drunk hot guy

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I sat on a seat and fixed my hair, as I was taking my phone out from my bag I noticed a guy sitting on two seats away. He had slicked back hair but a bit messy, he was drinking while he's back was this way, I was staring at him without even realizing when suddenly he turned around to order something when he side eyed me, he turned at me but I turned my head away without even looking at the guy, I might look like a creep.

As I was ignoring him the girl who was serving drinks knocked lightly on my table, I turned towards the girl and she gave a glass of soju. I looked at her confused, she smiled and pointed at the direction, I turned around to see the guy in suit lifting up he's glasses, he nods he's head at my glass. I picked up the glass and stood up than walked towards him, I could see he's confused face, he was handsome indeed, he's black sharp eyes, soft looking lips,sharp nose and jawline was just perfect.

I placed the glass of soju beside he's and said "I don't drink" he tilted he's head than softened "It's weird how someone is in a bar and says she doesn't drink" I rolled my eyes "So quick to judge? But fair enough. I came to meet my friend" I said "I see, would you drink water than till you wait?" I raised my eyebrow "Thanks for your suggestion but no" I walked back to my seat while looking at the door. I waited for awhile but she still wisn't here, I suddenly heard something move beside me, as I turned around it was the suit guy "Hope you don't mind me sitting here?" he asked while pulling the chair out and sitting "You didn't even let me answer" I said.

He looked drunk and sleepy yet was drinking, "One more glass of soju please" he said while lifting up he's finger, I rolled my eyes and held he's hand while pulling it down, he flinched as I touched "You're gonna pass out at any moment" I said while removing my grip from he's arm, "Why a stranger like you care? I'm going to use my money" I rolled my eyes "You know what they say? These days you shouldn't do good for people" he tilted he's head "Who they?" I gritted my teeth "Your m-" before I could finish i took a deep sigh "Just stop drinking" I said "Excuse me, I asked for a drink didn't I?" he yelled while looking straight into my eyes, "What a arrogant drunk idiot" I mumbled while looking away "Huh-? What did u just call me?" he said while leaning closer, I could feel he's closeness, I turned around and moved him away by slamming my hand on he's face "Sir, you're terribly drunk so before I end up getting offended, get lost" I moved my hand away, he rubbed he's eyes "Why are you two-?" he said while pointing at me and beside me, I held up a finger "how many are there?" I asked, he tilted he's head and tapped he's finger on he's chin like he was observing "Five" my eye twiched "How much did you drink?" I asked smiling with gritted teeth "Jus~t a bit" he said while making it sound like a song. "19 glasses" the girl in the counter said. I face palmed myself "Go home" I said while standing up and grabbing the bag.

I walked out since she didn't came, while walking i could hear footsteps from behind. I clenched my fist and turned around just to see the drunk suit guy was walking towards my way, it was obvious that he would end up tripping to he's death so I walked towards him while my heels were making click noises in the empty street. He glared up, he's hair was totally messed up right now, I held he's chin and lifted it up "Hey, do you wanna die?" I asked annoyed. He nodded which kinda caught me off-guard "G-give me your phone" I said while letting he's chin go.

He blinked few times than shook he's head "I can't give my phone to strangers" I took out he's phone from he's suit which made him flinch "H-hey! Don't steal" before he could snitch my phone I grabbed he's hand and said "I don't even want to, I'm just trying to send you home" I looked through he's resent calls and there was only one person "him" I called the number and waited for a minute until someone picked up "What is it?" the guy said in deep voice "Hi, I'm a stranger who is calling you because the owner of this phone is drunk and wouldn't sit down in a place so can you come can pick him up?" I said while still holding he's hand, he was just starting at me innocently "I'll get him. Where are you both?" the guy asked. I looked around "Near milun bar or something" he hummed and ended the call, I looked at the drunk guy and let he's hand go "Here, hold this and follow me" I said while walking towards the empty busstop.

There's benche so I made him sit down "Stay here until he comes ok?" I said while tapping on he's forehead, as I was about to turn he grabbed my jacket's edge with he's fingers. I turned around and he was pulling my jacket "What?" I said while shrugging he's hand away "I'm scared" he mumbled "Why?" I asked "He-he'll abuse me again" he said in low voice. My eyes widened "A-abuse? Who is abusing you?" I said while crouching down while he was staring down "M-my br-" before he could finish i saw car lights flashing right at our faces.

I turned around to see a expensive black car, I got a bit uncomfortable, what if they're kidnappers but suddenly the drunk guy got a call, I took he's phone out and it was the guy from before, I picked up the call "It's my car, bring him and lay him in the back of the car please" the guy said. I ended the call and grabbed he's arms than placed them near my shoulders I walked with him towards the car and as soon as I reached the car door opened, I slowly placed him inside the car and peeked at the guy in the driving seat, he had a mask on and black hoodie which was weird but who cares "Please take care of him" I said before closing the door. The car went away and I took a deep breath "I hope he is gonna be alright.." I mumbled.

He's pov. (him)

"Fuck, thank God this idiot didn't open he's mouth about he's brother. Just wake up you little shit, I'll break your arms so you wouldn't drink again" the guy said while rolling down the windows, he glazed at the mirror and watched kim so-yeon taking a deep breath. He smirked "It's strange how we met two times in the same day" he mumbled in a low voice while leaning back on he's seat and driving.

Hi, so first of all, I know i
Published this chapter really late!
Sorry for keeping you guys
waiting 😭hope y'all like this and
Let me know if u like Kim so-yeon

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