Day 28. Onwards towards The Demon King

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It wasn't long until The Mercenary and Princess entered Blatchery Plain together, having left Fennel in Impa's care until they would return. This was their war and he had done more than enough for his part. He might be gifted, but he was still a child, not a warrior. It took some convincing from The Final Knight but The Wild Princess' sweet words got the Young Saiyan to promise to wait for them in the safety of Kakariko Village.

"Zelda!" The Hero's voice carried over the air, quite excited as he dismounted from Epona and ran up to them. Upon making sure that she was alright with it, he gave his charge a familial embrace. "I'm so glad to see that the both of you are well...!" Rather swiftly, he gave one to the demonic mutant, catching him off-guard but it was returned quite readily. "And I see that someone has finally reached their potential." He remarked with a cheeky smirk.

The Second Hellwalker was rather flustered by the praise, catching Zelda's fond gaze as he addressed his brother-in-arms. "It is all thanks to Her Grace and all of you." He spoke sincerely, humbly and nearly grinned even as he bowed his head to them. "Without her, Fen, Kaepora and you... I'd likely still be Maddened and controlled... You have my eternal gratitude."

"Georgian...! You know that you can speak freely." The Silent Princess assured with a note of exasperation almost but she couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. "You've more than earned that right, just like Link."

Dynamo was a tad sheepish and even apologetic about the whole matter, rubbing the back of his head still. "Very well... Zelda. Force of habit." A grin nearly upturned his expression.

"You're not the only one." The Wild Knight remarked as he folded his arms, chuckling under his breath. "I still struggle with that, haha...!"

She placed her hands on her hips with an indignant look at both, yet was wholly joking and playful. "And I will remind you both for as long as it is needed."

"Right, now where is that damn owl? I have a few feathers to pluck from him." Link muttered as his fierce blue eyes scanned the skies above them.

Zelda was quite surprised by the slight vindictiveness, inquiring carefully. "Kaepora...? Why...?"

"He broke the window of my house!" He nearly shouted, still in slight disbelief and more outrage at what had happened. "There was glass all over the floor and I had to fix it!" The Silent Knight was quite noisy with that grievance.

"That he did... to get the Ocarina... I witnessed it." The Mercenary asserted with a raise of his hand to the side as if swearing a solemn oath.

"Oh..." She wasn't sure what to say... but she did find the whole matter rather amusing.

Link spotted The Sage of Light flying high above them so he shook his fost at him as his voice boomed. "Kaepora!!! You owe me the rupees for the window repairs!!!"

The Wild Princess shook her head with an amused sigh before instructing resolutely. "Anyway, I believe that we must be on our way."

Dynamo nodded in assent, beginning to unfurl his wings. "Correct. Defeating the King of Evil is more imperative than Gaebora." With a confident look, he proposed. "Shall I fly us there?"

Both nodded and latched onto their brother-in-arms firmly, him keeping a sure grip on them as well. "To the Castle!" The Wild Princess commanded.

"As my Princess commands!!!" The Mercenary obeyed, bending his knees before beating his wings once and pushing off in full force. "URA!!!" The determined cry echoed countless times as he took to the skies in the direction of Hyrule Castle, prepared for the final confrontation.

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