"Never want to see you again"

707 29 2

At the police station.

Jang hanseok's pov.

As I was leaving with Miss.choi i heard hand clapping from front "Wow, you're leaving already, Mr. Chairman?" cha young said while walking towards us, i was so exhausted and worried now I'll have to deal with all this "cha-y-" before I could finish Miss. Choi butted in "of course, mr.jang is a victim of attempted murder." she walked towards cha young "there's no reason at all for him to be kept here." cha young glared at me "cha young, there must be a misunderstandin-" she suddenly slapped me, making me clench my fist, how dare she slap me? As I turned my head around she slapped me again when suddenly miss. Choi dragged her away from me. I would have slapped her back if she didn't got dragged away I swear-
I moved a bit forward with clenched teeths

"Are you crazy!? What are you doing?" miss. Choi yelled

"I think you're calling the wrong person crazy miss.choi" my heart stooped as I heard her voice. This can't be happening right? Right!?

*click, click* her heels were making loud noices in the empty hall, as she walked out from behind the wall my clenched fist lossend. She stood beside cha young and held miss choi's hand than twisted it around while moving her hand away, the cracking noises coming from miss.choi's arm made me flinch back in terror "At this age you should be careful with your bones miss. Choi, who knows when they'll crack and might end up breaking?" she said while looking at her with deadly eyes, her focus moved on me as she started walking towards me as I gulped and stood there "S-so yeon, hear me out!" i tried explaining, as I grabbed her arms "i have no idea what's  going on!" i said while looking at her with fake scared expressions.

"You really don't or do you? Jang jo-, Aishhh" she said while scoffing "Jang hanseok" i tightend my grip on her arms, she looked at my hands and than back at me "this grip won't do shit you psychopath" she said while pushing me away and slapping me hard. I turned around in anger "Why don't you trust me!?" i yelled while grabbing her arms and shaking her, she laughed "Trust? You think that word is a joke?" i bit my inside cheek, before I could say anything else she pushed her long open hair back and licked her lips and said "Fine, let's say for you it's not a big deal for a person to fool another"

"You had your fun, I feel like shit" she added while stepping closer "And we'll never see each other again, let's go back to the time when we both were nothing but strangers to each other" as she was about to walk pass me, she stepped back and stood were she was standing "But you know what? This is on another level, you brutally murdered innocent people and shamelessly put on a act"

"Without feeling any guilt about killing them, that means you're less than a human and creatures like you doesn't deserve to live"

"Understood?" she added while scoffing, hitting my shoulder she walked pass me while cha young gritted her teeth at me and followed her. I didn't knew what to do to fix everything so I yelled while turning around "So-yeon! I'm innocent, I swear, so please don't say that" i said while pointing and sadly looking at her, she suddenly stopped and flipped around, she started rushing towards me while lifting her bag up to hit me "I'll smack all of your act out of your damn system you jerk!" before she could hit me cha young grabbed her by her waist "Hey, don't" cha young said while looking at her "Move" so-yeon said with anger in her eyes which made cha young realize she might actually get angry on her so she let her go, so yeon looked straight at me while walking towards me. I gulped and I saw the anger in her eyes, why was I so nervous? She grabbed my collar and pulled me towards her "I trusted you, I thought we had something special but who am I kidding? You're nothing but a heartless monster who might actually eat me up when he has nothing else left" she said through her gritted teeth, "I would never hurt you so-yeon, I never thought I'll tell you in a situation like this but I think I'm falling for you" she clenched my collar and suddenly pushed me away "I feel disgusted even standing near you, near a heartless, monsterus, psychopath" she turned around and walked away as I watched her leave.

I was really angry because of all the harsh words she said but than again she wisn't even wrong, I maybe am a monster, a psychopath, jang hanseok but for her I'm ready to spend my life as jang joon woo, a dumb, dorky, lovely guy who runs around her. I need to do something to win her back, she'll hate me but I won't just give up.

Next day.
Third person's pov.

"So-yeon, come eat something! You haven't ate anything since yesterday" cha young yelled while knocking on the door. "I'm not hungry, I'll take a nap" so yeon said from inside in a low voice, she has been avoiding everyone after what happened. For a moment everything felt real, the time she spend and the love she felt but than than dream broken and she woke up to reality. The harsh reality where she never wanted to wake up

Her phone has been ringing since yesterday but she has no energy to look at it, she has been strong for too long that's why she is falling apart now. She had enough trust issues and now this joke happened with her life.

Jang hanseok's pov.

Why do I feel so empty? I never felt something like this but than again I'm a psychopath who doesn't feel anything. Having her by my side was fun, the voice of hers, laugh, sing. Everything about her was hunting me. her beautiful face, her eyes, her soft lips, her hair.

Why was I so miserable without her it's been just a day without her and it's already shitty for me.

I walked up to the fridge and took a bottle out and drunk than decided to take a bath. As I sat on the bathtub, I slowly leaned back and closed my eyes, her smiling face was infrot of me when I come my eyes but suddenly I started feeling weird, I was feeling way sleepy. I looked around and I felt like I'm slowly drowning. I tried reaching for the phone but suddenly my eyes got havy and I could feel that I'm drowning inside the bathtub.

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