Chapter 8: Out and About

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I twiddle my thumbs as I wait patiently for Itachi to emerge from the bathroom. But when he does, all of my sanity flies straight out of the window. I gulp as I look him up and down. He's wearing a jet black shirt that sticks to his skin in the most attractive manner possible, as well as a nice pair of casual beige pants, his usual silver necklace hanging loosely around his neck. And his hair is tied into a ponytail much higher than the one he usually wears. He looks different than he normally does——but not necessarily in a bad way. However, I'm sure no one will recognize him if he's sporting this new style.

"What?" He asks me, a bit weirded out that I've been ogling him this entire time.

Crap! I've been staring at him for way too long!

He brushes a piece of unruly hair that refuses to be slicked back out of his face, and I nearly lose my shit.

I think he notices my odd disposition because he tilts his head to the side.

"What's going on, Y/N?"

I shake my head, assuring him that I'm fine.

"I was just lost in thought, that's all!" I say, trying to convince both him and myself.

"I see. We should be off now, if that's okay with you."

I nod, unable to form another word. I honestly do not know how the hell I'm going to survive spending the next several hours with no one but this gorgeous man.

I'm so screwed. 


Itachi's somewhat gloomy demeanor has shifted immensely since we left the hideout and headed into town. He's smiling so much today——genuine smiles made from happiness. The sight makes me feel so bubbly inside.

"Y/N, look," he points out a shop on the corner, "That's our first stop."

In the window of the store, there are a few mannequins wearing cute dresses.

He really is going to take me shopping on his birthday. He's such a strange guy——no boy in my world would ever dream of doing this; not most of them, anyway.

As we enter the small boutique, a little old lady, who I assume is the owner of the place, peers at the two of us.

"Welcome in," she greets warmly.

She strides up to me and observes my face, her hands behind her back.

"You're very pretty, young lady."

My ego soars as I chuckle shyly. I've never really thought of myself as pretty, or hot, or whatever.

"Oh, thank you," I reply, unsure of what else to say.

She looks upward at Itachi this time, and smiles brightly.

"And you're very handsome. You two make the perfect couple."

I feel my heart sink into the bottom of my chest. Both Itachi and I become noticeably flustered, talking over one another to quickly shut her statement down.

"We're just friends," I assure her, "Really."

She glances between the two of us before laughing lightheartedly.

"Come back when that changes," she snorts jokingly before leading us into the shop, "Now, my dear, what would you like to try on today?"

I look around at all of the attire. There are no hoodies or sweatpants in sight, so I guess I'll just have to settle for a dress or skirt. I keep forgetting that I'm not back at home.

"What do you suggest?" I ask timidly.

She hobbles over to a rack that carries a purple dress. It's plain, but cute, and a decent length so I would feel comfortable wearing it out and about.

The Wish That Brought Me You (Itachi Uchiha x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now