falling harder?

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As so yeon was tapping her hells on the ground someone called her name from the back "It was unexpected" jang hanseok said while smiling. She smirked.

Few minutes later.

"Where are we going?" he asked while following her. "Somewhere" she mumbled. As they reached it's a boxing place "W-why are we here?" he asked "To see how strong you're" he stopped in he's steps and looked at her with wide eyes "What!?" she smirked but turned around with her cutest smile.

She placed her hand on he's chest softly making him shock and blush "I just wanted to see how you can do boxing but it's totally fine if you don't want t-" before she could finish he placed he's hand on top of her hand which was on he's chest "I'll only for you but if I win, in return what will I get?" he asked while smirking. She smirked "A kiss I guess, but if you don't win than?" she asked while tilting her head.

"I'll do as you say for a day" she chuckled while smiling because that's gonna be fun, no way he'll win because the plan she made will end him up terribly injured.

As he walked in the boxing stage he smirked and looked at her while mouthing "I'll win easily" she nodded than pointed her head on the other way. As he turned he's smirk fell apart.

The guy who was on the opposite was muscular and big as heck, meanwhile jang hanseok was skinny af. He gulped and looked towards her with a fear. She smiled with her squishy cheeks and lifted her thumbs up "All the best babe!"

He awkwardly smiled and nodded.

As they both started boxing jang hanseok was the only one getting punches. She felt a bit bad but after everything he did he deserved it.

Suddenly the guy punched him so hard jang hanseok ended up fainting, she gasped loudly because all she wanted was to get him beaten up. She rushed towards him and got inside the stage, she told the other guy to stop.

She started panicking because what if he does? She started calling him but he just stayed like that. She poured the water on he's face which made him gasp loudly. He started coughing, she noticed how badly he got punches, he's forehead and cheeks were bleeding and bruised. She knew he deserves it but why does her heart aches while looking at him like that.

She grabbed him by he's shoulders and hugged him making him flinch, he never expected she would ever hug him. He started coughing while smiling and looking at her.


"Really!?" jang hanseok chuckled "She is so adorable, she wants me to get injured but didn't knew that the guy who was about to meet me in the boxing stage is actually a person I know." I said with a smirk.

"She doesn't know how my love is, if getting me smashed will make her happy than I'll gladly get beaten up. I know deep down she loves me, If she really does than she'd save me" he mumbled while smiling.

Flashback ends.

"Let's quit" she said while cupping he's face, he shook he's head "I want you to see me win" she bit her lower lip while stressing out but jang hanseok placed he's hand on her cheek "Baby I'll be totally fine, just go and watch me win" she pressed her lips in disappointment "No! Just let's go" he chuckled while grunting in pain "Not yet" as he stood up to fight again she got terrified, he'll end up dead because of her.

As the guy rushed towards jang hanseok to punch he douched it and punched him, her eyes widened because that was totally unexpected. They keep on fighting but finally the other guy lost and fell down, jang hanseok really won. It doesn't even seem possible but the fact he won surprised her.

As he got out of the stage she rushed towards him and pulled him in a hug. She couldn't help but her eyes got a bit teary by the thought he did this for her. He really loved her. But she can't just let everything get destroyed because of her love.

He was smirking at the thought that since he won he'll get a kiss by her, that's literally the best thing that can happen after getting punched by that dinosaur kinda guy.

He suddenly pulled back from the hug which made her confused, as he was lowering he's head for a kiss she placed her finger on he's lips. "Hey, at least get fixed before that! You're injured" he smirked and nodded. She quickly rushed towards the medicine room while he followed her.

As she grabbed all the medicine she took a deep breath, as she turned her head bumped into someone, as she looked up it was jang hanseok smirking "Stop being a weirdo and come here" as she was about to move away he held her wrist and turned her around while pinning her against the wall "You can't just break your promise" she rolled her eyes 'When did I? First at least get fixed!" she placed her both hands on he's chest and moved him away while he laughed and wiped the blood that was coming from near the lips with the back of he's hand  hand, he sat as she crouched down. She started wiping the blood and applying medicine on it.

After everything she placed the things back. She turned around to see him smiling at her, she thought to herself that why does she ends up getting into situations like this, it's not that she didn't wanted to kiss but the fact he is a psychopath is terrifying, the more she cares about him the more he'll get a obsessed with her.

She quickly rushed out making jang hanseok's jaw drop "Yaaa! You promised me!" he yelled but he's body hurted because of the fight "Fuck! Should have told that dinosaur to fake the fight, I could have actually dead if it wisn't for her." he mumbled under he's breath while clenching he's teeth.

"At least for now I got hug even if I had to pay price for it, was worth." he said while smiling.

Her pov.

I texted him that I need to go somewhere argent so she'll give him the price of he's fight tomorrow, she'll try staying away from him even tho it might be hard.

Why was he so cute and hot!? If only he wasn't a psychopath than she would have happily kissed him. Her cheeks were getting all red when he pinned her against the wall but she pulled that off with a eye roll.


Can she resist he's charms?
Or will she fall harder for him?

Hope you guys are enjoying this far?
Comment your thoughts and vote, it really motivates me! I would really appreciate it. ^_^

And for the Smut lovers 💀
Look I'm not really good with these
because ones I tried I got so
embarrassed that I ended up deleting
the whole story idea lmfao😭

So basically I'll had little fluff etc
because Smut stuff isn't for me, no
wonder vincenzo author didn't add
Smut just like me ̄へ ̄

Anyways! Happy reading <33
Hope you enjoy.

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