

I clench my teeth.

Again. I'll try again!

I close my eyes, opening a portal to the past as I envision where I was only minutes ago. I step into it, grunting of determination as I'm returned to the same place and time I had occupied ten minutes earlier.

I'll run faster this time! I'll make it there, ever before the final blow is dealt!
But my stamina is already depleted significantly, and so this time around, I don't even manage to make it past the Amaterasu flames in a timely manner.

"Damn it!" I shout, and prepare to reset time yet again.

The cycle repeats itself, and I arrive back in middle of the forest, stumbling to my feet as I sprint toward the battleground.

It doesn't matter how tired I am! I have to keep going! I will save Itachi, no matter what!

My deep love and persistence spurring me on, I race toward the battleground a fourth time, ignoring the burning sensation in my leg muscles as I do so. This time around, I make it past the black flames only moments before they're set alight, and find myself in the tall grass yet again. However, the sight in front of me sparks deja-vu——Itachi has already been mortally wounded by Sasuke.

Nothing is working! It doesn't seem to matter how early I get here——no matter what, the outcome remains the same!
Think, Y/N, think!
A lightbulb practically illuminates my brain.

What if I come here at nighttime, ever before Sasuke even reaches Itachi's location?

I smile to myself, believing I've finally created a logical solution to my persistent problem.

I close my eyes, and imagine the way everything had been at midnight. 

A voluminous whoosh fills my ears, and my eyes pop open to see a portal in front of me. Through it, I can clearly see the moonlit wood I had been picturing——it seems I've succeeded.

I step through the vortex, taking one more glance at Itachi as he approaches Sasuke yet again, with two outstretched fingers. As I re-enter my dimension, the portal closes behind me. I instantly check the clock on my phone. It reads "12:00 A.M."

"Yes!" I exclaim victoriously, "Now... All I need to do is find Itachi."

Thankfully, I know exactly where he is after sprinting there so many times recently. I run in the correct direction, having memorized the way toward my destination.

While doing so, I can't help but think of what Itachi said to me earlier.

"I... have loved you... all this time..."

I hold back tears as my vision becomes blurred with them.

I can't believe he really kept his promise; even after three, long years——he hasn't forgotten about me. For some reason, that knowledge spurs me on even more, and I begin to pick up the pace, running forward as if my very existence depends on it.

In what seems to be a few minutes, I finally reach the entrance to the hideout. Although, rather than being in ruins, it is a stoic, standing structure.

I slow my pace as I near the front of it, a bit anxious for some reason. I can almost sense his presence on the other side of the wall.

Here goes nothing...

Without any further hesitation, I stride forward, entering the Uchiha hideout with caution, until I'm let out into a fairly large room that is made from stone. It's fairly dark, and has characteristics that remind me of the old Akatsuki hideout. Nostalgia fills every inch of my brain as memories I had purposefully shut out come flooding back in.

But even so, Itachi is nowhere to be found.

How strange... It feels like he's right next to me.

I suddenly inhale sharply as someone grabs me from behind and presses a kunai knife to my throat.

"Who are you?" They growl urgently, "And who gave you the right to trespass here?"
I would recognize that voice anywhere. It's his voice——Itachi's voice.

"Itachi..." I whisper, "I-It's me."

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