'Why does this feel good, to have him around? To have him by my side?'

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I gave in, rather than pushing him away I grabbed he's jacket and pulled him closer while kissing him back.

I was dazed, it's like nothing else mattered right now, all I wanted was to kiss him. He wisn't letting go either, he placed he's hand on my waist while I placed my hand on the back of he's neck.

After kissing him we both pulled away from it for a second to catch the breath "I've never felt like this before so yeon" i was breathing heavily, I was nervous. I couldn't believe I kissed the guy I hated or loved, gosh! It's a fine thin between love and hate for us. He loved me and never hated.

I looked up at him, he had a soft smile and was staring at my lips "Wanna know something?" he asked while cupping one side of my face. I nodded with pressed lips "You're my first kiss" my eyes widened as looked at him "What!?" i snapped in shock. He chuckled.

"No way you're kissing for the first time! How can you be so good at kissing if you never kissed before!?" i said while moving back with narrowed eyes "So you think I'm a good kisser?" he said while smirking and leaning closer. I winded my eyes more, that's not something I was supposed to say out loud but shit! Kill me.

"I-" before I could finish my phone ringed. Pew, nice save.

I held the phone and it was non other than vincenzo. I picked up "So-yeon, me and cha young are going to paris, my mom's dream was to take her there so me and cha young are taking my mom to there" i gulped "Ah, ok" he added "We'll be back after a month" i nodded "Alright"

As I ended the call I saw hanseok looking at me curiously "Where are you staying" i asked "At my house-" i clicked my tongue while rolling eyes "Are you stupid? You escaped prison and your house will be the first place where they'll search" he's mouth formed into a O shape. I shook my head in disbelief. This guy is so stupid.

I grabbed he's jacket and pulled him while walking forward "Tell your minions to find a place till then, stay at mine" he gasped "Vin-"

"He and cha young are going to pairs, now shut your mouth and just come with me" i let go of he's jacket and dusted my hand.

Third person's pov.

He was happy, finally he was in control again, he hates being under control, he prefers to control others but when it comes to her. He wants to forever be in control, like be with her and let her rule on him. He was staring at her while she was walking forward. Suddenly it started snowing.

Both looked up in the sky, he looked down at her exposed skin, her sleeveless shirt wisn't making it better.

He took he's hoodie off and wrapped it around her shoulders. She looked at him in shock "Hell no! Wear it" she took it off and wrapped him in it. He rolled he's eyes and again wrapped it around her. "I can't let my girlfriend freez to death" she stopped walking and turned at him with narrow eyes.

"And who agreed to be your girlfriend?" he chuckled.

"Fine,would be girlfriend?" she rolled her eyes and started walking.

They both argued about who'll wear the hoodie and finally she accepted it which made him happy, he was feeling cold tho but being beside her, talking with her, getting to feel her lips was enough to keep he's heart warm.

As they finally reached home she told him to sit on the sofa, he sat as she said. She walked upstairs. He was just looking everywhere while swinging he's legs like a little kid.

After awhile he heard footsteps coming down. He quickly snapped around and saw her walking down with a pink rose printed t-shirt and blue shorts. Her hair was open.

She was holding another pink shirt which confused him.

She threw it at him "Wear it" he looked at her with a confused look "Me?" she faked a laugh "No, your dad" he pouted "I wanted to kill you but freezing you to death would be disappointing." He chuckled.

'Why does this feel good, to have him around? To have him by my side?' she thought as her lips formed into a soft smile.


Hi y'all SO!
because my exams are over today
I'm posting a short chapter today ^_^
A chapter of so yeon and jang hanseok
Being lovy dovy ≧∇≦

It's not even short tho-😭

Word count= 787‹•.•›

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