her serect out

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Third person's pov.

Jang hanseok clenched he's fist, he quickly called jang hanseo "Yaa!" he yelled as soon as hanseo picked up "I told you not to do anything stupid! Why the f*ck did you got cha young arrested!" he added while clenching he's phone "Sir the rea-" before jang hanseo could finish jang hanseok sighed "Shut up, take your damn arrest warrant back and let cha young free! Now!" he yelled while ending the call.

Jang hanseo gritted he's teeth while slamming he's phone on the table and placed he's both arms on the edge of the desk "he didn't even consider ones before killing dad now why the heck is he hesitating!?" he yelled while slamming on the desk. He turned around to face the window and took out he's phone "I take my arrest warrant back, let her out" he said while clenching he's phone "Ah..ok sir" he ended the call aggressively while looking outside "At least I saved so-yeon from getting killed" he mumbled while closing he's eyes and taking a deep breath.

Jang hanseok's pov.

As I turned around to leave my eyes widened, so-yeon was standing near the door "w-whatever i said was not true! I-" before I could finish she walked towards me "What?How could" she said with gritted teeth and screamed out of nowhere making me flinch back in shock, she was too scary when she is angry for sure, so many questions flashed infrot of my eyes, 'is she going to kill me? She can't still, is she going to tell everyone about my truth? Is she going to choke me to d-' before my thinking could finish she held my hand "Can you believe it! Vincenzo is not picking the damn call when it's emergency! Can you please drive me to he's house!?" she said while squishing my arm softly, how can I say no to her? "Sure! Let's go" i said while walking out with her.

Awhile later.

We reached he's house and kept on ringing door bell but no one came out, we waited for awhile until her phone ranged. "Cha young!" she said "What!? Really!?, that's great. I'll meet you at home!" she said while smiling wildly and ending the call "Is everything alright!?" i asked as she nodded "Yes! I heard the chairman took he's complain back so she is safe now!" she said while grabbing my arms and shaking it. I chuckled, only if she knew that I did it for her.

As we were driving back there was a awkward silence, she was looking out of the window while I was driving. The breeze was cold yet she was wearing a sleeveless dress, I took my jacket off, before coming I knew it's cold outside so I took the jacket with me.

I took the jacket off and slowly covered her up "Mm?" she hummed as question while looking around at me "Ah, well, you were feeling cold so" i said while awkwardly laughing "Thanks but-" as she was saying she took off the jacket "I'm alright" she said with a smile which looked fake "Is everything alright?" i asked while looking at her "Nope" she said while looking back outside the window "Can i ask you something jang joon woo?" she said "Sure, anything if it makes you feel better" she took a deep breath "Will you run away like everyone does after listening to what I've done?" she asked. I already know, after all I'm obsessed with her.

"I won't, I'll always stay by your side" her dark side never scared me, she did that for a reason but I. I'm worse than her and I know for sure she'll run away far from me ones she finds out. Not only about babel but who I'm.

"I nearly killed my dad" i literally killed jang hanseo's dad but ok-
I said nothing "He was abusive, pathetic, even tho I loved him. He never, not even ones been proud of me. At least ones in life you wanna feel loved by the people you love, you want them to praise you." she said as I felt her voice slowly cracking "I've never wanted to hurt him but that day, I lost control. It was the day I realized that I have to get away." she said while bitting her cheek "I love them, but I can't go back. Not after what I did" i stooped the car as she looked around, I saw her teary eyes. She looked so lost and broken.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her for a hug, she gasped in shock. "It's gonna be alright so-yeon" i said softly while patting her back. I'm not good at comforting people but I can't just watch her cry, on the other hand I think I'm falling for her.

At first I thought she was intresting later I git to know her and because I fell for her, my obsession with her seems to be getting worse. She is not how it seems, there's something really common in us, we both hide our true faces, feelings from people and pretend to be someone else, a happy person with no pain, nothing. Just laugh it out type, she reminds me of myself that's what I really like about her.

"I've never told about this to anyone, you're the first person" she said while hugging me back "I'm glad to be the first person who knows so much about you" i said while smiling.

God, the more we're getting closer the more it's getting harder to tell you who I'm. I hope you don't do something which makes me angry

He doesn't want to
risk losing her, As a psychopath
it's a bit of Confusing for
him to suddenly feel things
towards someone.

Will she find out who he really is?
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