Day 20. A demon is in their midst

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"It's him! It's him! The demon!" A shrill call sounded out and all eyes were drawn to The Demonic Knight. One of the male Hylian travellers who had survived and escaped the carnage pointed at him shakily, staggering back and falling onto the ground as he ran, trying to get away from his very presence.

He was merely the first of many, as the voice of the Gerudo travelling merchant was heard. "It cannot be...! He's here!" Her tone was shaky and despite the prominence of their skills in battle, she was too afraid of The Bearer of The DOOM Slayer to be able to fight. The same rang true of all the others, scrambling, tumbling over each other as they struggled to get to safety.

Not a few seconds later, several Sheikah materialized all around him out of fumes, some wearing stealth gear, others in their regular outfits, all prepared to face him... on the surface. The demonic mutant could sense their fear and anxiety as they looked at him, his crimson aura reflected in their naturally red eyes.

"Halt!" One of the female Sheikah cried out, a hand on her tantō at her back and the other in a signal at the ready to trigger one of the many arts mastered.

"You!" A gruffer, male voice came right after, from a Sheikah that was in stealth armour. "Stop right there!" He demanded as he pulled out several kunai.

"End of the line, Mercenary!" Came the third from a Blademaster as they surrounded him.

"Send word to Impa! The Mercenary is right here!" The warning came over and a pair poofed out, heading right to the leader's dwelling.

The Bearer of The DOOM Slayer breathed heavily, turning all around in almost dread as he was losing the limited control he had. Their voices were twisted by his mind, the world around in flames, but he still knew that this wasn't true... That wherewithal, however, was diminishing. "Stay-...! Stay away...!" He growled as his voice began to morph back into the one belonging to the demon worse than demons. "Stop...! Stop!" His vision darkened and blurred as he felt several restraints being launched at him. "You're triggering it!!!" He warned them desperately as he wrenched himself free, but that only made them struggle harder out of fear of what he might do if uncontained. "No!" Dynamo roared out as more and more Sheikah joined the effort, attempting to put him in Stasis as well, but everything made it worse.

Some even tried to physically restrain him and hold him down, The Final Knight still shouting. "Get off! Get OFF!!!" Violently, he broke out of their grasp, sending those closest flying as he thundered in agony. "STAY BAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!" And all control was lost as the Maddened Savagery took over again, the Eden only further worsening it.

"Tei Slaven..." (The Slayer) He growled on his hands and knees, slowly standing up and snarling at those around as he saw the Hellscape filled with demons. "Slaven... Neer...! Neer...!" (Slayer. No. No.) The Bearer of The DOOM Slayer rumbled and those standing around took a step back in fear and caution until he saw the relief on their faces when a door opened and closed in a hurry.

That scent... it could only be. "Pristesa...?" (Princess) He slowly turned in the direction of its source, catching only glimpses of what was true every few seconds. The Sheikah, the people around... No, this was Hell, he was in Hell and he had to fight his way out. That wasn't the Princess of Hyrule, it was a Hell Priest, trying to manipulate him, to seal him in the Cursed Sarcophagus again. He would not be sealed again.

Kill... kill... kill... guts... huge guts... feast on them... The voices filled his head coming from all over, urging him, pushing him. They are demons... they are everywhere... Kill the demons... they are everywhere... You must kill them, Slayer... And all he saw was black... YOU MUST KILL THEM ALL!!!

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