Day 26. The source of imbalance is removed

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Suddenly, The Mercenary drew in a huge intake of air, his chest rising drastically as his eyes were wide open. It was as if he'd finally gotten his head above the water after having it beneath for way too long. The sensation of relief was palpable, even for an Olympic-level master swimmer like him. Drowning or running out of air being a fear that even he, with all of his prowess, had. Something seemed to catch in his throat as he tried to inhale deeply, rolling on his side and coughing dramatically, placing his right gloved hand over his mouth.

"Deci!?" Fennel asked worriedly, glad that The Final Knight was up but the coughing fit wasn't helping. "Deci, what's wrong?"

Zelda was troubled herself, placing the Ocarina of Time safely in her pack at her side as she kneeled next to him, resting a hand on his shoulder as she struggled to think of a way to help. "Georgian, what is-...?"

"Give the lad a moment, hoot...!" Kaepora interjected, peering upon them from the branch that he sat on, a knowing look in his deep blue eyes.

Finally, the demonic mutant spat out what was in him, groaning as he caught his breath. "Ahhh... Doamne... Să-mi bag picioarele..." (God. Stick my feet in it.) He muttered, saliva around his lips as he stared at the two glowing Triforce pieces floating in his hand, Power and Wisdom. The Harbinger Triforce on the back of his left one shone in resonance to them as well as a restored symmetry between it and The DOOM Slayer within.

"Hoot-hoot...! There, exactly as I suspected." Gaebora seemed to nod as he commented. "The Mercenary lad was forcibly bonded with a piece of the Triforce that did not belong to him."

The Silent Princess nodded in understanding, looking from him to the Owl Sage and back. "Which led to The DOOM Slayer trying to compensate for the imbalance... and thus, the Maddened Savagery state." She found herself clasping his shoulder quite protectively while putting thoughts into words. "With Maddened Savagery being inherently volatile..."

Kaepora continued after she'd trailed off, having come to the same conclusion. "The Butcher of Realms profited and used him for his and the Fallen Gerudo King's nefarious plans."

"But... Deci, you're fine now, right?" The Young Saiyan found himself inquiring in childlike innocence, looking at what was essentially his big brother.

"Yes." Dynamo ensured with a nod and kinder look, even if he didn't find it in him to smile quite yet. Almost. "I am much better thanks to all of you." His royal blue eyes glanced at each in part as he uttered their names, bowing his head with sincere gratitude. "Thank you, Fennel, Kaepora and especially you, Princess Zel-AHHHH!!!" A sudden onslaught of anguish coursed through the whole of his body, muscles tensing completely and bones aching like never before, sending The Second Hellwalker gasping for breath in agony.

"Deci! Cebi!" The pair cried out in nigh unison, unsure of what to do and how to possibly help him as he fell to one knee and clutched at his shoulder blades, where the pain was strongest.

"Hoot-hoot...!!! By The Three Divine Mothers! Hooooot!!!" Not even The Sage of Light had expected this and all were forced to wait and see what was happening with The Mercenary.

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