spider's web.

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Next day.

So yeon's pov.

I woke up and looked around, I remembered how amazing yesterday was, we spent time together but because I sneezed on he's face he said we should go back.

After that I feel asleep.

I walked downstairs with my blue t-shirt and dark blue shorts. I heard noises from kitchen, even music.

As I reached the kitchen i saw jang hanseok trying to cook. He was bopping he's head while flipping the pan. I just watched him, more like I was peeking, he turned around and flinched as he saw me "How long were you standing?" he asked while raising eyebrows.

"Long enough to watch your concert"
He quickly looked away, he's ears were literally turning red. I walked towards him and stood on my tiptoes, I peeked at what he was cooking "Egg sandwich!?" i said while smiling "Mmm" he hummed while smiling.

Husband material for sure. "Let me h-" before I could finish he turned around wrapped he's arms around my waist while picking me up "Hanseok!?" he than placed me on the top of the kitchen counter "Just sit and watch me cook, it's enough help" he said while smiling wildly

"Are you trying to say I'm no help!?" i crossed my arms with a frown. He chuckled "Don't pull random things from air babe, I meant I wanna make breakfast for you" i couldn't help but smile at how he called me 'babe'

"So, how have you been?" i asked while swinging my legs "Without you it was obviously shitty" i snorted "Enough with flirting, but like how was it? Did you made any friends in jail?" he looked at me like 'What the f-' expressions.

"You're saying it like you're my mom who is asking her kid about how it was in he's first day of school, it was literally jail-" i wheezed while looking at him. He rolled he's eyes and went back to making sandwich

"Well I don't know about 'mom' but I'm definitely a mommy" he snorted "Does that make me your daddy?" she smacked he's arm while laughing, he laughed while
Rubbing he's arm because she smacked he's arm so hard it sent a sharp pain.

"Shut up, I'm hungry so I'll go and brush my teeth" i said while jumping down, he suddenly grabbed my arm and turned me around. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead with a smile.

I couldn't help but blush "D-did you brush your teeth!?" i asked, who even asks something like this in a romantic moment. He chuckled "Yes ma'am, thanks for the extra brush that was in my room." yeah at midnight i kept all the things he might need while staying here.

After few minutes.

I walked downstairs and watched him waiting for me in sofa "Finally, i thought I'll starve to death" he said as I rolled my eyes.

We both went towards the table but before I could he pulled the chair out for me "Here" i smiled at him and sat.
"Now tell me how it is" i took a bite of sandwich and gosh, heaven feels like this!? I would love to eat it every morning.

"It's freking amazing! I didn't knew you were so amazing at cooking" i beamed while stuffing the food inside my mouth. Suddenly he smirked making me confused "I'm good at many other things" i choked on my sandwich. He started laughing at me reaction, i wanted to smash this sandwich on he's face but this tastes too good.

"I'll go to work now, take care" i said while giving him a peck on he's cheek, I could see him blushing which was adorable. I quickly rushed out.

I reached office and saw Mr NAM working "Hi Mr nam!" I shouted while smiling, he flinched so bad that the files flew up and thankfully I caught it "Damn! You scared me!" he said while dramatically huffing. I chuckled and walked towards the seat.

"How is cha young and vincenzo?"I asked while looking at the files "Vincenzo called me and asked how are you" I scoffed "Could finish have directly asked me but anyways, tell him I'm totally alright and yeah tell them to enjoy the trip!"

Third person's pov.

Only mr nam, cha young and vincenzo knows about vincenzo's crush on So yeon.

Since she pushed vincenzo away when it comes to love, he tried to move on with cha young but couldn't. Somehow he finds himself back to when he started falling for her.

Suddenly her phone ranged, she glanced at it, she picked up as she saw it was vincenzo.

"Mmm?" she asked, as soon as he heard her voice over the phone he's heart started beating faster. He called her to just talk but he couldn't find a reason to. He just wanted to hear her voice.

"Um, c-cha young wanted to talk!" he said, she looked at the phone in confusion "Did cha young deleted my number or are you now her assistant" she laughed making him feel dazed, her laugh was something everyone feel something for.

But for her she laughs like a literal duck. "Viny, tell me how is hanseo? He hasn't called me since he left!" vincenzo clenched he's phone, he wanted to talk with her and here she is asking about that hanseo who is preparing to become more successful.

"He is alive" vincenzo shrugged he's shoulders, she looked at the phone in disbelief "woah, bro at least say he is good or something!? Who the heck says 'He Is AliVe' huh!?" she said in a annoyed yet funny tone "I said how it seemed so just next time ask him yourself!" he yelled and ended the call.

She scoffed "Why is he always so arrogant!? How rude" she slammed her phone on the desk making mr nam flinch.

Hanseo's pov.

Dear diary

It's been just two days and look at me,

I miss her so much but if I text her or call her than I'll get addicted to it. I don't want to get so miserable, I need to study harder, become so rich and mature that she'll like me back.

I'm so stupid and naive that she fell for that psychopath, ones I become mature maybe she'll like me?

Since hanseok is in jail and she is free now, maybe we can be something? Maybe we'll date in future!? Soon when I become a perfect guy for her I'll go back to her.

I won't be the scared hanseo i was who ran away to save himself, I'll be the guy who'll protect her and be with her, I'll not run away this time.

Jang hanseok's pov.

Babel is my passion, I love her alot but I can't accpect that hanseo, he is not my brother and he'll never be.

And about so yeon, she is mine and I wouldn't let anyone take her away from me. I'm not hiding, I'm planning a way to make her believe me blindly so no matter what I do, she'll always take my side.

So yeon, you're like a beautiful butterfly who got stuck in the spider's web, and now. You can't escape it until I want you to and spiders don't let their target go free.

I smiled while caressing her picture.



For people wondering, he
Might loves her but he can't change the fact he is a psychopath, no matter what there's a obsssesion, a craziness.

And we don't know about he's dad so since he's one son is psycho, who knows what hanseo might become ones he finds out about he's so called abusive brother is dating the one who he fell for?

Not only that but what will the mafia do ones he finds about all this shit? You can't expect anything lovable from a mafia right?

Saw your heart/ (vincenzo, jang hanseo, jang hanseok) Where stories live. Discover now