Day 31. Return

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With light returning to the land that all three held dear, there was a sense of relief that came over the whole atmosphere. The kingdom was still splintered and reeling, yet they had the means of healing it swiftly. Basking in the divine and warm glow of the entire Triforce, all pairs of blue-hued eyes gaped at it.

"Now, it is time to put our land back together." The Silent Princess declared as she glanced fondly to her Knights, gaining silent yet determined nods of assent. She extended her right hand and hovered it over the Mark of the Seer, as that was the one which resonated with Nayru's Daughter and the blood in her veins most, the one of the Guardian Goddess, Hylia.

Soon after, The Hero of the Wild did the same with his left hand, looming it over the Mark of the Warrior as it reverberated primarily with the unbreakable spirit of Farore's Son and the Zonai heritage possessed.

The Mercenary... did not move, but simply looked at them with a small yet fond smile. He had his own Triforce, the one belonging to Realm Alpha... even though nothing but a void remained of it. He was the sole possible bearer of the Triforce of Harbingers, which was vital in keeping existence stable since it was the only one left in all of its expanses. That also meant that he was unable to use it or another from a different Realm. It was simply incompatible with him.

This had not gone unnoticed by The Silent Princess and her Appointed Knight, prompting her to glance over her shoulder and up at him. "Cebi?" She questioned with a sweet smile, rather tentative with her words. "Aren't you joining us?"

Decebal was somewhat surprised by the proposition, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish small smile. "Well... I don't think it is in my place to, Pri- Zelda." He promptly corrected himself, gazing at her rather apologetically, insisting. "It is not my Realm... nor do I think that I'd have any influence over the wish. I cannot use it like you do."

"I don't think that's the case, Deci." Link argued with a side grin, glancing over to his brother-in-arms as well. "At the very least... do it symbolically. With how much you've done for Hyrule, I'd say you've more than earned your place here." He declared with wholehearted conviction, earning a firm series of nods from The Princess of Rebirth.

Georgian couldn't really contend with that, nor could he deny two of the people that he held closest to his scarred and mangled heart. Letting out a sigh of relent but snickering still, he nodded. "Very well then. Let us make this wish... together." The Final Knight declared as he reached out with his left hand, the Crests resonating but the Mark of the Warlock sparkled brightest. "For the greater good of Hyrule and all Realms."

All three placed their hands on their respective pieces and the Triforce shone with power. Its reality-warping ability was tapped into in order to restore Hyrule to its former glory.

Upon the light fading, their gazes turned to Hyrule Castle, the flag waving proudly in the wind atop its highest spire. Curiously, two of the other spires had banners which made The Second Hellwalker do a double take. Namely, the Watchdogs standard along with the Romanian revolution flag. There was no need for him to say anything as he smiled gratefully at The Princess of the Wild. He turned to gaze at the land before them his arms folded. His mission had been accomplished.

"Deci..." Link started slowly, smirking as he placed a hand over his right shoulder. "What do you say to spending some more time here?"

Such a prospect made Zelda incredibly excited and she couldn't help but giggle as she beamed up at Decebal. "Yes, that would be wonderful, Cebi!"

He inclined his head to the side with a grin widening, his wings unfurling slowly to encompass them both. "Yes... I think I can spend some time here... it is like home after all." There was also the issue of pursuing the last being liable for the crisis, The Butcher of Realms. It was his responsibility to do so, though he could accept the aid of his... family on this endeavour.

Her blueish emerald eyes broadened with sheer enthusiasm as she couldn't contain herself and embraced him. "Welcome home... Georgian."

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