care for me?

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At jang hanseok's house.

jang hanseok could barely walk because of the fight still he had a smirk because how she cared about him but why get him injured In the first place?

As he carefully sat down he noticed jang hanseo coming from the kitchen. He narrowed he's eyes "Why the heck you're here? Shouldn't you be at yours?" he said while leaning back, jang hanseo gasped as he saw him terribly injured, he rushed towards him and sat on the floor with he's knees "Sir what happened!?" jang hanseok hissed in pain as he sat "Well, so yeon got me injured like this" he said while chuckling. As jang hanseo was shocked he's glaze fell on he's forehead, he had the injury in the same place as him.

He's jaw dropped as he realized, she did it for him!? As he was stressing out and thinking jang hanseok tilted he's head, he held he's chin and lifted he's face up, jang hanseo flinched because of he's sudden action "Is there something you're hiding?" he asked, jang hanseo gulped and shook he's head "N-no sir!" jang hanseok let go of he's chin and threw he's head back while resting he's arms on each side of sofa "Why were you here?" jang hanseo stood up "I forgot my keys here so I came to get them" jang hanseok nodded "You can leave" he mumbled while closing he's eyes.

jang hanseo came to get as much information he could but he got thirsty, that saved him though.

As he walked out of he's building he quickly grabbed he's phone out of he's pocket and called her.

"Did you like the gift?" she said, he could feel her smirk through the phone, her melodious voice was enough to melt one's heart "Damn, you literally made him look like a walking dead" she chuckled "That's what he gets" he scratched he's back of the neck while licking the lower lip shyly "Y-you cared about me?" he asked.

"Of course, you shouldn't be getting abused for helping us." he smiled because that's the first time anyone ever cared for him "But I didn't even-" she sighed "Hanseo, you're bad at pretending to be ok, it was obvious that he abused you" he smiled "Thanks"

Next day.

"Hey, I'm injured! Ain't you gonna come and take care of me?

I gritted my teeth while reading the text from him, it was 7 in the morning for the God's sake! Why is he asking me to take care of him!? Is he a kid

"I need to work hanseok! I'm going to help cha young and vincenzo"

I texted while shoving the phone inside in my bag.

He's pov.

"Aishh! She is so smart. Today was babel's case and she made me injured!? She is so smart.

After an hour.

Everything went as vincenzo planed and after everything was over.

we we were leaving when suddenly someone grabbed my arm and dragged me away from crowded place. Suddenly I got slammed on the wall lightly, someone placed their hand on the back of my head so it won't get slammed. I peeked with one eye and it was jang hanseo.

I fully opend my eyes and looked at him more like glared "what the heck?" I said, I noticed he was now holding both of my hands behind my back "So it wisn't for me?" he asked, he seemed serious and a bit annoyed. He had he's pouty lips and annoyed look.

"What do you mean Mr chairman?" I said while rasing a eyebrow, he clicked he's tongue and placed he's arm beside me and leaned closer, I looked around in shock if anyone saw that but thankfully no one did.

"You hurted hanseok so he wouldn't interfere in your work right? You lied that you did it for me!" he raised he's voice a bit, instead of looking scary he looked cute. "Don't tell me you're upset because you think I lied to you" he bit he's inside cheek. I rolled my eyes and looked straight at he's eyes "Can you let go of my hand so I can explain?" he pouted while still frowning, as he let go of my hand.

i grabbed he's hand and slammed him agginest the wall which made him flinch and he's eyes widened "I-" he tried speaking but my sudden action made him speechless. "So, I did it because I got annoyed how he was abusing you to get he's anger out. We're friends so I can't just stand and watch you get hurt" he kept blinking like a eye patting doll "S-so you care about me?"

I rolled my eyes and cupped he's cheeks "Of course u idiot! And fortunately the case date was today" he smiled with pressed lips "And now mr chairman, stop slamming me randomly agginest the wall" he nodded while smiling and looking down.

Third person's pov.

Vincenzo was watching them but couldn't hear them, he thought that they're dating which annoyed him "what the-" he mumbled while clenching he's jaw.

After awhile.

After hanseo left she was smiling and walking towards cha young and vincenzo, as soon as vincenzo saw her he rolled he's eyes and left. She stood there confused "What's up with he's ass?" i said as cha young giggled "He is always like that, anyways I'm going out of town for few days so now you're staying alone there for awhile" i narrowed my eyes "Are you leaving me alone!? That's not fair!" i said while crossing my arms.

That night.

As I was ready to jump on bed my doorbell ranged, I groaned "I hate people!" i said while rushing downstairs.

I reached the door and opend just to see-

Hi guys! How are u guys doing?
Hope y'all are enjoying reading and
I have some news for you all so!
I started writing a new book "Escaping the psychopath" if you are a bts army than you should totally check it out! The male lead is non other than Kim taehyung ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
Not only that but it isn't a romantic story 💀

It's a thriller/dark story so hope
You guys actually check it out!

And about this
Who do you ship
with so-yeon?💗

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