Day 24. The Mercenary has fallen...

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The Mercenary fell to his knees, barely keeping straight as he realised all that he'd done after blacking out. He was utterly crushed and defeated, looking at the pair in front of him with regretful crimson royal blue eyes. At the very least, his pupils and irises were fully able to be seen... Dynamo was himself again, in full control. The aura of The DOOM Slayer was reigned back almost completely and the Eden was fully gone from his left eye.

He was swaying back and forth heavily, teetering on the edge of collapsing as he was at the end of his strength. Even his endurance had limits, especially on the mental end of matters, he was simply exhausted. The Second Hellwalker held a hand over his wounded shoulder, his left arm limply hanging as the Triforce pieces glowed dimly.

"Prințesă... iar-... iartă-mă..." (Princess, for-, forgive me) Georgian managed to utter through the blood around his mouth before fainting and falling to the grassy ground in the middle of Kakariko Village, right in the direction of the statue of the Goddess Hylia.

Her ever-benevolent yet stony gaze seemed to be right on his figure, a few rays of light shining through the clouds and upon The Final Romanian Knight.

"Deci!" At the sight, Fennel rushed to his side in a near panic, tugging his shoulder in order to try and wake him but he didn't get any response. "What's wrong with him? Is he going to be fine?" He begged The Wild Princess with a note of panic trickling in his voice, his inherently wild emotions getting to him as he was still only a child.

"He will be, Feni." Zelda ensured as she quickly stepped next to him, taking a knee as she placed a hand on the young Saiyan's shoulder, squeezing it for a moment to console him. "I made a promise and I intend to keep it." She smiled softly, her green blue-hued eyes moving the fallen Final Knight. Like before, she reached out a hand and tucked a few locks of jet-black hair back with her delicate fingers. Wisdom's Daughter understood perfectly what he'd said, even if it was in Romanian, which led to her reiterating with complete devotion. "Cebi... totul va fi bine cu tine." (You're going to be just fine.)

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