Chapter 18: The Aftermath

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It's the middle of the day, now. Outside, it's pouring rain, as if the weather is weeping for my departed love. 

After I had spoken with Itachi, he requested that I leave the hideout because he was unsure of when Sasuke would show up and didn't want me to get involved in the conflict. I tried to convince him that I already knew when Sasuke would arrive so we could spend more time together, but he just gave me that same small smile and told me it wasn't worth the risk.

"If you were to be hurt, or worse, then I would truly feel like a failure," he told me while gently kissing my forehead.

And so, I was able to stall my departure for only an hour more, during which, I told him everything my heart had been holding back. I told him how I loved him beyond words, and that I would always cherish every moment the two of us were together. I put on a brave face at that time, just so his last moments were not spent wallowing in sadness. Rather, I hope they were filled with feelings of happiness and love. But, when it was time to go, as I embraced him for the last time, I felt my heart shatter.

Even now, I still don't know how to say goodbye.


I sit in a popular tavern, downing glasses after glasses of booze. I know I'm technically not allowed to drink in my world, but the age restrictions are different in this dimension, I guess. And, while it's true I have no money to spend in this world, I'll simply travel back in time to before I ordered anything. That'll get me out of a problematic situation.

"Another," I mutter to the bartender, presenting my third empty glass to him, "Fill it to the top this time."
He takes the glass from me, a concerned expression on his face.

"Are you alright, Miss?"
I give him a thumbs-up.

"Never been better," I blatantly lie.

He sighs and sets the refilled glass in front of me.

"Are you sure? This is your fourth round..."
I glare at him, but then realize I don't even have the willpower to be angry. I just feel... numb.

"If you must know," I state flatly, "My true love just died."

I down the fourth glass in one fell swoop and can't help but frown when I see the bartender's shocked face.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea..." he mumbles, "...How about everything's on the house today? Order as much as you like. I'll take care of it for you."

Well, at least now I won't have to go back in time just to avoid payment.

"Thanks," I reply, accepting his generosity without a second thought, "Keep it coming. Just assume I want another refill unless I say otherwise."

He flashes me a smile coated with pity for my sad situation.

"You've got it."

As he takes the glass away from me to fill it to the top yet again, I glance to my left as a tall figure walks by me and takes a seat at the opposite end of the bar, away from me. My eyes widen as I realize they're wearing an Akatsuki robe.

They're... an Akatsuki member? I wonder if I know them?

Their face is shielded by a large hat. I can't help but gaze at the figure curiously when they go to remove it.

I feel my heartbeat nearly come to a halt. I would recognize that bright, yellow hair and devilish grin anywhere.

Deidara... it's really him!

Back in my world, when Tab and I were reviewing all of the changes in the manga, I remember her pointing out that Deidara was supposed to die, also by Sasuke's hand, ever before Itachi. But, evidently my presence in this world made him cherish his life a bit more. The final words I spoke to him and the others had an impact on his later decisions, "Take care of yourselves, and be happy." So, rather than self-destructing during the fight with Sasuke, he tactically retreated, abandoning the fight to spare himself.

I'm glad I was able to save at least one of the people I care about.

"Deidara..." I whisper, "...Deidara!"

He looks around the busy tavern, having heard his name be called.

"Who the hell is calling for me?" He snaps, loud enough for the entire establishment to hear, "I'm busy here, hm!"

I stand from my chair and begin to walk toward him, his very presence bringing me great relief for some reason.

Even now, I feel no different about him than I did three years ago, he still has the same comforting essence. He's my best friend, and just who I need to be with at a painful time like this.


At long last, he notices me calling his name, stumbling toward him desperately. His blue eyes practically pop open and he stumbles out of his seat due to raw surprise.

"Y/N?!" He exclaims once I finally make it over to him, "What... What are you doing here?"

I don't even manage to answer his question before I fall into his arms and another round of intense sadness comes pouring out.

"What's wrong?" He asks frantically, "I don't see you for three years and then you show up out of nowhere, crying like this!"

I reluctantly let go of him, wiping away a few tears.

"It's Itachi..." I respond, "I came back here to try and save him, but none of it even mattered. I couldn't do a thing."

Deidara frowns softly, but his expression tells me he's already heard about the bad news.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," he mutters gently, which is rare for him, "I never liked Itachi. As a matter of fact, I've always considered him my greatest rival. But, I can't help but feel bad about his death because he made you so happy."

I feel my lips curl upward.

"Yeah, he made me really happy," I agree.

Deidara rests a hand on my shoulder.

"Let's go somewhere else and talk a little more, okay? Seeing the state you're in, you've probably already had enough to drink."

I acquiesce and nod once, feeling a bit better thanks to my close friend.


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