Tell me your ways

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Next day.

Cha young and vincenzo went to their plan and I had free time so I was resting, honestly my mind was blank, as I was blankly staring at the ceiling I got a notification.

Jang hanseo.

"Why are you even trusting a jerk like him?"

"Ain't you being too worried?
Don't worry hanseo, I'll be totally

"I know my brother more than
You can ever, I suggest you to
Back away till you can."

"I don't back down without a
Fight, I thought you would have
Known that by now. Damn, you
Hurted my feelings" ̄へ ̄

"I'm not joking so yeon, I
Care about you and If something
Happens to you than I won't be
Able to forgive myself."

"Damn hanseo, you're so cute but
I can't let you die either.I'm not just
Fighting for myself, I'm fighting for
everyone, it's for the best."

"if he hurts you than I'll...
I'll ruin he's expensive jacket!"

"Pftt! I just snorted, try
Putting a expired juice in he's
white jacket or suit!"

"yes ma'am!"

*So yeon went offline*

He's pov.

It sucks that she fell for a jerk like him,
He doesn't deserve someone so kind hearted like her.

I've always thought her as a stranger but she is slowly becoming my best friend, this is the first time I've ever made a friend and the lonely feeling is leaving me since than.

Only if she went for the right brother.
But it's never too late...right?

Jang hanseok's pov.

"Should I call her?" he mumbled to himself while staring at he's phone.
Suddenly he's phone ranged and he flinched making the phone fell off from he's hand on table.

"Shit!" he said while grabbing the phone quickly. It was a text from so yeon.

"Hey, what you doing?"

"was about to text you! You
know I was going to ask
If you wanna hang out today?"

I bit my lip while packing.

"Sounds good, but I'm busy.
Let's hang out later"

"Oh no" I mumbled while pouting.
"What should I do?" I said while
walking around the room

"Oh, how about I help you with
Whatever you're busy with?"

"No thanks, I'm busy with cha
young and vincenzo. I texted to

Saw your heart/ (vincenzo, jang hanseo, jang hanseok) Where stories live. Discover now