Her revange.

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"You!?" i snapped.

"Long time no seen huh?" she said while walking inside. I gritted my teeth and slammed the door close.

"What do you want myung-hee?" i glared at her, she sat on my sofa with a smirk. "Where's the respect, young lady?"

"You don't deserve any, old lady"

She laughed "Don't you wanna know how is your dad doing?" i flinched "W-what?" she chuckled "It's disappointing how he's own daughter sent him to he's death bed" i clenched my fist "Don't drag my parents in your shit"

She sat with crossed arms "You remember what happened to cha young's dad for trying to defeat babel right?" my blood was boiling "You better watch your mouth unless you have a death wish" she smiled "Not yet, if you don't stop dragging babel than I'm afraid of what will happen with your dad" i gritted my teeth and stomped towards her, I grabbed her by her collar of jacket.

"You really don't know who you're playing games with, do you? A girl who didn't even feel sympathy for her dad. Do you think I'll go easy on a whomen like you?"

Suddenly she was about to hit me but I grabbed her arm and twisted it "You have a death wish don't you?" she hissed in pain "You need a lesson to learn huh? How about i kill your d-" before she could finish i pushed her on the sofa hard, she gasped.

I placed my grabbed the glass bottle and slammed it on the desk, I lifted the broken edges of the bottle near her neck "It wouldn't take too long, If a single scratch my family gets than I'll rip your head apart from your rotten body. You know me well enough for that isn't?"

Her eyes were widened as I smirked with my wide eyes, I could see the fear in her eyes. "Mm? Am I clear miss choi?" she nodded rapidly.

I smiled and let go of her "Get out" she quickly stood up and rushed out as I took a deep breath. "I need to finish this as soon as possible

Next day.

Jang hanseok's pov.

"You did what miss choi!?" jang hanseok yelled while others mir Han and hanseo flinched. "I told you not to mess with her! She is crazy and capable of anythin-" before he could finish he's phone ringed.

He quickly picked it up and saw it was it was so yeon. He gulped and picked up "Look I can e-" before he could finish she clicked her tongue "I shouldn't have trusted you with my serects hanseok, you dissappointed me"

"I'm so sorry! I swear i-"

"Let's stop this, get ready for the consequences of betraying me" hanseok clenched he's fist "W-what do you mean?" he asked in a serious tone

"I'll destroy you" she said, before he could say anything she ended the call.

Her pov.

"When trust is left behind, the one tends to be broken but, and when the one is broken, they're not capable of trusting anymore."

Trusting him was my biggest mistake but than again I saw that coming.

I was prepared for this. I decided to ruin him completely.

A day Later.

Third person's pov.

Jang hanseok and hanseo was walking out of babel with other workers when hanseok noticed few people walking towards him in suits.

"Mr, jang hanseok?" a man asked, he nodded "We're from namdongbu prosecution service. We are arresting you on charges of tax evasion"

Jang hanseok smirked and leaned a bit down, he placed he's hand on he's chest "Me?"

"You have the right to consult an attorney, to explain yourself, and to writ to habeas corpus" he said.

Jang hanseok pressed he's lips without any guilt he lifted he's hands up towards him since he knew so yeon wouldn't let him off the hook easily.

"You're always arresting the innocent people" hanseo said with a pout.

Jang hanseok turned at him while the man was clicking he's handcuffs on he's hands "Just be quite, there are people watching" hanseo looked at him.

"Let me talk to my brother for a minute" jang hanseok said while pointing a finger up, the guy who was arresting him nodded.

Jang hanseok started walking a bit far from crowed, hanseo noticed it and followed him.

"Launch babel bio while I'm away and ask tell so yeon that I do love her a-" before he could finish hanseo inputted "I postponed it" hanseok stopped in he's tracks and turned towards him with a shocked expressions "What?"

"There are lots of rumours about babel bio right now. They're saying it's front for inflating stocks and manipulating accounts!" hanseo said while tapping he's hand on he's another.

"Who are you to decide that, huh?" hanseok said while glaring."No it wisn't all me!" hanseo said while shaking he's hand "The board and the planning division advised me"

Jang hanseok gritted he's teeth "Ya-" before he could finish hanseo lifted he's hand up infrot of he's face stopping him "And sir-"

Jang hanseok glanced at he's hand, never in he's life hanseo stopped him in the middle of he's sentence.

"You told me to become a businessman like Elisabeth holmes."

Hanseo than reached hanseok to hug him, he wishpered in hanseok's ear
"But she's a fraud" jang hanseok looked at him as he looked straight "And she's in prison"

Jang hanseok's eyes widened. Hanseo lightly patted on he's back and moved back "So, what you were telling me is was to become a, fraud." hanseo dusted he's suit off and was now fixing he's tie "But I can't do that, I don't want to cause any trouble for you" hanseo finished as he patted on hanseok's chest. Hanseok pocked he's tongue on the side of he's cheek while looking up at him.

He scoffed while glaring "Do you? Have a death wish?" hanseo suddenly flinched back pretending to be scared. The man who came with others to arrest him glanced at them.

Hanseo scoffed "this is exhausting" jang hanseok looked at him in shock, he couldn't believe, the guy who used to shake like a leaf is now laughing at him with a confident look.

"Why would I die? this is all for your sake" hanseo said while grabbing hanseok's hands. Hanseok looked down in shock as hanseo clenched the handcuffs on he's hands tighter. Hanseok scoffed while looking up at him with a glare.

Hanseo grinned and clapped he's hands, everyone turned at him "Take him" he said while smirking with he's lips parted.

Jang hanseo laughed "I was supposed to meet with so yeon now so I don't wanna be late" he mumbled as jang hanseok glared at him with a scoff.

Hanseo bowed as they took away hanseok. He stood up as everyone looked at him in surprise and shock, he smirked "Anyone hungry?" he asked while walking towards the exist.

Hi guys! How is your
day going!? Hope it's good<3

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