"your love turned me into a human again so yeon"(winter special)

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So yeon's pov.

I was walking on the empty street while rubbing my arms because it was cold outside. I didn't wear the jacket because I liked winter, the cold breeze was sending chills but it made me feel better.

I was near the spot i come to clear my mind, a place on top, from where you can see the entire city. The night was still glowy and beautiful.

I was on top of the place and took a deep breath, inhaling the cold chilling breeze. I placed my hands on the cold rod that was in the edge. A smile rosed up on my face.

Suddenly I heard faint footsteps, it's like weird feeling in my stomach, familiar for sure.

"So yeon" my smile fell instantly. I recognized the voice, it sends me chills but not the good ones, for a second my heart stooped and my hands started to shake. I clenched on the rod tightly while trying to not freak out.

Was I scared? Surpri- no, definitely not. I saw this coming Since the beginning, I knew he'll come to meet me somehow but I didn't expect that this quick-

I heard the footsteps getting closer so I clenched my eyes closed, I wanted to run away but my feet was frozen because of some reason.

I felt two strong arms wrapping around my waist and he's chin resting on my shoulder.

"Jang hanseok, w-" before I could finish he cut me off with "Shhh, let me stay like this for awhile. I missed you" he more likely wishpered.

I clenched my hand on the rod harder but it softened when he placed he's hand on mine. He slowy intertwined he's fingers with mine while softly inhaling near my neck.

"I missed everything about you so yeon, I know everything that is happening right now is very difficult but for just a moment, let all the thoughts go away, let's just think that nothing happened and we're back to how it was before, when we fell in love"

I gritted my teeth and tried getting away from him, I told my brain to leave from here, punch him, kick him, worse just throw him off the cliff but this, this stupid heart wisn't listening. I wanna hug him, cry on he's chest while forgetting everything, I wanted to pretend nothing happened but it'll be a lie.

I wanna trust him, I think he's love for me is real, I actually believe but. No one can change a psychopath, they don't feel, they don't care about hurting others feelings. Was I stupid? Is it stupid of me to let him hug me?

I couldn't hold my tears, he suddenly turned me around and lifted my chin up to look him in the eyes "Tell me so yeon, do you still love me? Do you think I lied to you?" he said in soft voice while he's eyes were getting teary.

It's hard for her to trust him, maybe it's all an act, a sick way to hurt me all over again. Can I trust you jang hanseok? Can I ever?

"Please don't, don't ask if you can't handle the answers" i said while grabbing he's jacket and clenching it. We didn't break eye contact, he's eyes were saying how hurt he was but I'm scared, I don't wanna lose myself again for a heartless psychopath like him.

"I would never do something that can hurt you so yeon, I cared about you since the beginning, I still do. I want you, I want you to understand my feelings for you" he cupped her face.

"I may be a psychopath but for the first time, I felt I'm a normal person like everyone of us, I felt love, jealousy, sadness everything when I met you." he's tears started rolling down he's eyes while making it's way down he's cheeks.

"You're maybe the medicine to my psychopath disorder, not even the world's medicines, doctors could fix me but your love did, your love turned me into a human again so yeon" he leaned closer to her height "Just for a moment, can't we forget about everything? For awhile lets just follow what our heart says?"

She closed her eyes and thought, will this be right? Should she believe him? What if he is just playing with her hear. Before she could think anything else she felt something soft on her lips.

It didn't took her long to realize, he kissed her.


Anyways *clears throat* so I
Thought about it like should I
Write a chapter after exams are over
But than I decided to publish today
since Christmas is coming and I'll try writing a special Christmas chapter! A long chapter <33 my chapters are already long af tho-


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