who is the real chairman?

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Next day.

Jang joon woo's pov.

Yesterday I walked her to her house and she smiled wildly at me while I smiled back and said our goodbyes, honestly it's been years since the last time I smiled like this. All the other times it's just a fake act to fool people but when I'm around her my smile wouldnt stop it's like after years I felt something.

As I was thinking about her I took the elevator to reach down, I was taking with the chairman or should I say fake chairman? Let's just call him the one and only chairman for now. I had to find a reason to talk with so-yeon.

As the elevator reached i saw vincenzo and cha young talking in the entrance, I rolled my eyes and widened my fake smile while rushing towards them, they were turned around so they didn't see me. "Hi!" I said while smiling as both of them turned around "Oh, hey jang joon woo" vincenzo said while removing he's sunglasses while.

As we were talking i saw her walking towards us while grabbing her open hair, she held the rubberband in her lips, she took the rubber and put it on her ponytail while fixing her front hair. A smile creeeped on my face without I could even realize "Why are you smiling like an idiot?" cha young asked while rasing her eyebrow, she turned around and noticed so-yeon walking towards us while her glaze was down since she was fixing her hair.

As soon as she looked up our eyes locked, I smiled softly but she waved her hand and walked towards us, my smile dropped as I noticed vincenzo was starting at her too. I don't know why but I felt a bit jealous but why? Jeez I need to stop, I shook my head and smiled wildly, "Hey so-ye-" before I could finish vincenzo grabbed the files from her hands "I'll pick these up for you" I gritted my teeth as I saw he's fingers touched her hand "I have hands vincenzo" she said while snitching the files away from him. That's my girl.

"Why are you all here?" I asked while tilting my head "To meet miss choi" vincenzo said while cha young walked towards the office, vincenzo followed her. As soon as so-yeon was about to follow them I grabbed her arm "Hey, we haven't talked since yesterday, you didn't even text me?" I said while smiling downwards "jang joon woo, I had to sleep you know? And today I literally had no time" she said while pressing her lips "I see, wanna grab a coffee since cha young and vincenzo is busy with miss Choi?" she thought for a second than smiled while nodding, I smiled wildly while letting her hand go "I know a good cafe, follow me" I said while nodding my head towards the exit of the office.

Jang hanseo's pov.

It's getting so frustrating to get abused by that bastard, I just wanna escape all this and run away with someone but than again I want to run babel. I wish I could just end it all or maybe-
As I was thinking my glaze swinged at so-yeon on the streets, I was standing near the big glass window and fun fact no one can see through from out. I noticed hanseok as in jang joon woo walking with her, again he is fooling around, this leech is always sucking happiness outta people, I swear if he tries something with her I'll shoot him myself. Even if we didn't talk much I can say she is a kind hearted person.

Her pov.

Jang joon woo was like a bright sunshine, always smiling, shining and loud. He is the nice and a gentleman, I'm glad to have a friend like him.

"I need your help" I told him "Help? Sure" he said with a smile "Help me find the real chairman."

Third person's pov.

He's smile dropped as he heard her "W-what? Real chairman? Isn't it jang hanseo!?" she shook her head "No, he isn't the real chairman, vincenzo found out and now he is trying to find him" she said while tapping her fingers on the coffee cup. He was getting really stressed because ones they find out than the whole babel will go down the drain and worse, so-yeon will be separated from him. She would never see him the same after she finds out what kind of a monster he is. "I think you should stay out of babel related things, they are dangerous" he said while pretending to be worried.

"I'm not scared, when I'll find the real chairman I'll make sure he pays for all the wrong doings" she said while clenching the cup, he gulped as he glazed down "What do you think? Is the chairman really a evil person?" he asked while awkwardly smiling "Yes, because of him so many people are suffering even cha young, after her dad's death" she said while slamming the table which he acted as if he got scared and flinched but it was funny for him that a innocent girl like her is thinking she can defeat a psychopath, and the psychopath was literally by her side since the beginning.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked while lifting the coffee up towards he's mouth "Mmm?" she hummed as a response "Do you want to know who is the chairman?" he asked while leaning closer towards her, she nodded "Tonight come were I invite you and you'll know" he said while smirking "Hey! That isn't fair, tell me already" she said while pouting. He chuckled.

He'll show her who he really is before anyone does.

Are you excited for the next
chapter? Do you think she'll run
away ones she finds out the truth
or he'll kill her? Can she survive?

Let me know your thoughts
in the comments ^_^♡

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