Day 1. Darkness Gathering

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It was a glorious day for the allied forces.

The Hand of Doom and the Demon King's armies had joined together, aided by the hero's blackened shadow and his dark New God personification. No one could oppose them now, not when The Mercenary himself was taken out of the game. Their combined forces would easily be able to defeat Hyrule's armies and even take on the wretched Hero and Princess of this wild era with ease.

However... an important question had to be acknowledged... Why was The Mercenary gone...?

Vladimir R̶a̶d̶o̶s̶l̶a̶v̶i̶c̶h̶ Nero Makarov, infamously known across the catalogued existence as The Butcher of Realms, had personally taken care of that fact. With Ganondorf Dragmire's aid and the occult powers of the Hell Priests within the Hand of Doom, they split the Triforce and forced one of its pieces to go towards The Bearer of The DOOM Slayer... That piece was the very Triforce of Power and, as a wise proverb told... Power corrupts... Absolute power... corrupts absolutely.

While it did not manage to explicitly corrupt Dynamo Decebal Georgian it did propel him into a frenzy, the sudden excess of divine energy driving him to the edge of mania. He was already in possession of the full Triforce of a universe from the voided Realm Alpha, the Harbinger Triforce. To have this extra Mark of the Warlock forced upon him threw the balance between the divine and the demonic within him into absolute pandemonium.

The pain that had wracked his body in those moments was unimaginable, his core unleashing the uncaged beast within without the chant to focus his endless rage, hate and pain. He was Maddened with Savagery... and vulnerable.

Each and every moment had been observed by Otčenáš Alexi, Makarov's trusty right-hand... thing, and Rodion Dragovich, the sellsword with no name at Makarov's beck, call and payroll. Both of them were no longer human, their consciousness had long been transferred into the bodies of Synthetic husks that would activate upon the shutdown of their current form, effectively making them immortal. They immediately informed their master, and as such The Butcher of Realms acted immediately with The Final Knight unfortunately falling under the sway of the mind-moulding Eden.

While not in full control, Makarov was able to influence the urges of The Maddened Slayer. Ganondorf wasn't overly keen and would have rather banished The Second Hellwalker to the Dark Realm and have him be held captive by the Hand of Doom. However, he saw the use of having such a fearsome rival on their side, the Dark Beast within agreeing as well.

They had gathered on an overlook, glaring down at what was supposedly an unassuming settlement... but what the Demon King and his allies were after was in there. He had given the direct order to retrieve it... and they would go in with the hordes as well.

"Everyone prepared?" Makarov asked eagerly, smiling at the anticipation.

"Hold your bloodthirst, Butcher." Ganondorf urged with a slight snarl and glanced at them, his eyes were tainted yellow and orange by the malicious demon within.

"All of our forces are in position," Alexi informed with a side smirk, Rodion at his side standing as silent as ever with his arms folded. "They are only waiting for the go-ahead."

"Yes, it is time... to rain chaos!" Dark Lynx exclaimed with a bout of cackles from atop Dark Star's shoulders, the massive New God standing silent with his arms crossed and burning red eyes.

There were several moments of silence between them as they looked on... before the sky began to turn red and flames started to lick the clouds...

With his eyes moving to the sky, the declaration left Ganondorf's upwards curled lips. "Now... it begins."

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