"I'll miss you"

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I saw her laying on floor while blood was dripping from her wrist. The knife was lying on the floor beside her hand.

I quickly rushed over and grabbed her in my arms "So yeon! Wake up" i yelled while patting her cheeks. She was unconscious i guess. I checked her wrist pulse and thank god it was beating. I quickly picked her up and rushed downstairs, I softly placed her in the sofa and called doctor.

After telling him, he said he'll be here soon till than stop her bleeding. I looked around and spotted a white shirt. I quickly took it and wrapped it around her wrist

Doctor finally came after awhile and did everything "You called in time, if it was late than she would have lost alot of blood" i gulped "I-is she ok!?" i snapped as the doctor nodded. "About an hour she'll be out of unconscious" i nodded "Thank you doctor" he nodded and left.

I closed the door and rushed back towards her. I took a deep breath "Why are you hurting yourself? I'll take away your pain if I can to stop you hurting" i mumbled while pressing lips. It hurts to see her in pain.

An hour later.

Third person's pov.

She woke up and blinked few times "woah,hell looks just like my house" she muttered. She tried to blink few more times until her vision got clear. She turned around to see hanseo sleeping on the floor while placing he's head on her hand.

She turned at her another hand and saw it was wrapped with bandages.

"Seriously hanseo? I finally tried to end all the suffering and you dragged me back to life?" she sighed with a smile. She wanted to die, she lied to everyone but couldn't lie to herself, she still had feelings for him which was hurting her and to say her final goodbye she went to meet him

Her heart broke seeing him again, it broke her heart but that's how things are now. She decided to kill herself but couldn't because of this dumb, innocent kid.

She softly tapped her finger on he's cheek while he was sleeping peacefully. She noticed he definitely cried before sleeping. "Hanseo, save yourself before you fall for someone like me. All you'll get is suffering, don't be foolish" he chuckled softly as she gasped.

"Y-you're awake!?" she said with wide eyes "Wanna know something interesting?" she looked at him confused while he was smiling.

"I tend to be foolish like that" he said while looking at her. She sat up while groaning while he stood up from floor and sat beside her.

"Show me your wrist" she slowly lifted her injured hand towards him, he softly held her wrist and looked at the injury "Don't scare me like that" he said as she nodded with a sad smile.

"You know hanseo, it hurts when the only people you thought as yours turns out to be a total stranger. I fell for a guy who was nothing but a psychopath" hanseo looked down and clenched the edge of sofa.

"Guess you still love him?" he asked
She placed her both hands on her thighs as she took a deep breath "i never really knew how it feels to be loved just like you hanseo, all I ever did was give love but at a point I turned into a heartless girl who rejects everyone but I ended up falling for hanseok-" he hated the fact instead of a guy like him, she fell for a psychopath.

"He made me feel loves, I was happy with him, I shared my serects and feelings with him. I wanted to be forever by he's side like he would have been, at least that's what I thought."

"Sometimes we fall for wrong people, we trust easily that's the issue. I thought killing myself would be the best thing" her tears started dropping while she started explaining.

"Ya! don't cry at least, I know whatever happened was terrible but ending it all wouldn't fix anything" he cupped her cheeks and turned her face around.

"Maybe you think no one cares about you anymore but" he wiped her tears with he's thumb and smiled "There's alot of people who wouldn't be able to smile again If you left, for example. Cha young, vincenzo and-" she looked up at her with doe eyes filled with tears.

"-Me" he completed while smiling softly, she sniffled while looking at her with teary eyes. "You really want me to cry more?" she mumbled while pouting. He chuckled and wiped her tears away as they wouldn't stop.

"Not for yourself but, stay alive for the people who cares about you" she nodded while sadly smiling. "That's the so yeon I know" he said while letting her cheeks go.

Suddenly a text popped up on he's phone. He took it out and saw.

"I confirmed your tickets. Be ready before the evening" vincenzo.

"Ok" he texted back.

He looked up a her who was smiling and rubbing her eyes. He didn't wanted to leave but he knew he had to "I gotta go" she looked up at him "So soon?" he nodded while smiling but it was fake.

As he left he took a deep breath and got inside he's car.

In the evening.

He reached the airport and was about to walk inside until he heard someone calling he's name, he turned around to see so yeon glaring at him.

He gulped as she rushed towards him "I was about to tell y-" before he could finish something unexpected happened, he didn't expect that she would do this.

She pulled him into a hug and rested her head beside he's "How dare you! You didn't even tell your friend that you're leaving Huh!? It was my idea and you didn't even" she said while moving back and slapping on he's shoulder.

He pressed he's lips and looked down "I apologize" she looked at him and grabbed he's hand "Promise me you'll take care of yourself when you'll be away from me?" he smiled and nodded "But I'll miss you, how you cared about me" he softly placed cupped her cheek with he's one hand and held her hand with another.

"I'll miss you too hanseo" both smiled at each other. He slowly let go of her hand and started walking backwards while waving at her "I'll call you daily!" he mouthed as she chuckled sadly and nodded "You better!" she mouthed back.

As he turned around and left she stood there watching. She got attached with him within a little bit of time, they never spend slot of time but as much as they did it meant the world to her.

As she left the airport she walked down the empty street. She got a text from cha young.

So yeon's pov.

"Hey so yeon! I'm going to
a party! Wanna join?"

"Na, enjoy"

"Come on! I don't
wanna be alone"

"I would have but
I'm not really feeling well"

"Please!!! I promise
I'll never ask you again"

"Ugh, fine"

??Unknown pov.

"It's time so yeon" a guy said in a hoodie while smiling and standing on the bridge waiting for someone, he glanced down and watched so yeon walking alone in the empty street while typing on the phone.


Hi! So how are you guys!?
Well my exam is starting from
20 as in few days later. Y'all know how
frustrating it is😭so I might not updated as soon as possible but I'll

Love y'all! 💗

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