the offer rejected

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Kim so-yeon's pov.

As I reached my house I took my shoes off than closed the door behind then I went upstairs, I took my clothes off and went straight to the shower. I played a song while taking shower, as I was humming. I finished taking a shower then I wrapped myself in a towel while grabbing my phone. I heard footsteps cha young's voice "So-yeon! Where you at!?" she yelled as I walked downstairs "Hey!" I said while smiling wildly "Guess what!?" she said while dancing weirdly "What?" I said while chuckling "Vincenzo took me out for lunch!" she said while clapping her hands "Wow! That's amazing! Hope you had fun!" I said while smiling.

After an hour.

*beep, beep*

"Ugh!" I said while slamming my head on the pillow, I took my phone and saw a text from

vincenzo "Hey, what are you doing?"

I groaned and texted back "Busy"

"you're probably sleeping" my eye twiched. How the heck he guessed!?

"I have other things too!" I texted back

"yeah, scrolling through reels, studying sometimes, again sleeping, eating and the cycle goes around"

"Aishhh" I said with gritted teeth.

"Just leave me alone" I texted

"Is hong cha young back?" he texted, ah. He wants to know about her? Fair enough.

"Yes, want me to tell her to call you?" I texted him

"No need to, I was just asking" damn they're on the lovey dovy stage already?

"Alright than, bye" I texted than gone back to sleep.

Few minutes later.

*knock, knock*

I heard my door knock and woke up while yawning "kill me" I mumbled while rubbing my forehead "What is it cha young!?" I shouted "Chairman jang hanseo is here to meet you" I flinched "What!? Why??" I yelled "How would I know? He is waiting in the living room" she said while the footsteps faded. I flipped off the bed and rushed towards the dressing room. I grabbed a t-shirt and I was in shorts. I grabbed my black pajamas and dressed up. After that I rushed out and fixed my hair because it looks like a bird's nest.

I took a deep breath than walked downstairs while blinking my sleepy eyes, I should have washed them. As I went downstairs I saw him in as usual suit. He was sitting with he's legs crossed and noticed cha young standing near the kitchen "Why are you here Mr chairman?" I asked while walking towards him, he turned around to say something but closed he's mouth, he looked at me with he's detailed eyes, I cleared my throat to get he's attention back "Call me ha- before he could finish he side eyed cha young and pointed he's head towards her to me.

I nodded and pointed at her to go to her room, she rolled her eyes and walked away inside her room "What?" he patted beside him in the sofa. I rolled my eyes and walked towards him and sat beside him "You can call me hanseo" he said while smiling "Yeah, no. What is it" I said while smiling "Alright, I need help" he said while scratching he's neck "Just stop beating around the bush" he nodded "So, I agree there's some wrong doings done by babel but can you not pull this further? Let's just short things out?" he said. I scoffed "It's not my thing to decide, cha young and vincenzo wants to and I'm just the helper" he narrowed he's eyes "You literally helped them with all the information and If you didn't than they wouldn't be able to do anything" I pouted and nodded "True, it's my job so I can't help you" I said. "Do you hate me?" he asked while looking at me in confusion "I have nothing against you or Babel" I said while leaning on the sofa "Look, I can pay alot if you wa-" I stood up "Get out" I said while stretching neck "Huh-?" he said in confusion "Do you think you can buy me? Leave before I kick you out" I said while clenching my fist "L-" before he could finish i grabbed he's hand and walked towards the door.

As soon as I opened I saw vincenzo was about click the doorbell, he glazed at our hands than looked back at us, he's expressions were cold "Liste-" before chairman could finish i said "Don't, If you want to talk anything further than call me or text me" he pressed he's lips and nodded while walking towards he's car. "Come inside" I said to vincenzo while looking back at chairman, he looked at me one last time before getting inside the car.

As we got inside he slammed the door close making me flinch "Why was the chairman here?" he asked "for something" I said while while turning around but he grabbed my arm and turned me around "You know how dangerous he is for us? We're trying to expose babel's wrongdoings!" he yelled making me flinch. I clenched my fist "What are you trying to say? He won't kill me or cha young" I said "Are you what betraying us?" he said with clenched teeths, he's grip was strong so I can't just shrug my arm "Are you always this self centered or just become one?" I said while digging my nails on he's hand "I'm trying to look out for ourselves" I scoffed "Look out for yourself, I can do it for me" I said while trying to losein he's grip but he didn't even flinch "Vincenzo" cha young said while walking towards us. I looked at her than looked back at he's hand, it was bleeding because of my nails but he just kept on glaring at me while still grabbing my hand "What's going on?" cha young asked with confusion. I kicked on he's foot making him flinch, finally.

I rushed upstairs and slammed the door close behind. I sat on my bed and gritted my teeth "Why the heck is he acting like this!?" I yelled in frustration.

Next day.

I got a text from vincenzo apologizing for yesterday but I just ignored them.
It was Sunday so I got free time to spend. I decided to rest and as I was putting my phone in my pocket it fell and the screen broke "Well, there goes my resting plan" I said while smiling and gritting teeth.

Saw your heart/ (vincenzo, jang hanseo, jang hanseok) Where stories live. Discover now