Day 27. The Mercenary spreads his wings

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Dynamo wheezed for air desperately as he clutched at his shoulder blades, writhing on the ground with his eyes shut tightly. His teeth were gritted as he gasped through them, his expression contorted as his eyes opened widely. They shot all around, looking at those presiding over him. He couldn't bear their absolutely helpless expressions, they wanted to help him, but they had no idea how. What they could see was that a crimson circle had appeared around his pupils.

Not even The Mercenary knew what was happening to him, his hands digging into the burning muscles to try and relieve some of the agony, closing his eyes again. He swivelled on his front, screaming while punching the ground in a futile attempt at easing the agony. His pained breath hitched, sweat beading down his forehead as his eyes again opened. There was a second shift in them, bright yellow lines shooting through the white sclera, then came the third through large gasps, a chaotic purple outline. His fists clenched, grabbing at the grass and pushing down on it as hard as he could, another agonized holler escaping him. Something was changing, he could feel it within him, new appendages growing until they sprouted outwards.

A pair of angelic wings unfurled to their full impressive and massive span, light chaotic purple from his Onslaught side while the feathers were red at the root thanks to the Blood-fueled Savagery, gradually becoming yellow at the tips from the Overdrive form. It was the perfect blend of the forms of The DOOM Slayer, manifesting beyond what he'd achieved before.

Dynamo inhaled deeply, sheer relief washing over him as the distress subsided and he was getting used to his wings. The pain was fading away finally and it was easier to live. His marked royal blue eyes met the young Saiyan's then The Silent Princess', seeing that they were relieved and even awed by this transformation. The Final Knight was awed as well as he brought his wings around him, noting that they were angelic... not demonic as he would have anticipated.

Slowly, The Bearer of The DOOM Slayer rose to his feet from where he was on one knee, the Triforce of Realm Alpha shining brightly on the back of his left hand as his wings folded behind him.

"I always believed you to be angelic." The Wild Princess remarked with a fond and even admiring smile, her hands cupped together as she gazed at The Second Hellwalker. "I am glad to have been proven right."

He rubbed the back of his head, a ripple running through his feathers. "Right... I really can't argue against that now, nor deny it... the proof is in the wings." His eyes went to them, still in disbelief over the whole thing.

"Deci has his wings!" Fennel exclaimed joyously, rushing and hugging his big brother-in-arms, the tremendous height difference showing.

"Yes, Feni, I got my wings...!" Dynamo lifted him in a proper embrace, the childlike nature of the Saiyan making him laugh heartily before he set him back down.

"Now... we have one last matter to attend to." Zelda declared resolutely as she stepped closer, getting a nod of assent from The Mercenary.

"Hoot-hoot...! The Hero is on his way and will join you soon." Kaepora informed them, swaying slightly up and down before taking to the skies.

She nodded at him before urging The Final Knight with a bright and determined smile. "Then let us meet up and face this together."

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