"I'll destroy him myself"

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Next day.

"No!" vincenzo yelled while walking in circles "Come on! It's the best way! If you get close with kim sung cheol than we can make sure jang hanseok loses alot!" cha young said while following him so did me and mr nam. He quickly rushed behind me and stood there while holding my shoulders "No!" he yelled near my ear as I gritted my teeth, i turned around and cupped he's face with a glare "You.will.do.it!" he gulped "Fine!" he yelled while sitting down and sobbing like a kid, we all sat beside him and started rubbing he's back while I hugged him.

Third person's pov.

"Thank god I took all the rose thorns out or else she might end up hurting herself or worse, she might stab me with it" jang hanseok mumbled while looking at the rose bouquet he was holding.

He stood infrot of cha young's house since he saw them going out, he stalked her since the morning. As soon as he woke up he got all dressed up and decided to vist her to win her heart so he stayed in the car till the right moment comes.

As he fixed he's suit he ranged the doorbell and waited.

"Jeez, why people can't just let me rest!?" she whined while rushing downstairs. "Coming!"

After hearing her voice jang hanseok smiled and was ready to surprise her, as soon she opened the door he beamed "Surprise! Miss me!?" her eyes twiched as she saw him all dressed up like he is attending a fancy party, he's hair was curly literally radiating jang joon woo vibes while he was wearing black suit and pants "I got you r-" before he could finish she smiled brightly and slammed the door on he's face while he stood there dumbfounded with a smile but he's smile fell.

"Look I'll be a better man for you!" he yelled while knocking on her door "Be a human first!" she yelled back, he flinched back with crinkled nose "H-Human!? Tf am I right now?" he yelled back annoyed "Take a guess you monster!" she yelled back. He groaned "Give me a chance babe!" he said while pouting. Suddenly she slammed the door open, unfortunately she ended up slamming the door on he's face. He fainted

She looked around but saw no one but before she closes the door her eyes fell on unconscious jang hanseok, her eyes widened "You a-alive?" she asked but he was unconscious, she looked around and quickly dragged him inside.

An hour later.

He blinked few times and found herself on sofa, the first person he saw was so yeon reading a book while wearing shorts and a oversized top. She looked breathtaking, he kept on staring, as he tried to sit up but got dragged down, he found he's arms tied up. "Kinky huh?" he said while wiggling he's eyebrows "You could have become a public bathroom for animals out there since you were unconscious but thanks to me i saved you" she said while crossing her legs.

"That's harsh" he said while pouting "Says the one who brutally murders people?" she said while scoffing "Look because of you I've changed" she placed the book away and placed her arms on her thighs while looking at him with her death glare, he defiantly shouldn't feel turned on but fuck, he was.

"You're nothing but a psychopath" she said "You know, doctors said I can't be normal. They said I can't feel emotions anymore and they wisn't wrong until, you came."

"the moment I saw you when cha young introduced you to me, i started falling for you, I fell more when I started spending time with you." he looked down

"If I really was a heartless psychopath than I wouldn't have wanted to change myself for you" for a moment her heart flattered by he's honey dipped words but trusting him will just drown her into guilt later "I can't really trust you after the duality card you pulled on everyone"

he bit he's inside cheeks and nodded "I know what I did was behoynd wrong but I'll try becoming a better person for you"

"Prove to me" she said while walking towards him and opening freeing he's arms, he's eyes widened "Huh, why are-?" she looked at him "Because I'll kick you out right now" as soon as she untied him, he grabbed her hand and make her sit on he's lap. He wrapped he's arms around her waist while smiling. "What the heck!?" she yelled while trying to push him but he just smiled like an idiot "I'll throw away everything if that means I'll have you in my arms"

She was not sure at first and wanted to get away from him but finally gave in and smiled.

That night.

"Are you really going to give up on everything just for her!? For her love? That's absurd!" Miss.choi yelled.

He laughed "Miss. choi, what do you take me for? Of course not!" he stood up and walked towards the big glass window, he placed a hand on the glass window.

"It took me years to reach where I'm and I can't just throw it all away, I'll take care of both situations"

Her pov.

"Are you crazy!? Don't tell me you believe that lying piece of shit!" vincenzo snapped while cha young nodded. "Call me stupid but my heart wants to believe him"i said while leaning on the edge of the rooftop and feeling the fresh air.

"What if he backstabs you!?" cha young said in worry "I'll destroy him myself" I said while smiling and turning around.

Vincenzo person's pov.

This is the first time I've seen her so serious and her eyes are showing no emotions. It's like she doesn't feel anything just blank, her smile seemed like she was preparing for the outcome of trusting him.

Deep down somewhere she trusted him but there's a gut feeling of hers that he would backstab her and maybe she doesn't just care, she was in love that's why she was giving her heart a chance but if it doesn't work the way she thinks, she'll follow her brain the next time.

That's the problem of falling in love. You start trusting so blindly that you can't see their mistakes and just start doing what they do. When you'll realize it'll be too late.

Saw your heart/ (vincenzo, jang hanseo, jang hanseok) Where stories live. Discover now