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As I was rushing downstairs I saw cha young and vincenzo talking, their eyes swinged towards me as I was walking downstairs but I ignored them. I could feel vincenzo's glaze, "So-yeon, lis-" before he could finish i walked out and slammed the door behind, I heard footsteps coming and the door open than close "Stop ignoring me! Listen" he said while following me. I kept on walking when suddenly he rushed and stood infrot of me "Stop, listen to me" he said while breathing heavily.

I said nothing as I was about to leave he grabbed my arm and pulled me back "Stop for a second" he said while pinning me against the wall making my eyes widened "We're in the middle of the street! Let go of me" I hissed "At least you're responding me now" I pushed him away while leaving but again he started following me "Look, this case means alot to cha young and her dad that's why I'm trying to be carefull with it" he said. I stopped walking and turned around "So you'll accuse me for stupid things just because you're worried for them!? What about me!? Do you think I'll betray my own cousin?" I yelled "I-" before he could finish i clenched my fists "Don't, let's just work and finish this case" I said while walking away.

Few minutes later.

I reached the phone repairing shop and got a new glass on it, after that I was walking out when I got a text "Sunbae! You wanna grab a lunch" I softly smiled and replied "Okie dokie"

I went straight to the cafe and saw jang joon woo waiting in a table, he waved he's hand with a huge grin. I chuckled and walked there "Wow, you have dressing sense?" I said while sitting "Well I always look good" he said while ruffling he's hair, I snorted "Yea I know, suit with sneakers" he laughed. He was wearing a dark blue shirt with black jeans and black boots, he's hair was slicked back which made him look like a gentleman not like a dorky idiot but curly hair looked cute on him tho still a bit weird.

"You look pretty with your hair down sunbae" he said while smiling wildly "Thanks" I said with a soft smile, he's first impression was pretty creepy but as I got to meet him a bit more well he isn't that creepy. But I haven't got to know him too well anyways. "Do you Wanna watch a horror movie with me?" I asked "Horror movie!? No! I hate horror movies" he whined "Why!?" I whined back "There's so much blood and gore even jump scares!" he said while Gasping "Come on it's not even that scary!" I said while slapping he's arm. He rubbed he's arm while pouting "Fine" he muttered as I clapped.

Few minutes later.

"Don't you talk to me!" jang joon woo growled "What!? It's train to busan! It's not even in horror category" he narrowed he's eyes "Well, I mean it is in horror category but it's about zombies so!" he huffed while crossing arms "I get scared easily so if I hug you don't slap me" he said while pouting, I chuckled "Fine you scardy cat"

In theater.

"It's starting look!" I said while slapping he's arm. As we were watching I noticed two more people walking inside as my eyes widened. Oh hell no, not these two!

I grabbed jang joon woo's shirt and pulled him closer so they wouldn't be able to see us, he's eyes widened "A-are you going to k-" before he could finish i covered my hand on he's mouth "Quite! There's cha young and vincenzo!" he gasped "No way!" he said while slapping he's head. Vincenzo and cha young was walking towards our seat when he's eyes met mine. Shit.

Cha young smiled wildly while rushing towards us "Oh my! No way you two are together!" she said while gasping "Yes, sunbae wanted to watch a horror movie so we came here" jang joon woo said while smiling. I could feel vincenzo's cold glare at me, why is he acting like jealousy whenever I'm around someone!? It's annoying.

"Oh my! Look what a coincidence! We're gonna seat beside you two!" cha young said while clapping her hands "That's cool!" jang joon woo said.

They sat beside us and unfortunately I was sitting in the middle of these two guys. God, it's not too late to kill me.

I gulped as those two were looking forward.

What do you think?
Why is vincenzo always around cha
young? And is jang joon woo falling for. her? This is like the only time he
has been so nice 😭💀

Saw your heart/ (vincenzo, jang hanseo, jang hanseok) Where stories live. Discover now