Day 25. A Song of Healing and a Royal Lullaby

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Almost as if on cue, the massive owl that was Kaepora swooped down, the item still in his massive talons. The Princess of Rebirth glanced up at it, nodding with a silent message, understanding and knowing perfectly why he'd come. He opened his talons and dropped the item right in her studded-gloved hands. For a moment, Zelda looked at it, at its royal blueish-purple porcelain sheen, running a thumb over the small Triforce engraved on it. The Ocarina of Time, passed down through her family since the Era of Lost Time.

The Sage of Light landed on a branch right behind, unfurling his left wing with a 'hoot-hoot'. He seemed to be advising The Silent Princess on what to do, aged blue eyes on the fallen Mercenary before them.

"Zelda?" Fennel asked tentatively, looking between all three of them, still anxious.

The Wild Queen-to-be glanced between all of them before speaking. "I know what I must do." She smiled softly as she glanced at the owl over her right shoulder. "Thank you for bringing this to me, Kaepora. Your aid has been invaluable." Then her blueish emerald eyes gazed at The Final Knight, a burdened sigh leaving her lips before she took a deep breath. Her eyes closed and she put the instrument to her lips, gentle notes beginning to echo from the Ocarina as her fingers moved nimbly over each hole.

First, she played a Song of Healing, a warm reddish glow engulfing the instrument. and resonating within The Second Hellwalker. The bittersweet notes filled the air and the ears of the fallen mutant hybrid, effectively cleansing any lingering influences that the Eden might have had on him. Slowly, she transitioned into a melody that has been passed down through her family even before the Kingdom had been established. She knew that the delicate notes would always soothe the Maddened Savagery of The DOOM Slayer and any grief he might have had. It kept her nightmares away even in the blackest nights since she was little. After all, it was commonly known by her name... Zelda's Lullaby.

Dynamo rasped, slowly awakening as the soft notes still swirled in the air, filling his mind and purifying him from within. His eyes began to open, the sclera completely clear and pure, same with the royal blue pupils. He'd been saved and healed by The Princess of the Wild.

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