movie 2 & fireworks

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As we were sitting while watching the first scene where zombie appeared and bit the girl in train, jang joon woo freaked out and grabbed my arm while covering he's face on my arm. I chuckled "Damn you scardy caty" I wishpered "I told you! I don't like gore and blood stuff" I smiled because he looks so adorable while he is scared but than I heard a light gasp, I turned around and saw cha young grabbing vincenzo's hand which made him flinch. I ignored, while watching jang joon woo just kept on covering he's eyes half of the type which was funny.

"Where shall we go now?" Jang joon woo asked after the movie ended "Mmm let-" before I could finish cha young grabbed my arm "Gaming center!" jang joon woo chuckled "I'm not that good but I'll try!" he beamed.
Vincenzo looked depressed jeez.

At gaming center.

"Shall we try video games?" cha young asked while grabbing vincenzo's arm "I don't know" I looked around and spotted a punching machine "That!" I said excitedly while pulling jang joon woo's hand towards the machine, Cha young and vincenzo followed us.

"Let's see how strong you're!" I said to jang joon woo while smiling wildly and patting he's arm, cha young scoffed "Please, he can't even get 10 points" I narrowed my eyes "When did you start to judge cha young?" he smiled "I'm sure vincenzo can score the highest" vincenzo nodded with a serious face "We'll see about that" I said while rasing a eyebrow. I pushed jang joon woo towards the machine and wishpered "You better prove her wrong" he nodded with a smile. As soon as he stood infrot of the machine he stretched he's neck and took a deep breath before punching the bag in full speed, the limit was 999 and he scored 888 which was shocking, a dorky guy like him scoring so much!? No way.

Cha young gasped while I smiled wildly and hugged jang joon woo which made him shock "You did it!!" I said while smiling wildly and letting him go. Suddenly vincenzo moved cha young said and walked towards the machine, he opened he's suit and gave it to cha young "You can do it!" cha young said "I know" he said while turning at me and smirking than looking back at the machine, he backed up a bit than with a lot of strength he punched the bag, it showed 895 making cha young jump in happiness but I ignored "So, ain't I gonna get a hug?" vincenzo asked me making me narrow my eyes, Cha young's smile dropped because why is he asking me instead of her!? "Ask cha young" I said while rolling eyes "Right" he said while smirking. As cha young was about to hug he stopped her "I don't like hugs" cha young half smiled awkwardly "I-it's your turn cha young" I said breaking the awkwardness "Y-yea!" she said while walking towards the machine, she rolled her arm and punched with her all strength only to get 100. She pouted her lips "I'm not good at this but, I can beat people" I chuckled "Sure" vincenzo walked towards me "Ain't you going to do?" I tilted my head "Who said I won't?" he smirked, this is the first time he is showing reactions after everything.

I moved jang joon woo and rolled up my sleeves while stretching my neck "here I go!" I yelled while punching the bag with my strength when suddenly as the bag went up the machine showed 999 than blasted making everyone scream and flinch away while light inside the machine flickered "What the!?" cha young said while covering her mouth. Jang joon woo freaked out and grabbed my arm "How can you be so strong!? I mean you literally broke the machine!" jang joon woo said while making a 'OMG'face "Come on it's nothing!" I said while laughing, I noticed vincenzo looking at me with wide eyes.

After that we played games where vincenzo and jang joon woo couldn't win from me. There was many more games and in few jang joon woo played equally as me and vincenzo but cha young wisn't that good with games.

"I think it's getting late" cha young said while yawning "I'll drop you and so-yeon back to your house" vincenzo said "No thanks, jang joon woo will drop me" I said while playing the game when suddenly vincenzo killed jang joon woo in the game "What the!? Why would you do that!?" jang joon woo snapped, vincenzo scoffed "That's how game works" jang joon woo gritted he's teeth "Ignore him" I said while grabbing jang joon woo's hand, he glaze softened as he looked at me.

Vincenzo stood up and said "Let's go" to cha young and they both walked out, after that jang joon woo stooped playing "We should hang out more" I smiled and nodded "Totally"

After awhile.

We were walking back to house since he didn't bring he's car, the lights in the street were pretty, so many colorful lights flickering while jang joon woo was walking by my side. We were silent yet smiling like idiots.

"You know, I haven't smiled so much before until today" jang joon woo said while smiling "You look good when you smile" I said while smiling "Do you think I'm weird?" he asked while looking up at the sky "At first I thought but after I got to know you, I think weirdos are better than being normal" he chuckled "So is that yes or a no?" he questioned while wiggling he's eyebrows "Probably yes" we both smiled "Thanks for today" I said "I was gonna spend my whole day rolling around in my bed while doing nothing but because of you I felt better out here" he's smile widened "Is it too soon?" I tilted my head "Too soon for?" he looked at me "To say I'm interested in you?" my eyes widened as I looked at him "I don't think you'll be when you get to know me more"

No one can really like a monster, can they? Unless the other person is alike, Vincenzo cassano is a monster too who goes around killing people for money and fame while I nearly killed someone because I had no other option. We're different but yet I got called a monster. Jang joon woo will run away and never look at me the same way if he finds out what I did.

"I don't care about who you're, for me. You're an amazing person with kind heart" he said when suddenly I heard fireworks from the other side of the bridge, I snapped my head and rushed towards this side of the bridge while looking up at the sky full of fireworks cracking.

"Isn't it beautiful! I've always loved watching fireworks since I was a kid" he walked towards me and stood beside me while looking up "Not only fireworks but-" he turned towards me "Someone else looks pretty too, maybe more than fireworks"

What do you think about jang joon
woo and se-yeon's relationship
improvement? Who do you ship
Vincenzo with?

Comment your thoughts ^.^

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