*bonus: a child is born*

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Everything is burning——it's the worst pain I've ever felt. I can hardly hear anything or anyone. The doctors and nurses are soothing me and I know Itachi's holding my hand but it's still terrifying. My body has never endured anything like this.

"Push!" The doctor tells me, his voice barely making its way into my eardrums, "Push, Y/N!"

I grit my teeth and with one more huge push while I cry out harshly in pain, I finally feel my body settle as the cries of a newborn baby waft into my ears.

"It's a girl!" Itachi exclaims and kisses my forehead, "A girl!"
A sigh of relief washes over me as the doctor picks up our newborn child carefully before placing her comfortably into my arms. As I touch her for the first time, a wave of emotions I didn't know I had brim to the forefront and tears of raw joy fall down my face. 

Itachi's gentle finger caresses the crying baby's cheeks as I hold her tenderly, forgetting about all of the previous turmoil my body had been put through. She has jet black hair, just like Itachi, but her nose and coloring already look more like mine. I wonder if she'll grow up to be a powerful ninja one day, just like her father and uncle. 

"Sweetheart, what are you going to name her?" Itachi asks me softly, planting another loving kiss on my cheek after our daughter's cries begin to settle down.  Before our child was born, Itachi and I made a deal——If it wound up being a boy, he would get to name him. But if it wound up being a girl, I would get to name her. Thankfully, I had already picked out a girl's name ever before this beautiful day arrived.

"I already know," I say sweetly, "Mikoto, to honor your mother."
I glance up at Itachi as he falls completely silent. My lips curve slightly upward as tears of happiness fill his eyes and he looks back down at our daughter.

"Really?" He gasps, "You're really going to name our daughter that, Y/N?"

I nod once, becoming emotional myself, and he embraces me with his tender arms, allowing a couple of his tears to drop onto my forehead. 

"I love you so much," he whispers, "Thank you."
I kiss him lightly on the lips before gazing back down at our daughter's face.

"Would you like to hold her?" I ask my husband, whose eyes widen. 

"Yes, of course!" He exclaims emphatically before I offer Mikoto to him and he gracefully takes her into his arms, bouncing up and down as he props her head up onto his elbow. 

I can't help but watch the two of them adoringly as Itachi hums softly to our daughter. I knew he would make for the best father. 


A few months later

It's Christmastime and everyone is coming to me and Itachi's house this year for Christmas eve so we can eat dinner together and open presents. Itachi graciously offered to take care of most of the planning, including cooking a meal and decorating, seeing as I've been very tired taking care of a young baby. 

I'm up in the nursery, dressing Mikoto in a cute, red dress. She's grown into a four month old baby at this point, and she's gotten more adorable with each passing day. She has big, warm, dark eyes, just like her father, and adorable dimples on both cheeks. 

She begins to fuss as I put her arm through one of the sleeves. 

"Mommy has to dress you!" I say gently, quickly finishing up so a tantrum doesn't ensue. She's such a mild baby, though, so I can't really complain.

I pick Mikoto up and walk toward the dining area, where Itachi is setting the food down onto a long table at which everyone will sit when they arrive. When he notices me in the doorway, his eyes soften.

"You look so beautiful, as always," he compliments, making me blush like I'm still that seventeen-year-old girl who fell deeply in love with him. 

"And you look so cute!" He exclaims as he takes Mikoto from me, lifting her into the air playfully. She smiles big, making her dimples even more pronounced. 

I love these two with my whole soul.

All of a sudden, there is a knock on the door. Since Itachi's holding the baby, I answer it swiftly. Surprisingly, everyone seems to have gotten here at the exact same time. All of our friends are here——Sasuke and Sakura, Naruto and Hinata, Deidara, Kakashi, and many others who we've become close with since buying a house in the hidden leaf village. 

"The party is here!" Naruto shouts, hugging me momentarily before heading over to Itachi and, more importantly, Mikoto. Everyone is in love with our baby, always playing with her and giving her affectionate cuddles. After all, she's one of the first born babies of the next generation. Even Sasuke can't help but absolutely adore her. I watch as Naruto takes Mikoto from Itachi and she smiles at him, of course. It really is true that everyone likes Naruto. 

Itachi rests a hand on my shoulder as he joins me to greet the rest of the guests, but they all pretty much sidestep us as well and huddle around the baby. Even Deidara doesn't greet me emphatically like usual. 

You know, there used to be a time when he was my number one fan. Now he's obsessed with my child, like everyone else!

"You've been replaced!" Itachi jokes, "Mikoto has everyone's attention."
"As she should," I add, smiling to myself, "She's perfect, don't you think?"
Itachi nods in response before kissing my cheek tenderly. Even now, after all this time, I blush gently when he shows unanticipated affection toward me. 

I rest my head on his shoulder as the two of us stand there and watch our friends and family dote on our smiling baby, passing her around and embracing her gently. I don't think I could possibly be any happier. This is everything I've ever wanted.

"She's going to be really spoiled one day," Itachi remarks.

I chuckle lightly.

"Yeah, she is." 

And for that I'm glad. Our daughter will not wind up like the two of us, left all alone with practically no one to turn to. She has an entire village, literally, who cherishes her deeply. And that makes my heart calmer than anything else——knowing that no matter what, she will be loved. 

The Wish That Brought Me You (Itachi Uchiha x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now