♪It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas♪

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After few seconds.

He walked out of the guest room while wearing her pink shirt, he looked disgusted "What the fuck is this-?" he said while frowning and pointing at he's shirt.

She started laughing while slapping her hand rapidly on the sofa. "Gosh, you look so hilarious" he rolled he's eyes "I rather stay naked and freez to death" her eyes winded as the thought of him being naked.

"Yaaa! Don't you feel ashamed!? You wanna w-walk around naked in a girl's house!? " he smirked "Are you nervo-" before could finish a pillow was smacked on he's face "Shut up! Wear it or get lost" he huffed and walked towards the sofa.

He sat beside her and leaned he's head on her shoulder. She gulped, imagine hating a guy so much, putting him in jail, later ending up falling for him, kissing him and now saving he's ass from the shit you created. Worse he is wearing my shirt and is now laying on my shoulder.

He was smiling. It felt home, she felt home. "Can't we stay like this forever?" he asked. She sighed and softly placed her head on top of he's head. "We could have but not after what you did. You killed a guy, hanseo's dad, lied to people, you're the reason for many other people's death in your work place, you told that choi everything about me. Abused hanseo for years" she took a deep breath. All the words were stabbing he's heart sharply.

"We can't forever be together hanseok, let's just forget everything a-" suddenly she felt a drop of water fall on her hand, she moved back and saw him crying silently. Tears were rolling down he's cheeks, he was crying.... He is crying!?

She suddenly felt guilty, he knew what he did, he knew everything was wrong, the guilt was eating him up from inside. But hearing everything all over again from her made he's heart break. He has never felt like this, those emotions where overwhelming.

She sighed and pulled him for a hug, he was silent, he just placed he's head on her chest while tears didn't stop, he had never felt this guilty.

"It's ok hanseok, I'm sorry for hurting you but whatever you did was really wrong. You can't fix everything, you can't bring back the time, you can't bring back the lives. But you can try to be a better person" he pressed he's lips and clinched he's eyes to stop crying.

"Feeling guilt is a big thing, you're not a heartless monster anymore, you're a human again hanseok, I'm proud of you"

Those words 'I'm proud of you' he always wanted to hear them but no one said it, no one hugged him. No one made him feel like home until, today.

So this is how it feels to have a home? He found home in her, a feeling of love, a feeling of safety, a feeling of care.

He doesn't know anything else but he is sure about one thing, he is in love with her and he'll never let her go of her, he wants to forever be with her even in her shadows he finds he's happiness. Letting her go will be like destroying he's own home and he is not stupid to do something like that.

Suddenly the clock made a loud noise, both looked at the clock.

"Marry Christmas, jang hanseok" she said while smiling at him. He looked up at her while wrapping he's hands around her "Marry Christmas, Love"

Both looked at each other and leaned closer but before he could kiss her she placed her hand over he's lips. He looked at her but she ended up laughing, he's pouty lips and teary eyed looked so adorable yet funny. He frowned "Why are you laughing?"

she stopped laughing and wiped he's tears with her both thumbs "No reason" she quickly stood up "Wait here! I'll be back" she quickly ran upstairs. He smiled and watched her running upstairs.

After few seconds she rushed downstairs with loud speaker box. He looked at her in confusion. She placed it on the desk and connected her phone through bluetooth.

"Wanna dance?" she asked while smiling wildly her squishy eyes looked so pretty when she smiles.

She held a hand out for him. He smiled back and held it. She suddenly dragged him out of the house. He chuckled, she wants to dance under the snow fall.

She gasped as she looked around, the ground was covered in snow, her eyes were sparkling while looking at the snowy place. He wanted the time to stop,her happy face was something he can admire for hours, months, weeks, years. He can never get tired of that.

Happiness was all he felt. She pulled him closer and started, they both started dancing with the rhythm of the song.

♪It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas♪

Both couldn't hold in their laughs, he couldn't dance well neither she could.
It's like two idiots trying to dance.

He placed her hands on top of he's shoulders and he placed he's in the back of her waist.

Both were dancing slowly while the beautiful song was making everything more beautiful.

"Everywhere you go" he sang while the song was playing in the background. She smiled

"Take a look at the five and ten" she sang while moving their bodies with the rhythm of the song

"it's glistening once again" he sang while pulling her closer.

"With candy canes and silver lanes that glow" both chuckled while singing.

Than both started humming and dancing around.

This Christmas is definitely going to be a memorable day. Everything is perfect, the way both were laughing and enjoying says how much they're in love with each other.

Nothing really mattered to them when the music was in the background, love in their heart and eyes, humming and singing along.

Both were happy.

Snow fall was happening, night was cold, sparky eyes, snowy place. Everything seemed perfect like a movie. A happy Christmas movie where there's nothing other than happiness and love.


I'm actually happy for hanseok
At least he changed for her.
Even a heartless psychopath
like him changed for her, if this
isn't a wholesome idk what is
(´ ▽`).。o♡


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