"I have you"

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So yeon's pov.

"Yeah, I'm here" i said while looking at my dress, i was wearing a pink full sleeves top and blue jeans with black heels, my hair was open.

Jang hanseo suddenly invited me for lunch and that was definitely because hanseok got arrested, i was glad that jerk is behind the bars.

As I was smiling, "So-yeon!" i heard someone call me. I turned around and saw jang hanseo. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks burning, for the first time I saw him in different clothes, yeah he looked adorable in those cotton candy outfit but he looked so, different.

He was wearing a cream colored turtle neck shirt with black pants, he's adorable smile was just the sweetest thing to ever exist.

He waved he's arms while rushing towards me, everyone started staring at him. Jeez, he is embrassing me but he was cute so I'll let it slide "H-hi" i said while awkwardly laughing, he smiled wildly and was sparkling, after so long I finally saw him smile so much

"I'm really happy today so let's eat something good!" he beamed while smiling

"Shouldn't we invite vincenzo and cha young too since they helped alot!" he shook he's head "For today, I only wanna eat lunch with you" he said. I felt so happy for him so I nodded "Guess I'm your favorite friend out of all" i chuckled.

Third person's pov.

"You're my favorite, but more than a friend" he mumbled under he's breath while smiling, she couldn't hear him "Mm?" he smiled with pressed lips while pointing inside the restraunt.

As they walked inside people started murmuring, why wouldn't they? Jang hanseo is now the chairman again so obviously.

Suddenly hanseo walked a bit faster than her and pulled a chair out for her "Here"

She smiled "Damn, such a gentleman,ain't you?" he shyly smiled while looking down. As she sat he rushed and sat on the opposite seat.

He than handed her the menu "let me tell you, Jajangmyeon is the best here and I love spicy food!" he beamed.

She looked up "I love spicy food too!" she said while smiling "Perfect".

As he gave the order to the waiter he left, suddenly a group of teen girls rushed towards him "C-chairman!" a girl said. Hanseo nodded with pressed lips "Yea" the girls started looking at each other with excitement "Can we take a picture with you!?" other girls beamed.

He awkwardly laughed while side eyeing her, she smiled softly at how cute he was. He nodded as the girls took a selfie with him, they left but few glared at her, she winked in return.

"So, are you happy that your stupid brother is in jail now?" she asked. He nodded "Finally after years I feel free, all thanks to you" she chuckled "I wouldn't say that, you and Vincenzo, cha young helped more"

After awhile they started eating.

As they were talking he slowy looked up at her "Can I say something?" she nodded "Do you like vincenzo?" she smiled "I don't really know but something I'm sure of is, he is falling for cha young and-" she took a deep breath "after what hanseok did I don't think I can fall in love again"

He bit he's lower lip "Don't lose hope, maybe someone better is near!" she chuckled "I wish" he pressed he's lips "I'm here" he mumbled under he's breath. "Huh?" she asked but he shook he's head. She did hear him but knew he is too adorable to be with someone like her.

She might look sweet and all but in reality she is a danger. "after jang hanseok gets out-" he looked up at her
"You'll be he's first target" she said "I would suggest you to find a safer place to hide" he pouted "I'm good, when I started this" he looked down "i knew I'd have to risk my life at some point"

"And besides more importantly for me-"

"-I have you with me" He said with a light chuckle and looked up, he noticed her eyes. He knew she was scared for him but for some reason he knew she'll protect him.

"you know everything, keep me safe and. Beat up all the bad boys who tries to hurt me! I know you'll. Aish! Why are you so nice!?" she felt sad yet happy, he trusts her but she couldn't just let him depend on her. If she fails to save her than she'll never be able to forgive herself.

She grabbed he's hands as he looked at her in shock "Hanseo, I can't let you risk your life. You'll go away from here till the things are back to normal" he blinked innocently "But, you'll save me right? Why should I be scared" she bit her cheeks

"I'm saving you now, hanseo" he could feel he's eyes getting teary. For the first time anyone cared about her so it was heartwarming for him. He Craved for love all he's life and now that he finally has someone who cares about her. It's a nice, warm and sweet feeling.

"Thank you for everything, so yeon." he said while smiling as he's tears started rolling down "Aishhh, why are you crying!? It's making me cry" she said while pouting and wiped he's tears away with her thumb "I'll always be by your side" both smiled with teary eyes..

She was like a light in jang brothers life, one was able to get out from the dark while another refused to. Still he'll try chasing the light ones he realize it's getting darker again and there wouldn't be a chance again to get out from there.

People tend to not realize the importance of something until it's gone or leaving. Ones they do it's often too late.

Saw your heart/ (vincenzo, jang hanseo, jang hanseok) Where stories live. Discover now