"I mean every single word"

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Jang hanseok's pov.

"F*ck, this is so annoying" i grumbled when someone tapped on my shoulder, I turned around to see a man. If he bullies i swear I'll rip he's head off.

"Ain't you the chairman?" i smiled. So he is my fan huh? "Ye-" before I could finish a hard punch man landed on my face, i gritted my teeth and turned around "Let me introduce myself, I'm kim mun Il. Kim so yeon's cousin"

I gasped "Brother in law!" i beamed but got another punch landed on my face "Don't you dare to call me that, you broke her heart so in return I'll break your ar-" before he could finish a police walked in "You have a visitor"

I glanced at the police officer while rubbing my cheeks. I nodded and followed.

As I walked out I saw a girl facing her back towards me, it didn't took too long to realize who it was.

"I knew you'll come" i said while smiling and walking forward, there was two chairs, one this side and another on the other side.

It's like she is here to meet a freking zoo animal.

So yeon turned around with arms crossed "Jang hanseok" she said coldly, as she walked towards and sat on chair. She had no expressions

"So yeon, i didn't mean to hurt you I-" before I could finish she clicked her tongue "Shut up, I'm not here for your lies. You don't betray the people you love"

I clenched the desk infrot while bitting my lip, i told miss choi about it because she was the most trusted but I didn't she'll try to use it for destroying her. "I'm not the psychopath i used to be! Trust me!" i snapped while slamming the desk.

She clapped her hands with a smirk "So fantastic! Your act of fooling around really got you behind the bars yet you wanna act?" she said. Now she was making me annoyed, i couldn't help but be done with her words.

"Do you think my love for you was a joke!? I tried to change for you! I did so much for us, i was ready to sacrifice my everything! Even got beaten up by that damn boxer and your bloody cousin inside!" i yelled as she glared.

She slammed her hand on the desk and stood up with a glare "Don't you fucking dard to raise your damn voice! Jang hanseok. I trusted you! Loved you and yet you did everything to break me! I hate you"

I hate you those words started hurting me way more than I can explain "Say you don't mean it" i said while gritting my teeth

"I mean every single word hanseok"

Never in my life I've felt so bad, i wanted to break everything around me, i want the things to go back to how it was, i want her to love me, i want that words 'i hate you' to be a lie. I want her. "Why don't you understand!?" i yelled.

She clenched her fist "I did love you hanseok, but what you did was off limits. You tried to drag my family into your little games! You knew how much I love them right!? I hurted my dad and it already makes me feel guilty, do you think I could have forgive myself if you hurted them!?"

I could see the pain in her eyes, but can't she see mine? "Look at me, do you really think I faked all the love!?" she gritted her teeth "I can't really even look at you right now hanseok, you make me feel disgusted" she stood up and stormed out.

She was like a strom, came in my life, made everything a mess and left but still I found the mess beautiful. When I was kid, i hated it when kids tried taking away what's mine. It made me jealous.

When the first time hanseo wanted to be the owner of Babel it made my blood boil, no one can take away what's mine from me. When vincenzo looked at her like that it made me jealous, when that hanseo said he'll be having lunch with her, i wanted to kill him right there.

My two obsssesion was babel and kim so yeon. Now I only have one, and it's her I won't let her go even if she let go of me. She was mine and she'll still be mine, forever. If it means I'll need to destroy everyone and everything around her. I'll gladly

You'll never be separated from me kim so yeon.

Kim so yeon's pov.

As I reached home I got a text from cha young that vincenzo asked her out on a date, i was happy for them. At least one of us got their true love.

As I was opening my jacket i heard a knock. I turned around and opend it just to see jang hanseo. "Huh? What are you doing here?" i asked in confusion.

He looked at me and smiled "I wanted to talk with you" i smiled and invited him in. He took off he's shoes and walked in "go sit on sofa, I'll be back" he nodded as I walked upstairs.

Hanseo's pov.

I know, she went to meet hanseok. She'll be upset so I came to lighten up her mood.

It's been awhile she went to her room. I got a bit worried so I went upstairs.

"So yeon?" i asked when suddenly I heard light sobs. "So yeon! Talk to m-" before I could finish i heard a gasp and loud noice. I got terrified as I started slamming my hand on the door rapidly. I heard nothing so I slammed my arm on the door. After few tires it didn't open. I bit my lip in panic. I decided to break the door

I started kicking it over and over again until it finally got broken, i glanced her near the bed, laying on floor. As I went closer my heart dropped...

Saw your heart/ (vincenzo, jang hanseo, jang hanseok) Where stories live. Discover now