he's truth.

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I was wearing a light blue dress and my hair was open and a bit curled, my hair is naturally curled so I had to do nothing much just fix it. I don't do much makeup, I just used lip tint and gloss over it and that's it.

"Mmm I'm on my way" I said while walking towards the door. As soon as I opened I saw a man in suit standing infrot of a long black car "I guess you saw the car? It's my uncle's car so get in and the guy will take you here" I smiled "Ok!" I said while getting inside the car as the driver started the car.

Jang hanseok's pov.

I was humming while cooking her favorite chicken dish, I want her to see me as perfect guy. I want to tell her my serect about who I really am. But will she be scared? What if she runs away!? Or tell vincenzo and everyone? Ah... Best idea I just got.

I took out sleeping pills from the kitchen drawer and mixed few pills in the red wine. "You'll be fine" I mumbled while tapping on the glass and shaking it a bit so the pills will be perfectly mixed, I was wearing a blue shirt and dark blue jeans. As I was smiling while fixing my hair I heard doorbell, I quickly fixed my curly hair and rushed towards the door, I was really excited since finally she is visiting my house, it's exciting.

As soon as I opened the door my eyes widened, she looked like angel, we were wearing matching clothes, what a coincidence. Her dress, hair everything was perfect and on top of it her cherry red lips and a soft, heart warming smile. "C-come inside!" I shuttered without even realizing "You look good" she said while smiling and looking at me "You're looking breathtaking too" I said while walking towards the table with her "Here" I said while pulling the chair out for her "Sit" she sat while looking at the table amazed.

"Wow, I didn't knew you can cook!" she said while grinning. "When it comes to you than yes" i said while sitting beside her "This looks delicious!" she said while smiling "Eat" i said while smiling "But about the chairm-" before she could finish i cut her off by "first at least take a bite and tell me how it is! I worked hard on this you know" i said pouting to make her distract "It's not like I'm running away you know" i added.

I leaned my head on her shoulder "Alright chef" she chuckled while grabbing the fork and knife, she picked a piece of chicken after cutting it and lifted up towards her mouth, as she opened her mouth she took a bite while squishing her eyes "Mmm! This is tasty!" she said while looking at me

smiled wildly "Ain't you going to eat?" she asked, "Ah, yea!" i said while nodding and I took a bite too "So, tell m-" again she tried to ask but I stooped her "Wait!" i rushed upstairs.

Her pov.

"Why is he ignoring my question? Something feels off" i mumbled while looking at him rushing upstairs like a clumsy puppy, he really is adorable but definitely a bit weird with that curly hairstyle. He looked better with slicked Back hair, but he looked a bit different like he's vibe was different with slicked Back hair. Confident,hot,smirt that's the way he looked with slicked back hair but with curly hair he looked dorky, dumb, sweet. How weird.

As I was thinking he rushed downstairs with he's phone and a bluetooth speaker. "Without a song the dinner seems very dull" he said while smirking and connecting he's phone than he played a slow song. "Wanna dance?" he asked while walking towards me, he held he's hand out to hold mine "Ah, stop being silly let's eat first" i said while shaking my hand "Just one dance?" he said while leaning he's head lower. I was flushed, I could feel my cheeks burning. I slightly lifted my hand up and held he's as he grabbed my hand and slowly stood me up, he clicked he's fingers as the lights switched off and some purple lights switched on.

The hall room looked so pretty like a dance floor, the glass floor made everything looked more pretty "Wow, what's all this joon woo" i said while chuckling "I prepared this for you, hope you like it?" he asked while smiling, I smiled with pressed lips while glazing down because he looked way adorable with lights like this "Yea, I love it" he held my hand and placed it on he's shoulder while he held another hand of mine on he's.

He softly placed he's hand on my waist and we started dancing with the rhythm of the music, it was really beautiful. Our eyes were connected as we were smiling wildly. Suddenly he brought he's face closer to mine as I closed my eyes, before anything could happen my phone ringed, I picked up and it was cha young "Hey, what happened!?" i asked as I heard so much noise "Police arrested me again!" she yelled through the phone "Huh!? Why?" i asked "Because that bloody chairman got me arrested for some stupid reasons! Vincenzo needs your help too to get me out" she said "Jeez, I'll be there soon!" i said "No, go to vincenzo's house." she said as the phone ended.

I screamed while pushing my hair back "W-what happened!?" jang joon woo said in corner "That bloody chairman got cha young arrested again! Can you believe this!?" i yelled while clenching my fist "Just wait until I find who it is! I'll rip he's throat out" i yelled as he flinched, I realized he got startled so I took a deep breath "I'm sorry, I just can't control my anger sometimes. I'll go, I'll call you later" i said while walking back towards the chair and picked up my bag. As I turned around he hugged me tightly "It's ok, if you want any help let me know" he said. I nodded "Thanks joon woo, I'll get going now" i said as he let go of me, I rushed out.

Jang hanseok's pov.

"Fuck!" i yelled as I watched her ran out "I thought of so much but this jang hanseo ruined everything! I told him not to do something stupid but look"

Oops, he's perfect plan failed miserably, now what he'll do
With our lovely jang hanseo?
Will she find out?

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