Chapter 23- Attachment Issues

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How am I just-
Not from this universe??"
You were doing your best to stay calm, though it proved to be difficult with all these confusing thoughts and emotions welling up inside.

"i know it's hard to believe, really, but that's all there is to it."
Sans tried to help you, visibly sweating a little as he shifted a little uncomfortably on his feet.

"I-I can't imagine h-how you must feel right n-now but if you'd l-like, we can f-figure out where you're fr-from and possibly if we c-can get you back?"
Alphys gave an attempt too, still working on the machine as she did so and assuming from what she offered, she was looking for more information on where you came from.

Pondering over it for a moment, you hoped that would help as you gave her a nod and worked on slowing your breathing.

"Sounds good Alphys...thank you for offering to look."
Geez, what a day. No memories and now you knew you didn't even belong here.

"would you, uh, like some water or something?"
Sans once again attempted to help you out, though this time you were much more open to is help, calming down a little.

"Yeah actually, that would be nice, thank you."
After you gave him your best smile, he responded with a nod and left the room. After a moment of silence, Alphys started talking again before the quiet got too uncomfortable.

"Y-You know, I could possibly look into wh-where you came f-from a little more i-if you'd like? Depending on the r-results, maybe we could even g-get you back."
She had her claws hovered over more keys on the machine, awaiting your response.

"I don't see why not. Hopefully something good comes from it."
While that was definitely a hope of yours, more questions came up because of it.

How had you ended up here? Why? Was your memory loss related to this whole thing?
The more you thought about it, the more it started giving you a headache.
Did you even want to go home since you couldn't remember anything?

No, you had to go home if you could.
While the monsters here were nice and welcoming to you, it would be selfish if you stayed here with the knowledge that you belonged to a whole different universe.

For all you could guess, you might even have family and friends back home.
Surely someone was missing you if that were to be true.

However, when Sans returned with some water, it was enough to bring you back from your thoughts.

The short skeleton walked over to Alphys's side after you thanked him and started drinking from the glass.
The water was so refreshing, it honestly surprised you.

After a small moment, you noticed Sans and Alphys quietly mumbling to each other. You tried to listen in, hoping to catch something, but they were pretty good at keeping their voices down.
After a few seconds, you let out a sigh and spoke.

"Is it alright if I step out for some air and to think over all this?"
You asked almost too quietly, a kind of weight settling on your shoulder.

"uh, sure buddy, want me to lead ya back upstairs?"
Sans looked away from Alphys, a slightly worried expression on his face as he offered to walk you back.

"Uhm, no thanks, I think I remember the way back."
While your appreciated his offered, you wanted all the time to think by yourself as you could get.

A couple reassurances later, you were walking through the dim halls hopefully towards where the elevator to get back up was. The silence was a tad bit eerie but you ignored it the best you could.
You had so much to think about still.

Sans and Alphys were doing their best to keep really quiet over whatever they were talking about and given the current focus, it was probably about where you came from.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now