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Next day.

Cha young and vincenzo has a hearing in court, I was supposed to give all files and everything to them and informations. As I was getting ready I heard doorbell, I rushed down thinking it's cha young but as soon as I opened the door it was vincenzeo standing outside while holding he's phone near he's ear, he turned around after I unlocked the door "Hi, cha young is in the court so I'm here to p-" as soon as he turned around he went silent.

"You look pretty" he said "Thanks for the fake compliment but we gotta go now" I said while walking inside "The car is out" he said "Yeah but I gotta grab the files" I said while walking towards the kitchen, as I was walking i heard the door shut behind "Yaaaaa! Open your damn dirty shoes!" I yelled while pointing at he's shoes, he flinched and nodded aggressively "Alright but don't yell" he said while opening he's shoes, I rolled my eyes and grabbed everything. "Let's go, switch of the lights" I said while pointing my head behind. He nodded.

I placed the files in he's car and walked towards the door "Start the car, I'm coming" I said while locking the door when suddenly he leaned beside the door "Take you time, my car is fast" he flexed he's car while running he's fingers through he's soft black hair "It's not the time to flex your richness, let's go" I said while walking towards he's car, as soon as I opened the door he closed it while standing right behind me "Are you really going to sit in the back? There's literally seat in the front" he said near my ear making me flinch. I coughed nervously and walked towards the other side and opend the car door.

Few minutes later.

Infrot of the court.

"See, told you" he said while leaning near my shoulder "Yeah yeah I saw" I said. There's multiple people taking pictures but as soon as they saw us they started running towards us. We opend the car door at the same time and walked out, I gave them few poses to take pictures, as I was giving poses I noticed jang joon woo smiling at me, reporters were asking more like who I'm and why was I here, before I could response vincenzo grabbed my arm and linked he's arm with mine "We need to go" he said while fixing he's sunglasses, before leaving I sent a flaying kiss to reporters which made jang joon woo chuckle.

As we were walking inside the court we noticed cha young standing near one of the seats "By the way who's the chairman of babel?" I wishpered. He scoffed "You're helping to prove the wrong doings of babel yet you don't even know who's the chairman?" I gritted my teeth "Just tell me" I said "Alright, you see that guy?" he said while pointing at a guy sitting on the front row,

That guy looked familiar from back, slicked back hair, suit, bold shoulders.
As we walked towards the front row the chairman turned towards us and he's eyes widened as he saw me, it was the drunk guy from yesterday. My eyes widened as well because the drunk guy who couldn't even take care of himself is the chairman of babel!? And a evil person behind of all those wrong doings?...

While the hearing in court he kept on stealing glazes at me, guess he doesn't know I recognized him. I help cha young and vincenzo and after the hearing was over I took everything and went out, I stood outside and as soon as I saw chairman and everyone getting out he was searching for someone until he's glaze stooped at me, I pointed my head towards the back of the court.

He followed me and I learned on the wall "Hi again I guess?" I said while smiling "Look, I don't know you s-" before he could finish i scoffed "You sure? I mean-" while saying I walked towards him and stood infrot of him, he was indeed taller than me "-I met a drunk guy who was trembling because here and there and couldn't even count how many fingers I was showing, you look alot like him" I said while tapping on my chin with a serious expressions
"I-well" before he could finish i cut him off with "Stop letting people walk over you, stand up for yourself and learn to fight back" as soon as I said he flinched and looked a bit lost "Saying this as a advice, hope you do well in your life Mr chairman" I said while patting he's shoulder and walking away. He stood there in shock.

I wanted him to fight back when it comes to he's brother, no matter who it is, no one deserves to be abused. I've been through that ugly phase of life so I know how it feels.

As I was walking i noticed jang joon woo walking towards here, I quickly walked back and hissed, chairman snapped around "Hide! Someone is coming" I hissed "B-but why? I'm the chairman" he said confused "Idiot! If someone sees us here they'll think it in the wrong way!" I said while rubbing my forehead "Oh!" he said while covering he's mouth. I turned around and noticed jang joon woo smiling and walking towards me "Hi sunbae!" he beamed "Oh, hey" I said while smiling "What were you doing?" he asked while grabbing he's bag strips "I was just calling someone, anyways let's go" I said while grabbing he's arm "S-sure!" he said while smiling.

Chairman's pov

She was actually right, I'm letting him walk all over me and my dreams but there's nothing I can really do about it, he'll kill me if I try to do something by my own, it's like I'm just a puppet more than a brother to him. Oh, I'm rarely a brother.

This girl is a stranger yet she understood me more than anyone ever did since the past years. As I was stunned there I heard her hiss, I turned around and she said there's someone coming so I stood there in silence until I heard he's voice. He is really good at playing the innocent, dorky card and this poor girl isn't even aware of what kinda monster this guy is. I can't do anything. I peeked and bit and saw her grabbing him away. If he saw me than it won't be good.

Jang joon woo's pov.

We reached infront of the court and noticed cha young was getting inside vincenzo's car, for a second so-yeon stared at them and scoffed softly "Coffee? Iced coffee?" I said while trying to get her attention "Huh-?" she mumbled while tilting her head in confusion "Let's grab some iced coffee?" she softly smiled while pressing her lips and nodded, I smiled wildly as I told her to follow me.

We reached at the famous cafe and brought two cups of iced coffee "So, do you like him?" I asked while smiling "Like who?" she said while sipping coffee "vincenzo" I said which made her choke on her coffee, she started coughing so I patted her back "I can never like someone like vincenzo" I said while rolling my eyes "Why? Wait, what's your type!?" I asked excitedly "My type...nice, soft yet a bad guy" she said while chuckling "Ah, well it's nice" I said while nodding, it's a bit exciting to know more about her "What about you? What's your type?" she said while looking forward "My type, you" I said while smiling wildly "Stop fooling around and say" she said while slapping my arm "Well, nice, sweet a bit crazy obviously" I said while counting fingers "Damn, you're crazy so obviously" she said while chuckling. Actually she isn't wrong.

"Do you like cha young?" she asked making me stop walking "Sunbae?" I said awkwardly "Yea, it's obvious so don't worry" she said while chuckling. She doesn't know why I'm being friendly with cha young yet.

What do you think about jang
joon woo? Do you think
Kim so-yeon is jealous?
Do you think chairman will
Be able to stand up for Himself?

Let me know your thoughts
In comments ~_~

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