Chapter 15: A Long Year Nears Its End

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Tomorrow is my twentieth birthday. For the past year, I've done absolutely nothing but anticipate its arrival. To keep my mind occupied, I've read the Naruto manga religiously, re-reading it over and over to make sure I pick up on every detail. It will help me to convince Itachi that he shouldn't fight Sasuke. When I came across the reason why he challenged his little brother and pretended to hate him, I started crying because of the benevolence in his thoughts and feelings. I always knew that he would never hurt anyone without reason.

At the moment, I'm sipping on a cup of hot tea, staring out a nearby window. It's nearly midnight, which means that it's time to prepare the cupcake. Rather than making a wish on the tail end of my special day, I'll do it as soon as the clock strikes twelve and then go to sleep. Then, in the morning, I should wake up back in the Naruto dimension. And I'll finally, after three years, be re-united with my love. I'll save him and then I'll stay there, in that world, with him. This time, I won't let go.

A beam erupts across my face as the clock on my wristwatch announces that it is now midnight. I scurry to the kitchen, setting a match aflame, lighting a striped candle. I place it inside of the cupcake, and close my eyes.

Just bring me back to him, please. Bring me back to Itachi's world. That's all I ask for. That's all I want.

And with those desperate, pleading thoughts, I blow gently on the candle until the flame goes out, leaving only a steady stream of smoke behind. Already dressed in a comfortable sweatshirt and pants, I sprint into my bedroom, closing the door behind me, and jump into bed after devouring the cupcake in only a few bites.

Please, PLEASE let me wake up in the Naruto world... Please...


The beautiful sounds of birds chirping their morning melodies fill my ears. When I open my eyes, I bolt upright, and a giant smile creeps onto my face.

This is the forest I arrived in when I first went to the other world! I look all around, and slap myself twice on the cheeks to ensure I'm really awake.

"I'm back!" I squeal excitedly, "I'm really back! I can't believe this!"
I feel so close to him now. He's only moments away, at this point!

Thankfully, I still remember the way back to the Akatsuki hideout! Although, I'll have to infiltrate it without the leader knowing. And unfortunately, it's sealed off to outsiders. None of that matters now, though. It's only a matter of time before we reunite, anyway.

I race down the memorable path, turning left or right every once in a while, having memorized the route I need to take. I reach a very memorable hill——the top of it will give me an overhead view of the hideout. It's not too much longer now. However, when I climb to the top, I'm shocked to find the old hideout in ruins. But then I gasp out of realization.

"That's right," I whisper, "It mentioned in the manga that the whole place was destroyed after the nine-tails and his allies fought against Sasori and Deidara. Damn it."

All of a sudden, a loud eruption startles me. It's coming from a place not too far off in the distance. I watch in horror as a large amount of land erupts in black flames.

"That's the Amaterasu..." I murmur, "That's Itachi's power!"

Wait... Itachi used the Amaterasu in his fight against Sasuke when he was trying to convince him that he was truly his enemy. Don't tell me——that fight is happening right now?! I have to hurry!

I begin sprinting toward the black flames, following them as if they're Itachi himself. I know better than to touch them, so once I reach them, I should wait until they die down. Then, I can hopefully interfere in the fight and stop it!

I'm lucky that the battleground happens to be fairly close-by. Otherwise, I would be too late. It's so ironic that this fight is taking place on my birthday! How unlucky can I get?

I reach the black flames in no time, not bothering to pay attention to my fatigue. Now is not the time to complain about having to undergo cardio.

Much to my relief, the Amaterasu flames die down momentarily, allowing me to move forward and near the battle field. I gasp as I see the ruins that were depicted in both my nightmare from three years ago and the manga. So... most of the battle has already taken place. I make my way through the tall grass, running as fast as I can toward the stone ruins. 

But my heart stops as a familiar scene unfolds right in front of my eyes. Itachi, my Itachi, is stumbling toward his younger brother, two of his fingers outstretched as he approaches him. Sasuke backs away from him but only hits the stone wall that's directly behind him.

I'm too late.

I collapse to my knees as I realize my efforts were all for naught. Itachi's already been dealt the final blow. He's fatally wounded.

I feel a tear caress my cheek as his two fingers tap Sasuke's forehead. And then, after uttering a few words, he tumbles to the ground, completely depleted. Sasuke immediately falls over as well, due to exhaustion and over-exertion. Then, all of a sudden, a figure in an orange mask, Tobi, appears along with a strangely-shaped guy I remember to be named "Zetsu".

They retrieve Sasuke's body and then leave Itachi lying there. Once they're gone, I stumble to my feet and rush over to him. Blood is stained on his clothes, and his eyes are shut. I hastily sit beside him, and place his head onto my lap. My tears fall onto his face, and he stirs ever-so-slightly.

He's not dead yet?

I place a finger underneath his nose and feel his breath. It's shallow——but it's there.

"Itachi," I whisper, "Please, wake up..."

My lips creep upward as his eyes open, even if only a little.

"Y/N..." He croaks, "Is... that you?"

I nod, shedding tears of joy.

"Yeah, it's me. I came back to you. I've missed you so much."

I lean downward to place a soft kiss on his lips. He doesn't have the strength to return my affection, but none of that matters. Just being in his presence again feels like a blessing.

"You're going to be alright," I tell him, "I'll take you to a hospital. The medical ninja can heal you there."

He begins to fall unconscious, but I tap the side of his face, begging him to stay with me.

"Please! You can't fall asleep! If you do——"
I sigh of relief when his eyes crack open again.

"Don't... bother... Y/N," he struggles to utter, "It's too... late for me."
"No!" I insist, "It's not too late! You'll be okay——I'll make sure of it!"
"Just... stop," he whispers, "I need to... tell you something... before I go..."

Trying to suppress my emotions, I lean closer to him so I can hear his fading voice.

"I... have loved you... all this time..."

As he exhales the last bit of his sentence, I hear him sigh deeply. His body goes completely limp beneath my grasp.


I try to shake him awake, but this time, he remains unaware.

"Itachi! Please, don't do this! Don't leave me!"

I cuddle his body close to mine, rocking gently as I finally let out the scream of agony that has been building up inside of me for the past three years.

I was too late. I did everything I could to make it here on time, but I was still too late.

And then... it hits me

The Medical Ninja from three years ago mentioned that I can travel through time so long as I'm in this realm, in addition to dimensions. So, I can just start over again, from the time I first arrived here! I can run faster, and make it to the battleground quicker! And this time, I'll save Itachi! I won't fail again!

No matter what, I will save you, my love. 

The Wish That Brought Me You (Itachi Uchiha x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now