Chapter 4: Art is... an Explosion?

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After a long journey that lasted about a day and a half, Itachi, Kisame and I finally arrive back at the Akatsuki headquarters——I've learned that "The Akatsuki" is a group both Itachi and Kisame are members of. 

The trip back had gone much quicker and smoother, considering that I was on Itachi's back the entire time, rather than slowing the team down by walking sluggishly and begging for frequent breaks. 

But, much to my dismay, as soon as we enter the hideout, we're confronted by none other than blonde-headed Deidara and his hunched-over partner, Sasori.

"Ah, Sasori, my man, look who's back!" he greets cheerfully.

I try to push him away from me as he wraps one arm around my shoulder, being overly friendly.

Itachi grabs his wrist and forcefully pulls him off of me. I can't help but feel warm inside and comfortably protected as he does so. 

"Don't touch her," he says flatly.

Deidara rolls his eyes, clearly sick of Itachi's blunt attitude.

"I wasn't doing anything weird," he states, "I'm just trying to get to know her better, since you've insisted upon bringing her into this organization of ours."

The hyper blonde approaches Itachi suddenly, glaring at him maniacally. Itachi, however, does not move an inch. He's not one to be easily intimidated, I've gathered. 

"You know, I'd really like to show you some of my art, Itachi. It will blow your mind!"

I clench my fists, feeling a bit overly protective myself.

"Oh, yeah? And what's so great about this art of yours anyway?!" I snap.

His smile grows exponentially as he throws his hands up into the air triumphantly. He looks like a complete fool.

"Come outside and I will show you true art in all of its wonders!" He declares, "...I can't do it inside or our leader will get angry with me."

I hesitate for a moment, a bit frightened of what he means. But in the end, I acquiesce, following Deidara outside. After all, I'm going to be dealing with this kid for days to come. I may as well build some sort of amicable relationship with him.

Itachi trails a few feet behind the two of us.

"Why are you following us?" Deidara asks him, noticeably annoyed.

Itachi sighs, sick of repeating himself over and over again.

"I promised Y/N that I would never leave her side so long as she remains in this world," he states simply.

Deidara smirks.

"Itachi..." he chuckles, "I never would have guessed you were such a flirt. You sly boy!"

I feel my face flush. Itachi's eyes narrow at Deidara; he clearly does not find the blonde's sense of humor to be amusing in any way.

"Shut. Up." He orders.

Deidara laughs off his demand and quickly returns to face the front, leading the both of us outside. When we arrive there, he spins around gloriously.

"Finally!" He shouts, giddy as can be, "I get to put on an art show! Watch closely, you won't want to miss a second!"

Deidara reaches into a strange kind of satchel on his hip. Much to my surprise, the mouth on his hand chomps on some of the white clay being kept inside the container. I cringe a bit, but can't help but be intrigued at the same time.  

When he opens his palm, the clay has somehow transformed and shaped itself into a white bird, which increases in size as it is released into the air. I gasp in awe, surprised by the sudden appearance of the giant animal.

"So, this is your art?" I question.

He smirks at me haughtily.

"Just wait! You haven't seen anything yet!"

Deidara hops onto the bird and takes to the sky so he's hovering a good distance away from Itachi and I.

I glance over at Itachi, who looks bored, frankly, as though he's seen Deidara's special abilities thousands of times.

"Here we go!" Deidara shouts from the air.

My eyes pop open as I see him toss a great amount of white clay bugs into the air.

"ART IS AN..."

I feel myself hold my breath in anticipation as I wait for him to finish his sentence while the clay falls closer and closer to the ground.


As soon as Deidara utters this, all of the clay bugs blow up, creating multiple explosions here and there, practically putting on an entire fireworks display. My jaw drops in complete disbelief. I never would have expected Deidara's ability to be this awesome! I can certainly see how it would be useful in battle.

Once the show's over, Deidara swoops down from the sky, a proud expression radiating from his face.

"There you have it!" He declares, "You have now witnessed my art! Feel honored, FEEL BLESSED!"

I can't help but clap as he descends from the clay bird. Itachi glares at me like I've gone completely insane.

"Why are you clapping?" He asks softly.

"What are you talking about, Itachi? That was amazing!" I exclaim, "I was wrong about you, Deidara. At first I thought you were just really obnoxious and kind of dramatic, but that was actually very cool!"

He scoffs conceitedly, but I can tell my compliments have flattered him immensely.

"You haven't seen anything yet, Y/N, my girl!" He tells me.

I'm starting to actually like this guy. I think his quirky personality fits his artsy style.

"Do you mind if you show me some more?" I plead.

After all, it's not like I have anything else to do here in this new world.

Deidara's face lights up at the prospect of being able to display more of his art to a willing audience.

"Not at all!" He responds, "Just hop on! I'll show you everything! All of my art!"

As I go to climb onto the clay bird Deidara's riding, I feel Itachi's hand grip my wrist, pulling me gently backward.

"Our leader wants us to run tests on you later today," he informs me.

"Okay," I concede, "I'll be back before it's dark, then. I promise."

Itachi furrows his brow harshly.

"I'm coming with you! You're not going off by yourself! I have to protect you, remember?"

I roll my eyes and shove his hand off of me.

"I'll be with Deidara! Did you not just see what he's capable of? He created bombs—from his hands!"

Deidara crosses his arms and proudly grins at Itachi, who seems a bit ticked off, surprisingly. That's so out of character for him. 

"Fine," he at last sighs, seemingly dejected, "Just be back at a decent hour."

Before I can utter anything else, Itachi walks off, heading back into the hideout.

"He's always such a downer," Deidara remarks, "Now, come on, let's go!"

He offers me a hand to help me up and I reluctantly take it, doing my best to ignore the fear that it will lick me or something. 

The Wish That Brought Me You (Itachi Uchiha x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now